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How To Flashing karbonn a3 star
leo zhadanovsky: hi, everyone. i'm leo zhadanovsky. i'm a solutions architectat amazon web services. and i'm going to talk to you todayabout what amazon web services is, its history, a brief overviewof the services that we offer. and also i'll do a live demo ofhow to launch a lamp stack in aws both on a single instance andthrough using some of our other [? managed ?] services, suchas our relational database service, and our loadbalancers, and our instances.
>> so first of all, let'stalk about aws history. so how did get intothis cloud computing business? well, amazon's really good atproviding a big selection of products and shipping those tocustomers efficiently. and behind that capabilitylies years of experience with operating data centers, withlogistics, with all kinds of things. and so we discoveredover 10 years that we wanted to enable our customers todo a lot of different things, right? >> so we ended offering some internalservices up to third-party sellers.
as we published simple web servicessuch as our catalog search. and it became reallyapparent really fast that developers were hungryfor more of our services. and so this led us to develop aws. so we asked what if wecould package everything we do and offer it toothers over the web? >> so the aws mission is to enablebusinesses and developers to use web services to buildscalable sophisticated applications. and web services is whatpeople now call the cloud.
so in 2006, aws was born. and let's talk aboutwhat aws actually is. >> so we provide differentservices at different tiers. so we have kind of our core services,our compute storage and database. and then we also havea networking layer, and we've got a globalinfrastructure, so we've got regions around the world andavailability zones around the world. and then we've gothigher level services, like application services thatyou use to build horizontally
scalable applications. and then we've got deploymentand administration services. so these are services that youuse to deploy your code in the aws and to administrate youraws account as it scales. >> so let's talk about ourglobal infrastructure first. we have 11 regions around the world. so we just added a new regiona few weeks ago in frankfurt, but each region islike a separate cloud. so these services i'mgoing to talk about, they
exist in the different regions. so in the us, there's aregion in northern virginia. there's a region in northcalifornia and in oregon. >> the region in oregonis also carbon neutral. we also have a region inoregon called govcloud. so if you have a workload that needsto be itar compliant, so that's international traffic and arms reductiontreaty, you should use govcloud. >> so the important thingabout this is that you pick and choose where your datagoes and where your apps go.
so we don't move your data acrossregions, or across availability zones if it's a service where you canchoose the availability zone. you can pick and choose where it goes. you can move it. we give you tools to move yourdata, but we won't move it for you. >> and so within each region there'sat least two availability zones, and we'll talk about whatthose are in a second. and there's also 52 edgelocations around the world. so edge locations are basically for ourcloudfront, [? cloud ?] distribution
network, and our route 53 dns service. and so there's a lot of thembecause they're closer to the users, because those arelatency-based services. so latency matters for them. >> so this is what a typicalregion looks like. and then [? within ?]each region there's, like i said, at leasttwo availability zones. an availability zone isat least one data center, sometimes it can be more withinthe same geographic area.
and our availability zones are designedto be on different floodplains, fault plains to have distinct powerutilities and different tier 1 isps. so you should design yourapplication [? mind ?] where something can happenin one availability zone, but so you should spread out yourapplication in multiple availability zones because they're builtwith these redundancies in mind. >> and so we power a lot ofbusinesses that you recognize. so from airbnb, to netflix,to dropbox, to yelp, we have all kinds of startups andenterprises that run workloads on us.
in the public sector, we've gotall kinds of government agencies that run on us, edtechstartups, universities. the obama campaign ran basically allof their stuff on amazon web services. >> and just to give you a perspectiveon our scaling, on an average day we had enough new servercapacity to support's global infrastructurewhen it was a $7 billion business back in 2004. so that's how much wehad on an average day. >> so the general concept is if youthink about how do you get power.
so you get power, it's on demand, right? so you know when you're gettingit, you know you can get it. it's uniform, so you knowwhat voltage you're getting. it's pay as you go, so you payfor exactly how much you use. and it's available. so you plug in, you knowyou're gonna get power. so we've taken that andextended it to computing. >> so this solves a lot of problems. we typically see a lotof it organizations.
