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How To Flashing hotwav venus x3
hello everybody, my name is markiplier and welcome to timore inferno. now this is uh, this is a pleasant opening screen, to a game that i have played before. or at least i played the prior incarnations of this game [reading onscreen text] okay who- oh, hey! oh! i thought that was the game for a second there, i was like, 'was i playing?' ohhh...oh okay. so this, i don't recall if any of the other timore games cost money but this one
actually did. i got it off of, there's a link in the description if you want to check it out but, it's the only one that cost money, so my expectations are raised. whoa hello...nice effects, uh huh! least they improved the door sounds. but if it's anything like the other timore games, i expect a lot of, very, very high quality jumpscare-age oh, look! what am i looking at? why am i looking? what am i looking for? [garbled i dunno.]
"they shouldn't have come here. you shouldn't have either." oh. whoohohohohoahahhh! hi...i don't like mannequins. did i ever mention that to anybody around here? ugh, you are just uh...full of beans! woohf. ooof. okay, excu-- pardon me. pardon m-- oh! *assessing the situation*
hi? hello? okay... [screams] fuck off with that! okay! hi, what are you doing? can i help you? yes, oh, is that my grave? great... okay, ugh. just good 'ol timore! fun times surrounded by jumpscares! ohhh, boy. i actually don't know how long this game is either, because if it is a- if it is longer than the other ones
i might, maybe, break it up into a couple parts but i'm not 100% sure about that just yet. i uh, by the time you see this, i have to go out of town for a friend's wedding uh, just for a few days! like only a few days but i gotta prepare for it, so... i have no idea- nah, those are just boring details that you guys don't need to worry about, that's just stuff- i'll get you your videos no matter what! i mean obviously, if you're here thank you for being here and joining me and watching. i always- ohhohoho! he's almost adorable! oh look at you! oh ain't you just a bag of dicks! "defend yourself, don't hurt her" why don't- why shouldn't i? [laughing] eh! ...uh-oh! oh, i didn't know that- oh shit.
i done bad! i done bad! i'm sorry- *whimpers* "you're dead." thank you! that's what i get...all right, fine i-i get it. all right, don't- what!? no! are you dicking me? oh, fuck off with that! i gotta go back to the beginning, what there's no save system? aw fuck thaaat! okay! so apparently there's no save system, so i'm going to be following instructions to a 't' because i don't want to have to restart every time i die! so i'm not going to hurt her, it's gonna be okay! i'm a happy fun markimoo! walking through the woods with an axe, no one is gonna get murdered here, unless i have to defend myself and if i die again i'm going to be very pissed.
okay! anyway, talking about stuff and things, walking through the woods... i'm getting a 100%, very heavy cry of fear vibes. if any of you remember i've often, uh, i've had an idea that i wanted to play through cry of fear again, on a live stream at somepoint just because i remember, when i played it after i beat the game you could restart the game on like a new game plus on a different difficulty level. but there was like awhole different campaign, that was a part of cry of fear that was just, locked a- whoa! hey! what are you d- oh! i will defend myself against you! try me! try me! try me!! try me!
[yelling] i don't know what you are! ugh, i don't know what that was all about but i defended myself and my axe is a little bloodier now. i hope that's a good thing. wait! was it cry of fear? no it was a different game, oh what was it? it was grey! oh man, i almost completely forgot about grey. but that was true, there was a lot of cry of fear stuff that i missed out on too, but grey had the, like, differentcampaign. that's right, i, man, all these old school games. ever since i did the, you know the hot-pepper thing and i was reminiscing about old videos that i did
i went back and i looked up some old videos that i've done, and it was just a really interesting nostalgia trip to *music cuts out, and voice drops* seeeee- [mumbling] why'd you cut out there huh? oh, i got closed in, huh? oh, i remember your timore tricks! eugh. but there's a lot of old- [gasps] okay! that's how it's gonna be huh? you're gonna remind me of slenderman while i'm talking about old history. now that was a big chapter of my existence on youtube. slenderman, the whole amnesia-slenderman phase, the raging debate about which one was scarier. oh man i remember the slenderman shadow maps- ooh! hey! i will defend myself! ooh. i don't know if i should be looking at that guy.
