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How To Flashing good one k500
hey everyone. i'm brian,with thanks, as always, for joining mehere in my virtual coffee shop brought to you in today's video i'm going tobe giving you an overview of the keurig platinum b78single serve brewer. this is an upgrade of the machinethat we've talked about many times in the past,which was the keurig b70. sort of the cadillac of all of thekeurig k-cup single serve brewers, so this is the upgrade of thatmachine, some new features.
we're going to talk aboutthose features and, of course, tell you how you can brewwith this machine, and show youall the ins and outs. so let's dive in and talk about the keurig b78single serve platinum brewer. let's talk about what'sin the box with the keurig b78. i've got the boxright here, of course. you get the b78 with its72 ounce removable water tank. a pretty good-sizedwater tank on this machine.
you also get a starter packof 12 k-cups. it will give you a bit of variety to dive in and startexploring single serve coffee. and finally you have,of course, your documentation. it's just going to give you theinformation that you need on your machine to helpyou to get to know it. let's tell you about the features so that you can get to know thismachine yourself here on our video. let's talk about the features on thekeurig b78 platinum brewer.
we'll start the bottom,as we always do. you've got a removable tray. this what pretty much every singlekeurig machine has. this is going to let you use larger tumblers for brewingin larger cups on the machine. moving up, we haveour brew basket. it's's the same brew basket that we're used to seeingin all the keurig machines. it has the two needles thatpuncture your k-cup
and get you ready for brewing. we have the water tank, of course. the water tank is 72 ounces,as i say, and real easy to fill up because it has this little dooron the front of it, so you don't even need to remove it,but you're going want to remove it if you're to clean itor something like. but you can just flip thatdoor up in order to fill it, and because it's 72 ounces, you're not going to have to haveto fill it as often, which is good.
as we move up, we're goingto see all of the buttons that are on theface of the machine. and we have the brew button,the menu button and then we have thesetwo selection buttons on either side of the menu button, that's going to let us makeselections on the lcd screen. let's go ahead and zoomin a little bit and we'll show you the screen in-depth. now the screen on the b78 isdefinitely going to give you
the most information of anyof the keurig machines when it comes tooperating the machine. it's going to give you themost options as well. it's going to have a clock,which is useful, of course for being able to set theon/off times on the machine. it's also going to tell you whenthe machine is ready to brew or when it's heatingor needs to be cleaned and various functions such as that. if we press the menu button,we're going to enter the edit
for this screen right here. this is where we can change the time,of course, we can set the clock. now this is also wherewe can set the auto off and the on/off timeoptions for the machine. and then you're going to see asyou continue to press that button, you're going to find the brewtemperature setting. and this is easy to change, as areall the functions on this screen, by simply making use of theseplus and minus keys here. so we can bring our brewtemperature down to 187 degrees.
we can go to a maximumof 192 degrees. and after you've made thatsetting you can just simply press the menu button again. when we get to the bottom sectionhere, which is the set brew size, we're going to see a number ofblinking lights right here for each of the different brewsizes that we have available to us on the machine. now the smallest is a 4 ounce, then we have a 6 an 8, a 10and a 12 ounce cup size.
so what this lets us do isset the default cup size that we want to brew withon the machine. so if you're just looking to usethis machine really quickly, you can set the cup size thatyou typically like to use by just simply selecting it. and when that cup size thatyou want to use is blinking, just press menu again, themachine is was going to go back into its ready-to-brew mode,and now you can start brewing using the keurig b78.
alright, let's brew some coffeeusing the b78. it's real simple to do. we're just going to pop openour brew basket, pop in a k-cup, close it up, puncture that k-cup,add a mug, and now immediately i can start brewing using thedefault brew size that i previously choseto use on the machine. hit the brew button and it'sgoing to go into its brew process. now let's also talk aboutwhat's new on this machine, because obviously as i said,this is the updated version
of the keurig b70, and you'reprobably saying well this looks about the same brian,and it kind of does, but the thing that is differenthere, the most notable difference is definitely the water tank, because it's 72 ounces,it's a little bit bigger i noticed that this one actuallysticks out over the edge right here because it's such a large tank. so this is an improvementover the b70. there's also, as keurig says,an enhanced brewing technology
used in this machine which issupposed to give you a better brew in your cup. it's supposed to keep more ofthe oxygen out of the brew process, which gives you more flavorin your coffee. i've found that i think that theflavor is improved a little bit. i would need to compareside by side multiple times in order to really decide. but keurig states that there is enhanced brewing technologyin this machine.