they have this capacity problem. so they have certain amountsof it needs, and then they have to over-provision their capacity. so either they're way over-provisioning,or they don't have enough capacity, and they have unsatisfied customers. >> so for example, these aredifferent patterns of traffic. so whether you have thingsthat turn on and off, or grow fast, or have variable peaksor predictable peaks, for all these, you're either going toover-provision typically,
or you're going to under-provision. so you either have waste, oryou have unhappy customers. >> so what aws allows you to do is youcan scale up and down dynamically based on what youractual usage pattern is. so you can pay just for what you use. and you can launchinstances, so instance is our word for virtual server. you can launch oneinstance, you can launch thousands of instances in minutes orseconds, just as much as you need.
and you can dial it upand down as required. so let me talk to you about anexample that's kind of close to home. so this is a typical trafficchart for november for and the last two peaks here,does anyone know what they are? so they're-- >> audience: cyber monday? >> leo zhadanovsky: cyber mondayand black friday, right? so traditionally, what hadto do was they had to provision capacity to cover those two peaks.
so as a result, 76% of the time,they had too much capacity. and only 24% of the timewere they fully utilizing it. and so in 2010 turnedoff its last physical web server and moved it to aws. so this is what the trafficpattern looks like now. the capacity is just abovewhat's actually needed. >> so why do we see customers adoptingcloud computing in aws so quickly? well, agility. so that's the primaryreason that we see.
why is agility important? well, it allows customers todo things that in the old world took weeks or months to dothem in minutes or seconds. so you can do things like spin up awhole new dev or test environment, spin up a whole new drenvironment, spin up 50 instances, or 1,000instances for peak traffic, remove those 1,000 instances, setup an hpc cluster, or a gs cluster, and you can do thatall in minutes on aws. >> so what this leads to isa culture of innovation.
so you can experiment often. you can pay only for what you useand you can fail without risk. so if you try something out, you'vepaid for a few hours of usage. it's not a big deal. you haven't put a big capitalinvestment up front for that. >> so what are customersactually using aws for? well, so the university of notre dame,they moved their website over to aws. they have an average of about 38,000visitors per day to their site, but it can swell to 150,000 duringsporting events and football games.
so they moved their website over to us. and now their website can supporta 500% increase in traffic, all the while they've saved40% over their existing on-premise setup for their website. >> nasa jpl, they use aws to live streamthe curiosity mars rover landing. and so they found outonly six days in advance that they needed tofind another provider from their regular providerfor their live stream. this was also the sametime as the olympics.
so they couldn't buy cdmcapacity anywhere at the time. and so they basically set uptheir own content delivery network on our ec2 service in six days. and they were able to haveit scale up to their needs. they were, i think, envisioningabout a million viewers. so it was a really interestingtechnical feed they used, adobe flash media serversand [? internet ?] caches. and they were able to deploy wholeclusters of these programmatically as needed.
and then they spun them down whenthey didn't use them anymore. >> the obama campaign in 2012 usedaws for over 200 applications that they hosted on the platform. they had everything ranging fromcall tools, to payment processors, to mobile applications, tovolunteer organization websites, to big data analytics tools. and everything had towork on election day. so to move election day wouldrequire a constitutional amendment, so that wasn't going to happen.
so all their systems were goingto have to work on day one. and they did. >> so let's talk about the actual services. so first the networking services. so amazon vpc is thevirtual private cloud. it is basically asoftware-defined network that lives on top of your ec2 instances,and your rds, which we'll talk about, and elasticache. >> and so you can define a privateaddress space for your instances.
you can break that up intopublic subnets, private subnets. you can do vpn connections toyour on-premise data center. you can then also extend youron-premise address space to the vpc. you have power to manipulate the routetable so you can customize things. you have network accesscontrol lists in the vpc. [? so it ?] gives youa lot of flexibility over what you have running in aws. >> then there's aws directconnect. so directconnect is a privateconnection to our regions.
so you can get a one or a 10 giglink or multiple one or 10 gig links up to a region. so if you are uploading a lot ofdata or downloading a lot of data and need private connectivity,that's an option there. >> there's also route 53. so route 53 is our dns service. it does all kinds of interesting things. so it supports health checks. so you can, say, run two copiesof your website at the same time.