euuhhh. is he looking at me? ...nah he's not looking at me. [ringing] oh no! [screams] ookaay... hello! okaaay. bye-bye! [ringing] aww, fuck- fuckfuckgy what?! what?!
huh?! that's what i thought. this game isn't giving me any room to think! or say things, about the past! or what i was saying about the slenderman shadow maps, as i remember eagerly awaiting a new like uh, everyone in the whole world was likewaiting for a new game to come out so that they could play it and make videos about it. he made the curse of blackwater if you remember that one too. why do i gotta traverse the ocean ofblackness? i don't like the ocean of blackness! it's the pirates of dark water- oh! here we go. anybody? oh i almost feel safe. oh it feels- oh good another one i was hoping to do this again.
lalalalalalala- oh! is that anoth- eugh.. okay. *alarm blares* *lightly chuckles* whatttt? woowoowoo? uhwoowoowooo. all right, here we go. whoa, what are you? okay. just a weird ashen car. do my- doth my eyes deceive me? is that color over there? no, those are teeth. nevermind, i thought those were like windows on build-
those are teeth. *disgusted* oh. oh, hey! hey, little guy! oh god, uhh. man, the developer of this game just has a field day with making bizarre things. okay. hi buddy! hey frieeend! how you doiiehn'? let's see, "don't play with it." okay, fine then. i won't- *deep inhale* fuck off, oh fuck you. oh fuck off! i ain't gonna play with it. i would never! i'm going to listen to your instructions cuz i don't wanna go through this again. something's gonna pop out at m- ah, fuck you! i can't see. i'm imagining if i touch any of em, they're gonna kill me! i didn't play with it! just 'cause i was looking at it doesn't mean- hey! what the fuuuhahuck?
okay... alright, i'm just going to carry on like that didn't happen. i've also just been carrying on like i'm not surrounded by giant teeth. i'm trying to find a moment to relax but i don't think that's gonna give it to me in this game. whoaa, what the fuck? nooo no no no no no no no no no no no! no! no! no no nno! no! good god, what are you? ugh! [disgusted noises] [frightnening pulsating noises]
what? what is that? oh fuck! [manly grunts of effort] i hope i'm hitting it! eueagh! what kind of weird spider are you? oh, god, i'm dead i'm dead, aren't i? oh fuu-oh? goddammit, that looked bad! whoa, what the fuck? i thought that guy was gonna fuuck me up! "why is it looking at you?" why is what looking at me? [worried "er"]
ah! fuck. off. fuck you. what are you doing? what are you doing? i dunno why it's looking at me! euuh. oh, is this just gonna be my buddy, now? well! i'm gonna call you oliver the eye! oliver the oculus. well, oliver, come on with me! we're oliver and company... i should probably swing my axe at you, but frankly, you're just too darn adorable. ugh. why am i going into the darkness? help me see, oliver! cast some light on this scenari-oh... hey, who, why? what are you doin'? oliver! stand behind me, oliver! waaah! i'll get it!
ow. what kind of range does this thing have? ew. i don't even know. thanks, oliver! don't worry, you always got my back! or you're always lookin' at my crack... better not be talkin' smack! oh, man, oliver, cut me some slack! uhh, let's get this road back on track.
okay, we're going into the castle! i suppose. i guess i'm out of the teeth woods, which is nice. ohh, yeah. closed- closed corridors. that's what i remember! oliver, you still there? good, i wouldn't want you to run away from anything at all. let's go, oliver. we have an adventure to take care of. [creepy background ambience changes to even creepier ambience] oliver? oliver! oh noo! i lost oliver! wahhhh! okay... oh, oliver... oh no- ohh, no... oh hey, oh no, what are you?