and one would think that withan upgrade of the machine, that they would definitely improveupon some of the pressure system and how the machinebrews a k-cup. and of course, with the b78,as with the b70, you can make temperaturesettings on the machine. let's see what we just got out ofthis brew that we just did here. now we set our brew temperatureat just about 191 degrees is what we weregoing for with the machine. and you can see i'm coming upon about 170 degrees right here.
so that's much lower thanwhat i set on the machine. and i will say that in my own tests, and we're going a little bitabove 170, so that's good. but in my own tests, i haven'treally seen a 190 degree coffee come out of this machineor the b70. so that may vary from machineto machine and depending on how many cupsyou are making at home. i mean 170 degrees is stillplenty hot, i'll tell you that. if you like your coffee superblyhot, you know, you might be
expecting a little too much from timeto time from a single serve machine. but you're still getting agood hot brew out of this machine. and you see how quickly it brewed, which is another great thingabout the keurig machines is how quickly they canmake a cup of coffee. because you have that water reservoirand the machine is constantly keeping water hot, it's reallyeasy to just brew a cup and then move onto the next,and move on to the next. so you get that immediacywith a machine like the b78.
and then, of course,cleanup is super simple. simply just open up the brew basket,take out your spent k-cup, put it to the sideand you're all done. so that's how easy it is to brew,and those are the newer features on the b78, as i say,not a whole lot of change here but definitely maybe a little bitwith respect to the coffee itself. in fact, let's taste that, and it is quite hot,i'll tell you that. it tastes great.
it doesn't taste like plastic,which is nice, because i find that sometimes with single servemachines, and that just puts you off your cup of coffee immediately. so overall, really easy to operate and it has a couple newfeatures added onto the b78. pricing on the keurig b78 isabout $180 suggested retail price. you may find a different price,and you can get a different price if you are part of the keurigclub, their coffee club. you can get a different priceon the machine.
so that's something to keepin mind if you shop around. and of course, check us out to find some other ways that you can save money on machineslike this and on k-cups. about $180, pretty good forbeing able to get into a machine that really is very full-featured,and going to offer you a whole lot. because in addition to being able tobrew coffee, you can also brew hot tea. you can brew iced coffee,you can brew iced tea. and then you can use the hot water
from this machine to makea cup of noodles, oatmeals, and of course,just make hot water for maybe other beveragesand various things like that. and because of the immediacyyou get with the machine, it's going to bereally quick and easy. so for the price, i would saythat this is definitely an affordable machineand really worth it if you're going to dive intothe world of single serve brewing. so let's talk about the bottomline with this machine.
again, overall it offers a largerwater tank over its predecessor, which is good because you're notgoing to be filling that tank up all the time, especially ifyou're going to be brewing for having friends over, if youhave a large family, things like that. it's real easy to use. you can brew just about anytumbler size by taking out that tray. you can brew any k-cup, and ofcourse you can brew your own coffee by making the use of a brew-your-ownoption such as the ekobrew or the my k-cup optionfor the machine.
the operation is very, very simple,and because of that lcd screen you're going to get insight into allthe operations of this machine, including being able toset your temperature, and your desired default cup size, and all the various functionsof this machine. they're really not offered onall the machines that come below it. so the b78, very full-featured,pretty good entry level price i think, and a great way to dive into theworld of single serve coffee overall. so there you go guys.
that's the keurig b78 platinumsingle serve brewer from keurig. an upgrade overits predecessor, the b70. make sure and check us out to find more videos aboutthis machine and many other singleserve coffee machines. and as always guys, thank youfor joining me here in my virtual coffee shopbrought to you by as always, enjoy your cupand i'll see you next time. take care.
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