and if one of them fails, youredirect traffic to the other copy. >> or you can do geography-based recordsso you can route traffic for one country to one cluster from anothercountry to another cluster. you can do a/b testing, so youcan have 80% of your traffic to one copy of your website and20% to the new copy of your website and see which one performs better. so you can do all kinds ofinteresting things there. you can do latency based records. so you can have copies of yourwebsite all over the world
and have the user sent to whicheverone's closest to them based on latency. it also has deep integrationwith aws services, so such as our load balancers,and s3, and cloudfront, so it's really easy topoint things to cloudfront distributions for yourlbs or s3 buckets. >> then there's ec2. so ec2 is our virtual server service. you can run on windows. you can run linux on it.
you have full controlof the operating system. there's different flavors of windowsand linux, so red hat, debian, ubuntu. we have our own distributioncalled amazon linux. you can pick which one you want. >> there's different types of instances. so there's over 27 instancetypes at this point. so there's different instancefamilies based on different workloads. so there's generalpurpose instances, which are just, if you don't know whatyou need, you can start with those.
>> there's compute optimized, which aregreat for things like web servers, right? there's memory optimizedinstances, which are great for things likedate relational databases. there's storage-optimized instances,so these have big ssds on them. so they're great for thingslike mongo or nosql, right? >> and there's graphicsoptimized instances, which are great for gpucompute and cluster instances. and lastly there's costoptimized instances.
so if you're just tryingto experiment, you can get a bunch of low cost instancetypes that are great for that use case. then there's auto scaling. so auto scaling is an api for ec2. and it allows you to horizontally scaleup and down tiers of ec2 instances. so let's say you havea bunch of web servers. >> and, like in the notre dame case, younormally you need to have two of them, but you might have to scale for 10. well, you can use auto scalingto automatically trigger
scale up or down eventsbased on a metric. so [? cpu ?] usage, latency. you can do custom metrics, soit's pretty open ended there. >> you can also scale based on a schedule. so if you know that you're going to havea lot of traffic on monday at 6:00 am, you can scale up on monday at 6:00 amand scale down on monday at 5:00 pm. you can also do it based onjust command line commands. >> then there's elastic load balancing. so elastic load balancingis a managed load balancer.
so you click a button, itprovisions a load balancer for you. the load balancer lives inmultiple availability zones. it does ssl offloadingfor ports 25, 80, 443, and anything over 1024 for tcp traffic. >> it does connection draining,proxy protocol support. so it's a very featureful load balancer. and it's got integrationwith auto scaling. so when you're using auto scalingand you're scaling up and down, you can have your instancesautomatically join or leave
an elastic load balancer. >> so then there's our storage services. so the first one is amazonebs, or elastic block store. these are persistent volumes thatyou can mount to your ec2 instances. so you can snapshot them. so when snapshot an ebsvolume, it goes to s3, which we'll talk about in a second. there's three differenttypes of ebs volumes. >> there's magnetic ebs, which is just thesort of standard sort of magnetic disk.
it's the most economical option. then there's generalpurpose ssd, where we get three iops per gigabyte provision. so if you have one terabytevolume, you have 3,000 iops. and then there's provisioned iops. so provisioned iops is when youpay for how much disk space you use and how much iops capacity you need. so you can provision upto 4,000 iops per volume. >> so then there's the amazon s3.
the amazon s3 is our object store. so amazon s3, you can use itto store just any kind of data. you can use it to store staticwebsites and hose static websites. you can use s3 for backupsand archives in some use cases as your source and output bucket forbig data analytics, or transcoding. it also can be used as an originfor a cloudfront distribution. >> so s3's super powerful. s3's designed for 11lines of durability. so what that means is it can sustainthe loss of at least two data
centers at the same timewithout losing your data. you can do encryption on s3. so server set encryption, or serverset encryption with your key. so if you want to manage thekeys, you can do that as well. >> and there's glacier. so glacier is ourlong-term archival service. it is also designed for11 lines of durability, but it's for when you want to savesomething and forget about it, right? so whether for compliance or otherreasons you need to archive something,
you should use glacier. so glacier costs $0.01per gigabyte per month. and amazon s3 starts at$0.03 per gigabyte per month. so glacier is less expensive andglacier takes three to five hours to get your data back. so if that's ok, ifit's an archival case, then glacier's probably theright use case for that. >> then there's storage gateway. so the storage gatewayis a virtual machine
that you can run locallyin vmware, or hyper-v. it gives you an iscsi endpoint. you can then set upanother vm on top of that that exposes that iscsiendpoint with cifs or nfs. anything that goes into thatnetwork share and then gets backed up to amazon s3, or glacier,or ebs depending on how you set it up. so it's a easy way toget your data up to aws. >> so then there's our database services. so the first one is amazon rds.