ew. what are you? i dunno. who am i asking? i have no idea. i lost oliver tho- ooh. okay. ah shit [chainsaw noise] agh fuck you! whoa, what the fuck? fuck off, dude! ugh, what are you doing? ew, oh god, what's wrong with you? ah, you're so weird. ah, don't do that. eugh, get away from me. i hope i'm hitting you. i dunno if i am. [splooshy guts noise] there we go, that's the stuff. that's the juiciness!
am i hitting you? there we go, good, you're dead... somehow. i dunno how- but it happened. i beat you down. i will say! i, uh, as much as i, like, there's a special place in my heart for the timore games, one thing that we can say about 'em, is that they were never built very well... y'know what i mean? i'm just-
i'm being brutally honest but i'm being honest nonetheless, no one can look at this and be like (in announcer voice) that's a top quality game right there, that is a mwah mwah, very nice. you always kinda go into it being like: i know it's gonna be cheaply made and, you know, not gonna look pretty, but hey, it's gonna be, it's gonna be an adventure. hey how's it g-oohkayy nevermind then. okaayy...hi! *excited yell descends into uncertainty* it's still following you! (cry of desperation) oliver?! ohh shit, what're you lying to me, huh? you lyin?
you lyin!?!?!? and what's following me? i don't *low woah* ah, shit he's tryin ta... he's tryin' to trick me. *softer* he's tryin' to trick me... tryin' to trick me. euhhh. tryin' to make me paranoid and looking behind me ohhh! oliver?! hi oliver, whooahhhhhh! hi! how are you doing!? welcome back oliver, glad you didn't.....dieee i'm happy that you're gonna be recording my entire adventure here
okay, come along ollie. helloo. hii. how's it going? how are you doin'? did you catch the game? the sports event? boy, that was a thing, that happened, t-between the teams. oliver? oohp. ollie's gone. (inhales deeply) welp, into the darkness ooh, what do we have here? huuuh? mh-mhhm. okayy...hello, hi, how's it going? defend your- (stops mid sentence for a dramatic gasp of air)
(screeching sirens and confuzzeld mark) from what?! whoahh!! i g- oh shit! ah goddammit, this bad (x3) what if i die? ohhh fuck... *deeper siren plays underneath* eh, euahhh, aw shit that doesn't sound good. i hope, i hope! i really hope! awww shit. oh god dammit! oh fuck off! oh fuck off! oh fuck off! woah, i- i don't think i was supposed to go through the map there. *splashy gut noise* okayy..i-did i do it? (hopeful mark)
did i do it?! okay, that was fun, glad that happened, ohhh boy, what next. oh hi! hi, friend how you doin'? okayy oh no, i was supposed to go- oopp. uh ooh. well, alrighty then. *sucks air through teeth* hello! how you doin'? lovely day for it!'s quieet- oh fuck you! toooo quieettt huhuhh- i wonder what's uhh..under all these, cloth covered objects? you doin'?
am i suppos-- *softly* fuckkk offff no *quietly* fuck off, no. hi, what the fuck are youuuuuuuuu? uuuaaaahhhhh! (mark lets out manly roar) i sure am glad that i'm the mass murderer in this equation- ooh hey, you're just gonna watch, huh? that's what you like donnttt youuuuu? hmmmmmmm hmmmmmm- ah! fuck you ollie
do i gotta kill you ollie? ...get out of my way ollie... come over here. you gonna- ughh, c'mon ollie... jeez. i can't believe i'm accommodating you, ollie. oh yeah, there we go. get outta my way- eeuuahh..the back of you is even grosser than the front of you and that's sayin' something oh! wooh... wohoho whoahohoho whoahoho! heh hehoo
whaao! timore you got an upgraddeee you got one hell of an upgrade *loses interest* okay byee i don't care. why are you back? i don't know if that's timmy timmy timore, oh. ohhh two of i gotta chop through yeh? i will..i'll do it! alright fine then. euahh. *static noise*
*more static* *sarcastically* that's pleasant! yeah, i'm glad that's part of the game experience, ohhhh boyyyyy hello! hey! how you doin? you're a (grunt) i can already tell by just lookin at you you got somethin planned for me, and i don't much care for it! (mark baby speak) what're you gonna do? huh? what're you gonna do? *giggles* you gonna pop out at me? (still baby mark) you gonna pull another monster out of your butthole (mocking mark) to come chase me down the hallways?!
