How To Flashing bml one mini
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How To Flashing bml one mini
ok i got a call for no ac last night. everythingis running right now. the line is flashing nice and chilly. everything is nice and coldbut my suspicion is that. this is a new unit and out here it just seems that all of themneed a hard start kit in order to start and i bet you if i check underneath here i amgoing to find that it does not have a hard start kit. and that that's what is causingthe compressor to sit there and hum and not start. sometimes it will start and sometimesit won't start and it will take awhile. i'm pretty sure that is what is going on just going to open it up and take a peek. yep, no hard start kit. so i'll get a hardstart kit on this and that will keep it running. it's running now like i said nice and chillybut my suspicion is when it starts up it is
having a hard time to start up. and the hardstart kits going to go right here on the red purple line and on the yellow line. that'sour common and our herm line. c is for the red and purple and than herm is for the yellow.the brown one is for the fan. i'll go get a hard start kit and get this going. ok sonow i am up here. ready to pull the disconnect. the unit actually turned off. as you can see,well you can't see. lol. that contactor has sucked back out. it has got a little dustcover on it right here. i am going to go ahead and pull the disconnect so i don't get. soit doesn't kick on on me while i am working on the unit. than what we need to do is dischargethe capacitor. beacuse a capacitor holds a charge in it even after the power is disconnected.the way we do that is just bridging the leads
to the capacitor. than here is our hard startkit and with this we are just putting it one to the herm and one lead to the common. likeso and we're all set there. now we just need to find a place to hang this where it's notgoing to get in our way. there we go. yeah. that will work. put our cover back on. ok.and we will put all our screws back in. another one on the side over here. ok we're all setthere. now the unit will just fire up and won't have any trouble when it goes to start.doesn't just sit there and hum and not start overheat. plug my disconnect back in. to insertthe cover here this just rotates over and passes through. has the option of puttinga padlock there. some areas need that. need both hands here. there we go. all set there.good to go.
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