so this is our relationaldatabase service. so this is a managed relationaldatabase [? for you. ?] it will support sql server, oracle,mysql, and postgres engines. >> it does automatic failover. so if you have themulti-az option enabled, it does synchronous block levelreplication across availability zones. and then if your primaryfails, it'll just automatically failover between them. it also, for the mysql engine, supportsread replicas within the same region
or across regions. and there's all kinds ofinteresting options there. so it'll do your backups for you. so it'll backup to s3. it'll do your patching for you as well. >> then there's dynamodb. dynamodb is our managed nosql service. for dynamo db it takes awayall the administrative burden of managing a nosql service for you.
so you just provisionthe table and you say how much read and writecapacity you want. and it will deliver that for you. so it's an extremelysimple service to use. then there's elasticache. so elasticache is ourmanaged caching service. it is basically a managedredis or elasticache. so again, you can provision a clusterof elasticache or redis instances and not have to worry about backups,or failover, or any of that stuff.
>> then we have our application services. so cloudfront is ourcontent delivery network and it lives on those edge locationsthat i talked about before. so cloudfront can be usedfor live video streaming, for on demand video streaming,and for just having a website, so hosting a website. so you can have website hostedon elastic load balancers, or instances, or s3 buckets,or just on-premise hardware. and you can put a cloudfrontdistribution in front of it.
it'll cache your content. it'll put it on the edge locations. and so when somebodygoes to your website they'll be hitting cloudfront, whichis going to probably closer to them than whatever the origin is. and it'll offload a lot ofthe load off the origin, thus both saving you money andgetting a better user experience. >> then there's amazon cloudsearch. so cloudsearch is amanaged search service.
so you send it your searchabledata and talk to it through an api, and it'll do search results for you. then there's the elastic transcoder. so it's a managed transcoding solution. you put your videos into an s3 bucket,tell it what to transcode into, what format and whatsize and everything. and it'll transcode it and putit into an s3 bucket for you. >> then there's our big data services. so we've got amazon emr,which is elastic map reduce.
so this is a hosted hadoop framework. so you can spin up a hadoop cluster fromone instance to hundreds of instances if you need. it's got deep integration ofs3, so as a file system for it you can use hdsf, which youtraditionally do with hadoop. or you can do s3 as the file system. >> it's got support forspot pricing, which is, on amazon, how you bidfor excess capacity. so it supports all that.
it supports common hadoop frameworkssuch as spark and shark and hive and pig. and we've seen over 5.5million emr clusters launched at this point on amazon. >> then we've got aws data pipeline. so data pipeline is aservice that will allow you to move data acrossour different data stores. so you can take something from s3, putit into rds, then do some emr on it, put it into redshift, which isour data warehousing appliance,
and then you can pull something outof an on premise, mysql instance. so there's all kinds ofthings you can do with that. >> then there's redshift. redshift is our manageddata warehouse appliance. it's meant to be petabyte scale, soyou can store lots of data on it. it's a massively parallel architecture. so you can have manynodes if you wanted to. and it does all the backups and allthe administrative stuff for you. and then there's kinesis.
kinesis is our real-timeprocessing service. so you can take some sourceof real-time streaming data, so say like the twitter firehose, or abunch of log data, send it to kinesis. kinesis handles all that for you. and then you can connectworkers to it to pull things out and, say, do a live dashboardor do live analytics on it. >> so then we have our deployment services. so aws opsworks is a devops framework. so you take your application,you break it up into layers.
so you've got your load balancerlayer, your web layer, your app layer, your database layer, and youprovision things on those layers based on chef recipes. chef is a configurationmanagement system. so it also supportslife cycle events and so if you don't want to manageyour own chef, right, if you want to have some kind ofprogrammatic way to deploy things onto your instances thisis one option for you. >> then we have elastic beanstalk.
so elastic beanstalk is a service thatallows you to-- say you're a developer. you have your code in a git repo. you don't want to have to worryabout deploying your own elbs or rds instances or regular ec2 instances. so what you do is you, from your code,just send it to elastic beanstalk. elastic beanstalk will provision rdsinstances and elbs and all that stuff for you and deploy your code onto them. so it makes it a loteasier for developers to deploy their code onto aws.