*croaking inhale* is that what you're gonna do? (softly) ah, goddamit. foohhh- fuck off with you. i knew it! i knew it! fine! that's how it's gonna be. i guess it wasn't all that bad, all things considered. just a tiny little itty bitty dollllll- hiiii. what happens if i chop you? eeehhhnn.
oh, nothin. *laughs* okay, alright, i'll move on then. byeeee! bye friends! have a good oooonneeeeee! *inhale* love you?? i don't know. oh, what is that? oh no! someone hang-hung--hang- someone's hunnggg. someone's really hung. i don't think i can crawl so... hrbff- boy this is fun to look through. hey little girl! how you- okay bye then!
you gotta go. i understand. i'm too ugly to hang around. horribly ugly and- (raspberry fart noise) twisted. alright okay, no i'll go back the way i came. yeah, that's cool, no that's fine, i'll go back. *loud chainsaw noise*mark: ah fuck off with you!! fuck off with you!(x3) fuck. off. with you! fuck off with you!
with you. there you go. fuck off. no one can stand up to me, i'm too horrendously strong. *bad villain voice* no one can withstand my punches! *deep wheezing inhale* oh hey. hello again! wooh! well that don't look good! if i know a thing or two about scary looking girls in white dresses at the end of a hallway, shaking sporadically, with lights flashing from seemingly nowhere,
it's that it's bad! so let's charge right for it why don't we? hello! aw no. she's shyyyyyy. mhhhmmmhhhh. oh hi. oh, i can run again. oh. i can leave. oh. okay then. hello! you're slightly red! "defend yourself, hurt her?" oh god! ohh- ahh! hi!!
woah geez (x6) ah gee- ahh gee- ah geez. "hurt her." i will cooperate! *loud continual blaring noise* fuck you! i am the monster here! you can't stop me! eyhehehhhhaa!! you see, i really am the monster. *blaring stops* heheheheheh! *mocking tone* well, where is she? present her! where ishh she? awww, man, you coward.
what're you doin'? hurt her? i got no qualms about this- huuptthh! *screech of instrument*mark: oh shit. maybe i shouldntna done that. oh! she's tryin to run away from me! *gibberish* ohhh, really? we're gonna play these games, huh?! well i'm persistent as all hell huup- oh. you're gone. oh. oh, okay.
*clanging/grating noise* mark: aww shit i'm a monster! i've been caged! *presumably a monster voice* rrrrr, i'll- i'll getcha! rurrr rurwrr rurwrr ruwrurru ruwurrurr! okay, fine then! okaayyy! ruwrrr ruwrrr ruwrr! okay, fine then. hey! oh. *suspicious* it's you. uh, listen. it was a lovely night the other night but, look- i- uhh, to be honest, i just don't like the fact that everyone around me keeps dying when i'm dating you, that's just a little bit problematic i gotta admit. um- *violently loud jump scare*mark: ah fuck off!! *softly* fuck. "you won't hurt me anymore." well, i wasn't trying to!
alright, whatever you wanna *mumbling* be like that. oh! *laughs* that's the end of the game then! okay! that is, "timore inferno". very much reminiscent of all the other timore games i will readily admit but, fun, nonetheless. i mean... discern whatever story you want out of it, eh, i think it's just kinda like a haunted house jump scarey type deal. not bad. combat was kind of wonky. but then again the whole game's kind of wonky. but it was cool nonetheless, so, thank you everybody so much for watching!
and as always, i will see you in the next video! buh bye! (haunted outro) and why are my legs so itchy all of a sudden?? what is this game doing to me?? just got longer all of a sudden...again. *jumpscare* ah!! alriiighaaa-hey!
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