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How To Flashing bluboo x9
we had a deal, i get to be there when you take him down i'm not going to kill him, i'm gonna make him wish he was dead prometheus knows who we all are he knows that i'm the green arrow i know everything who you love, who you trust, who you've hurt. evelyn, why? this city needs to be saved, from you! hey everybody oliver versus prometheus fightnight going down next week so let's break
it down. also some news about live-action teen titans,and there's a new round of the flash ring giveaway. all you have to do to enter that flash ringgiveaway is be a subscriber and leave a comment on this video. make sure you click that bell to enable alertsso you don't miss out on anything if it wasn't clear before it is definitely clear now thatthat is worf doing the voice for prometheus michael dorn which i totally loved and hespeaking so much more now, the kind of threaded that end of the season like first we heardhim say he was prometheus it almost didn't
sound like michael dorn, but the more youspeak in recent episodes like it just absolute confirmed it like you could not tonight yetthat definitely sounds like worf getting ready to crush someone i told you to stay away fromthe green green arrow found me. so the whole theme of this trailer is kindof the theme of the first half of the season. this is the midseason finale. so the closing down the set up of oliver beingthe villain of arrow season five at least in the eyes of prometheus and now artemisbecause you basically see prometheus here, just trying to torment him because of somethingthat he did in the past like prometheus was created because of something that oliver didin season one now we know it's because of
the list. it looks like he's in some broken down officebuilding. so maybe this is in the glade somewhere itjust sounds like prometheus was related to or had a business in the glades maybe he wastied up in the undertaking or had family members tied up in it. that was going to make the city better atleast merlin and his cabal thought that that would make the city better, but oliver wasn'thaving it and then for the next like couple seasons we had all out assault on the citylike things almost got worse. so even though people like artemis only startedhitting oliver recently prometheus has been
in training this whole time, since seasonone to do what he's doing this season, to oliver and his friends. so i like the way they cut this where theyliked splice prometheus in like he's secretly watching everyone whether walking like yousee his reflection pop up next oliver to see his shadow pop up next to felicity's boyfriend,throwing a little bit of water on the idea that he's prometheus, but when you look atin here like hunched over this table claiming his weapons. he has a giant back like he looks like a hugedude, which makes they want to cross a lot of people off the list and i know that coltonhaynes has like a pretty big back like he's
pretty jacked but i don't think he's thisbig he's not bigger than stephen amell. so even though i'm not expecting kovar dolphlundgren from the flashbacks to be the villain of present-day i feel like this person isfrom star city prometheus is somebody from the city that oliver trashed while he wastrying to save it kovar is just one of the few people who is big enough to fit this profilehere whoever he is he's meant to be more than a physical match for stephen amell and therecan have like a bad ass knockdown drag out fight, it's the midseason finale. so they save the biggest reveals like if youmember deathstroke was revealed in the midseason finale during season two they shall cool almostkill oliver.
now he is going to have it out with prometheus. so even stephen amell's been posting picturesfrom behind-the-scenes some of the stunts that they're going to be doing. but you young justice fans out there willlook at this artemis storyline her, but train the team and think about sports master stuffgoing on prometheus is not her father. they did explain how long she's been workingwith prometheus. it is not been this whole time. they said it was around episode six wherethe team found out about the list. it was like between act breaks and they'llgot super pissed off, and it almost seem like
team arrow was can a break up that was themoment that she decided to work with prometheus. so it hasn't been for that long young justiceartemis was the daughter of two villains sports master and huntress. so she rebelled by trying to be good. but they kept pulling at her trying to gether to turn on the team. so we might see some flip-flopping from artemislike she wants to believe in the team she's not completely evil she just things that oliveris evil like she says the city needs to be saved from you big shocking twist. so there a couple different ways that thatcould go down one oliver could convince her
that he's trying to do the right thing andshall come around and rejoin the team eventually to shall be the tragic character that prometheuswill kill just to torment oliver, so that's one more body on his conscience like prometheussays he doesn't want to kill oliver he just wants to torment him to prolong his sorrowas much as possible so look at this freaky chart here then look at mr. terrific gettinghis ass handed to him like he doesn't look like he's dead. it just looks like prometheus puts him inthe hospital and then look at the chart again and see the big x through quentyn. so, i know that makes it seem like he's dead,but it's probably just prometheus putting
him down for the count cc all these of thepeople he's going after. i would not be surprised if there's at leastone major death before the end of the season and i think that artemis is at the top ofthat list, so let me know in the comments. if prometheus ends up killing anybody that'son his list here like his reverse version of the list. do you think that artemis is going to be theone to get the shaft, but even though that sounds like a bit of a bummer, it's good toget pretty crazy now that were moving into the back half of the season that moment inthe big crossover episode the arrow 100th episode from last night where oliver saw.
although shadow saw tommy, so his parentssaw a roy they were reassuring him that he was a good person doing the right thing givinghim that bump he needed to continue his mission the past that his father set him on with thelist like it all started with the list on the island. it just that oliver's methods have changedover time not the mission the mission is the same. so what i'm expecting is is less indecisivenessfrom oliver like he's fully committed like he knows he's doing the right thing, so he'sjust going to hard charge prometheus and throw down big time.
so if you are your friends haven't been watchingarrow this season now is the time to jump back on because were doing talley all coolin the back half of the season and laurel is coming back some big twist. i have no idea what it's gonna look like they'veonly said that laurel is coming back she's alive and well. they didn't say with. the twist is or what that's gonna look likeor what the dynamic with the group is going to be or she's going to be doing black canarystuff and artemis dying, i know that would be a bummer for live-action teen titans potentialbut just to talk about that.
so andrew kreisberg one of the big producersin this arrow universe he's mostly working on supergirl, but he also created the flashtv show he kind of runs both shows he is like a lifelong hard-core teen titans fan, butwhen people ask him what his favorite title is it's always teen titans. so the fact that they have most of the teentitans or even young justice cast means that they'll probably try to develop somethinglike that in the future. they're all about the big team ups. now they get double the ratings. when they do stuff like this.
so it makes sense they try to do somethinglike that when arrow eventually goes off the air, but let me know what you guys want live-actionteen titans. they have the hall of justice now. so they have to do teen titans at some pointand for those you that keep asking about the tnt live-action teen titans. they were originally developing a titans showthat died last year so it's no longer in development at tnt the people that were working on thataren't working on it anymore. meaning that it's free for other people toturn into a show, but the other really cool thing that just happen all talk about thismore.
we get more information but warner bros. anddc comics is working on a digital subscription service like hbo now just for dc comics moviesand tv shows that the talking about animated stuff to talk about the live-action moviesthey're talking about stuff like the cw, tv shows, but because they're just starting tomake young justice season three it's gonna take a little while to finish what they mightdo is use that digital subscription service to launch that so it some point in the futurein the next year or two you'll be able to like subscribe to a digital subscription service. it is just, comic book stuff and on the flipsideof that disney is thinking about doing the exact same thing with marvel and star warscontent.
so if you like a lot of people like pay abunch of extra money, just because they want that one channel like you just want hbo oryou just want to get the comic book stuff eventually you be able to do that withouthaving to spend like a ton of extra money so next on the trying get that rick and mortyseason three video out then we have the last night of the crossover on legends tonightso that video will post tonight if i don't think i'm in a get rick and morty out theni'll just post that tomorrow and there is some spider-man homecoming stuff that's comingtomorrow. so get hype all remind all you guys aboutthat when i post my legends video later tonight while you guys wait for that to post you canclick here for my arrow 100th episode video
and you can click here for the trailer fornext week's flash episode thank you so much watching everybody let's high five i'll seeyou guys tonight!
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