>> then there's cloudformation. so cloudformation is a service fortreating your infrastructure as code. so now that you have all thisstuff in your application, you've got your vpc, andyour security group rules, and your ec2 instances,and your rds instances. so you've got this wholearchitecture on aws. well, how do you programmaticallyspin that up or recreate it? you can write a json filethat represents all of that. and then you can[? take ?] that json file
and deploy yourinfrastructure off of it. so you can have an architecturewhere, every time you deploy code, it spins up a fresh copy of your wholearchitecture and then fails over to it. so you can also do this tohave a mutable infrastructure. >> then finally there's ouradministration services. so our administration servicesstart with amazon iam, so it's identity and access management. so that allows you tomanage your aws account so you can have subusers and groups and do
identity federationand all kinds of stuff. it's really important for security. >> then we have amazon cloudwatch,which is our metrics service. so it gives you cpu usageand all kinds of metrics. and you can do custommetrics, and [? you can do ?] auto scaling based on those metrics. >> and then we have cloudtrail. so cloudtrail is ourservice for auditing. so it will log api callsagainst amazon web services.
so who rebooted this instance? who changed this security group? and log them intonecessary buckets so you can see what happened inyour account and who did it. >> a new service that wehave is workspaces. so it's a desktop virtualization on aws. so you can provision aworkstation, a windows workstation, and it will then comeup in a few minutes. it'll be connected to your activedirectory, so with your users.
and you can easily rebuild it. you can easily provision a new one. there's different types withdifferent software on there. >> so now that we've gone througha lot of our services, let's do an actual live demo. so i'm going to switch overto my web browser here. so what i want to show youis how to quickly set up an ec2 instance with wordpress on it. and then we're goingto do the same thing,
but we're going to spin upan rds instance and an elb. so we'll do it just on the instance andwe'll break all the tiers out as well. >> so let's launch an ec2 instance. so the first thing whichi've already done here is you're going to wantto have a key pair. so a key pair allows you tolog into the actual instance. so you keep the privatepart of the key pair, and we put the publicpart onto the instance. and that's what allows you to log in.
so i've already imported my key pair,just my regular ssh key pair here. >> and so the other thingi'm going to do here is, i already have some instancesrunning, but i'll launch a new one. so i'm going to pick myoperating system here. so you can see i have a prettybig choice of operating system. so i'm just going to pickyour standard amazon linux. >> and i'm going to pick an instance type. and since this is aweb server, i'm going to do a c3.large because it'sprobably compute intensive.
so i'm going to pick a c3.large,and i'm going to launch one of them. i'm going to leave it inthe default vpc for now. i'm going to leave all this stuff alone. >> and i'm going to enablecloudwatch monitoring because cloudwatch detailedmonitoring changes cloudwatch monitoring from five-minuteresolution to one-minute resolution. so i want that with my web server here. and then i'm going to go to storage. so i want general purpose ssd on here.
8 gigs is probably enough for me,so i'm just going to keep that. i'm just going to labelit wordpress demo. so this is the tag so iknow what it actually is. and then i'm going toconfigure a security group. so a security group is likea firewall for the instance. so i'm going to use oneof my existing ones. so this security group, itenables ssh, so i can ssh into it. and it enables http. >> now, i'm going to want to lockdown that ssh a little bit more.
you don't want just anybodyfrom any ip address sshing in. so we'll do that after it launches. >> so i'm happy with allof this stuff here. and i'm going to launch. and then i'm going tochoose what key pair i want. so i'm going to choose thatkey pair that i updated before. >> so now that i'm waitingfor it to launch, let's go look at our security group. so we've got security groups here.
here's my securitygroup that i put it in. >> i'm going to just change this here. so let me make this alittle bit bigger here. so i want to change thisfrom anywhere to my ip. because that willautomatically pick up my ip address here and lockit down a little bit. >> and so while thatinstance is spinning up, let's spin up some stufffor our other instance where we're going to break outthe database and the load balancer
so that it can be ready for us. so the first thing i'm going to wantto do is spin up a load balancer. so i'm going to choosea load balancer here. and i'm going to call it wordpresselb. and i'm going to just-- alli want is port 80 in here. >> and for now for the healthcheck, i'm just going to do tcp. so if apache's running, it'll be good. and i'm going to lower the healthythreshold just so it becomes healthy pretty quickly.
then, again, this has a security group. so i've already made a securitygroup for this called wordpress elb. and it's basically just goingto accept traffic from port 80. and then i'm not going to addany instances to it for now. and i'm going to skip the tagging. and so we're going tocreate this elb right now. >> so created the load balancer. i'm also going to launchone more instance here, just for the web part of my wordpress.
so here we go. i'll just do the samething i did before. so c3.large, cloudwatchdetailed monitoring enabled. general purpose ssds. call this wordpress web. >> and i want to choose a-- i alreadyhave a security group for this. so this security group accepts trafficon port 80 from my wordpress elb security group, from the securitygroup from my load balancer, but also ssh, which again,we're going to lock down.
so i'm going to launch this. right. >> and then what i'm going to do next isi'm going to launch an rds instance. rds is going to be my database. so i'm going to go here. i'm going to go to rds. i'm going to launch a new instance. so i'm going to pick my engine. so here i have a choice of mysql,postgres, oracle, or sql server.
i want mysql. and so i'm going to say yes. >> so this is an option for multi-az. so multi-az, again, those replicationsis going to spin up two rds instances and do replication between them. and if i don't want that i can just havea single instance, but i do want that. and then i'm going topick my database engine. so i'm going to pickthe latest one here. and then i'm going to pickwhat type of instance i want.
>> so i want an r3, so that'sthe memory optimized instance. so i'm going to pick the r3. and i'm going to pickyes, i want multi-az. and i want general purpose ssd. >> and i probably want alittle bit more storage. i'm going to have 10 gigs here. and then i'm going topick some credentials. so what's identifier for my database? so it's going to be wordpressdb1.
i'm going to call this root. i'm going to give it a password. >> and we're going to pick asecurity group for this as well. so i've already made asecurity group for this. and then i'm going togive it a database name. so we're going to justcall it wordpress. and we're going tochoose a retention window so that this does backups for you. so i want a week of backups.
and i don't have a preferencefor the backup window. and i want it to automaticallyupgrade my minor version here. so i'm going to leave that as default. and so now i'm launchingmy rds instance. right? so now it's being created. so now we're just waitingfor it to install. so while that's going on, let's login to the first ec2 instance we made. so it's this wordpress demo.
and we'll just verify that. yep. >> so let's see if we can log in to it. so i'm going to copy thepublic host name of it. i'm going to open upa shell window here. [inaudible] ssh. the default user is ec2-user. >> audience: leo, would youmind command [inaudible]? >> leo zhadanovsky: good?
and so let's try to ssh in. so i'm in my instance right now. so i'm sshed in. it's up for five minutes soit's definitely my instance. >> so first thing we'regoing to want to do here is it's telling me that, oh,i have some security updates. so i'm just going to runevery security update on here. [? sudo yum ?] minus y update. so it's going to quickly install those.
next thing i want to do is iwant to install some more stuff. so i'm going to have to install mysql. i'm going to have to install apache. i'm going to have to install php. i'm going to have to installthe php plugin for mysql. and i have to install the mysql server. so let's install this stuff. >> installing. so that's done.
so now i want [? httpd. ?] iwant apache to start on boot. so i'm going to do this. ok. so now if i reboot this it'll start. >> i also want mysql to start on boot. so same thing. oops, typo here. all right. and then actually i'llstart my web server later.
now i want to start mydatabase server, though. so do this. and so it's starting forthe first time, so i'm going to have to dosome basic steps here. so the first thing i'm going to dois set a root password for my mysql. >> so i'm just going run this mysqlsecure installation command. so it's got no current rootpassword, so let's set one. and i'm going to remove theseanonymous users that it creates and disable root login.
and remove test databases. so this all kind ofproductionizes your mysql install. >> so that's done. so now i should be able toconnect to my mysql server. so i'm going to see if that works here. so i'm in my mysql server. >> so now the next thing i want to do isi want to create my wordpress database. so i'm going to do mysql admin. [inaudible]
so i created my database. >> and now what i want to do is iwant to create a wordpress user. so i don't want to log in tomy wordpress with the root user because that would be bad. so i want a user that can onlyaccess the wordpress database. so let's go in here again. and we're going to [? move ?] this here. >> so what i'm doing here isi'm creating a user that can connect from localhost that'sidentified by my super secure password
here. and then i'm going to grant thisuser access to the whole database. and then now i should beable to log in as that user and only see that database[? and ?] test database. >> so i'm going to do mysql minusu wordpress, instead of root. all right? and then we should beable to do-- right? so i can see my wordpress database here. so that's great.
>> so now we need to actuallydownload and install wordpress. so let's go to our web directory. so i'm going to wget wordpress, thelatest version of wordpress here. i'm going to extract that. and now i'm going to swapthe html directory, which is the default [? web ?] root,with the wordpress directory, so. >> all right. and now i'm going to just changethe permissions so that the apache user owns the wordpress directory.
and lastly, i'm going to start up myweb server and hope everything works. so now let's see what happens here. and see if i can getinto this instance here. so here's our wordpress setup screen. so we know all this information. so our database name is wordpress. >> our username is going to be wordpress. i've got my super secure password here. we're going to beconnecting to localhost.
and we're going to run the install. >> now we're just going togive my website a name. so leo's amazing blog. [inaudible] username. i'm going to get apassword for my username. i'm going to put in my email address. and since it's a test one, i don'twant search engines to index this. so now we're installing wordpress. so now we're all set.
>> so here's my wordpress. and here's my dashboard. it's a fully functioning wordpress. i can update the pluginshere if i wanted to. do whatever i want here. and so here's my actual fullyrunning wordpress on my one instance. >> now, this is great if you have atest site, but this doesn't scale. we have one instance. we can make that instancereally huge, but at some point
you're going to run outof vertical scaling room. so you're going to want toscale it more than that. >> that's why we spun upwith all this other stuff. so let's see if ourrds instance is done. [? yes, ?] our rdsinstance is almost done. so that's ok because in the meantimewe can set up our ec2 instance. it's going to be just aslightly different procedure. >> so we've got our wordpress web. now i already had one running yesterday.
so i've just got to figure out whichone was it that i launched today. so this one was launched november 4. so that's the one from today. [? i know ?] this one waslaunched, oh, 4:00 pm. so actually this is the new one. >> so this is my new instance. so again, i'm going to ssh into it. so let's go back to my terminal here. so i'm going to get out of this one.
i'm going to ssh into the new instance. so i'm going to have to dosome of the same stuff here. so i'm going to run security updates. i'm going to install some packages. the packages are going tobe slightly different now. >> so i don't need the mysql serverbecause we're breaking that out. so i'm still going toinstall the mysql client. i'm still going to install apache. i'm still going toinstall php and php mysql.
i'm just not going toinstall the mysql server. >> then i'm still going to makesure apache starts on boot. now we need the database to be up. so while we do that let's add thisinstance to the load balancer. so we're going to go toour load balancer here. and we're just going tocopy down the instance id. got my instance id here. >> when i go to my load balancer,see, here's my load balancer, here's its dns name.
so it's got zero instancesin service right now because i haven't addedany instances to it. so i'm going to add my instance. so here's my list of instances. so if i want this one, so i'mgoing to add this one to it. >> now it's going to waitand it's not going to enable this instanceuntil it becomes healthy. and it's not going to become healthyuntil i turn on my web server. so let's see if our rdsinstance is back up.
great. so our new rds instance is ready. so this is the end pointfor my rds instance. so what i'm going to do is i'mgoing to connect to my rds instance. so this is now a fullymanaged mysql database. it's got backup set up on it. it's redundant. it spun up in only a few minutes. so now i should be able tossh into it from-- or not ssh,
but log into it with the mysql client. >> yep. so here i am. i'm in. so now this is going to be similarexcept we're just breaking it out. so, again, i'm going to actuallyget out of this for a second. well, we already createdthe wordpress database because we put wordpress in there, soi'm going to create the wordpress user. and there's going to be someslight differences in here
from what we did last time. so we're going to createthe wordpress user, but now we're not going to belogging in from localhost anymore. we're going to be loggingin from the ec2 instance. and we're not going to necessarily knowabout what ip address it's coming from, or we don't want to specifyit to that granularity. >> we're going to have securitygroups that make sure that only our web servers can connect to this. so i'm just going to allowit from, at this level,
from any ip address connection. so we just did that. and now we're justgoing to have to, again, grant this user access tothe wordpress database. so now i'm just going tochange this to a wild card. so we've got that. let's get out of here. so we'll just make surethat we can log in now. i'm just going to changemy username to wordpress.
so we're in. so that works. now we're going, again, i have toset up wordpress on this instance. so what we're going to haveto do is go to var, www. i have to move the htmldirectory to html.old. and we're going to haveto download wordpress. extract wordpress. we're going to move itto the html directory. and we're going tochange the permissions.
and then we're going to start apache. >> so what should happennow is there's going to be basically fiveretries on this elb. and it's eventually, this instance isgoing to become healthy on the elb. so [inaudible] here. let's see. this instance is not yet healthy. so what i'm actuallygoing to do is i'm going to change the health check a littlebit more just to make it quicker.
we can change it back later. so let's say i want healthythreshold of three instead of five. so now we're in service. >> so now i'm going to goto this load balancer. and it should proxy me backthrough to this instance, and we'll set up wordpress on here. now, if you have your owndomain name or something, you can just do a cnamerecord to this dns name. and the elastic load balancingservice is scalable on the back end,
so it scales up and down on its own. so it could be multiple ip addresses. the ips could change. so you should always referenceit from that dns name. we're back at our setup screen. now we're going to dothe same process almost. our username name is wordpress. we've got the same supersecure password as before, except the database host is nowgoing to be the rds instance.
>> so we're going to go here. we're going to go to rds. we're going to go to my instances. i need my end point name here. it's this one. so i'm just going tocopy and paste this. so let's see if that worked. so you can connect to the rds instance. again, it's going tobe leo's awesome blog.
>> so now we're going toinstall our wordpress. so we're done. so let me just log into make sure it worked. >> so now we've got afully running wordpress. we can do all kinds of operations on it. so the difference now is thatwe have a separate database. that databases is redundant. we still only have one webserver, but we could now take an image of this webserver, launch it again,
and then we have two web serversbehind this load balancer. >> the endpoint doesn't change whetherit's one, or two, or 50 web servers. we can scale it beyond this. so there's plugins for wordpress whereyou can use s3 for your static assets. you can use cloudfrontto cache those assets. you can use elasticache so youcan use memcached basically to store session state there. >> so as you scale fromone to more instances, you're going to assume thatthose instances are ephemeral,
so they can go away. so you've got to thinkabout where do i store logs, where do i store session state. how do i make it so it's ok thatthese instances can disappear, or more of them can appear? so you're going to have toanswer questions like that. but it's fairly common pattern. so you just start offloading anypersistent things to other tiers. >> so now we've got this, we'redone [? three tier ?] thing.
the last thing i'mgoing to do here is i'm going to make my load balancera little bit more solid now that it's marked as healthy. so it's usually not agood idea for websites to do tcp health checks becauseyour apache could be up, but it could be returning php errors. so you don't want that. >> so what i'm going todo here is i'm going to change this to an http health check.
and it's going to beindex.php, not index.html. and we're going to change thishealthy threshold back to five. so that should still be healthy. so we're still in service. >> so that's how you setup wordpress on aws. so i think in less than 20 minutes we'veboth set up on an instance, on its own, and a full three tier architecture whereeach tier is independently scalable. you can do all kindsof interesting stuff with the database to scale as well.
>> let me show you one moreinteresting thing here. so let's say for this i want tobreak out the reads from the writes. i can create a read replica. so i'm going to justcreate a read replica. so this is going tobe wordpressdb1 read1. i'm going to do it onthe same region, but i could do it in a different region. so we're going to startprovisioning a read replica here. so now we're creating read replica.
that's being createdthere at the bottom. so you can do all kindsof cool stuff here. >> so i'm done with the demo. so i think we have about 10 minutes. so i'll take any questions anybodyhas, about any aws related topic. anyone? cool. thanks everyone.
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