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How To Flashing intex aqua style 4 0
hello everybody! this is kanoa with rosarito beach real estate and i'm sitting here with kenneth and we'regiving you another update on la jolla excellence, condo and development andvillas. good morning, kenneth. - good morning, kanoa. - so, kenneth i know you got some stuff going on over there, why won't you give us an update on what's happening. - oh yeah, actually kanoa, i'm here today to talk about la jolla excellence and we've been talking about the condosbut today i'd like to talk about the villas and you know, what the plan isover there and why people should be excited about it. - ok, so, i know that obviously, the towersare going up really fast, i drive by it
everyday, there's tons of constructiongoing on over there that's really exciting to start seeing this wholedevelopment start forming out and we understand that the condos have beenselling like hotcakes, so, tell us why people should be buyingthe villas? - well, it's exciting over there kanoa, i mean, sales are kind oflevelled off here in the area, la jolla excellence is just booming and thecondos have been selling like crazy, i think is the reflection of the price point. - i agree with you on the price point too, but there's something about that development, people, you know, there're other developments that are equal in the price point andthey're not buying there, they're
really buying in la jolla excellence. - oh, you're right and it's about quality and location. - the grounds are just beautiful and everything is kept, youknow, really nice, you walk onto it, you really get that feeling of just luxuryand then the amenities and the ocean views and everything, it is just really, justawesome over there, and i think people when they walk on to some of the otherplaces, they don't get that same feeling, and when you come into la jollaeither del mar or real, you're really excited about, you are just going wow, this is what i'm expecting. - you're right, i've shown la jolla real, the sister project over there,so many times and i get pretty much the
same reaction every time i show propertyover there, they walk in, they see how well the grounds are kept, they see thebeautiful sandy beach, there's nowhere else like that here and now we'retalking about la jolla excellence and that piece of property over there, all i can say about it is wow! privatebeach cove, you know, you've got the sandy beach over there, the location is thebest location here in rosarito. - well, you know, nobody's been selling more thanyou right now, so, you really understand this new project, so tell us about thevillas. - ok, well before i start off with thevillas, let's talk about the villas in
la jolla real. when they built la jolla real they built 13 villas as well, and they were smashing success, even in2008 when the market was low, the villas sold and currently there are no villasfor sale, there haven't been villas for sale in two years, you know, they'rejust an excellent value, so the developer caught wind of that, you know, he realizedthat and he decided that la jolla excellence, they're going to do a 130 villas. - what kind of person do you see living inthe villas? - i don't see any particular type of person that buys the villasobviously, wealthy person. - one of the things i was thinking is that, you know,there's certain people that want all of
the amenities of the development butdon't want to live in a tower. - that's exactly it!, if you don't want to live in a condo, avilla is a perfect solution for having all of the amenities of this condo. - so, they'regoing to get all of the benefits of la jolla excellence and all of the amenities, all thefeatures of everything, maybe they don't want to have the towercondo experience but they want to have more of an oceanfront home, you know,lifestyle and you know, this is kinda like in between having an oceanfronthome in a condo, they get kind of best of both worlds by living in the villa. - rightand security is such a big issue here, you
know, you pull in, you have your owngarage, pull right into your own place, it's a lot different from a condo living. -absolutely, like you said, we've been sold out of most of the villas along thecoastline, i don't think just for la jolla real and del mar but i know, that we'vegot clients that are looking in just along the coast and that's really hard rightnow to find any type of villa available at any of the developments. - you're right, we have buyers out there,that are willing to pay a premium to live inthese villas because the experience there is just excellent and everybody'sbeen happy for it. - so, tell us a little bit about
the villas, actually what's going oninside? - ok, so, the villas in la jolla excellence start off in about 2,600 square feet and they go on up to 3,800 square feet, today ireally wanted to talk about the value of that. - ok. - la jolla real, the villas when they were selling, you know, two, three, four years ago, were upwards of 500,000 feet, these villasare going to be bigger, roughly five hundred feet bigger, you're going tobe able to drive to these villas, they're going to be in a better location becausethe piece of real estate is better, the beach there is better and right now you canprobably buy one in la jolla excellence at a
20 % discount of what you would havegotten in real back in 2008, so there's a lot of value there right now,they really want to sell these first few villas and i can get you a great deal for this. - yeah, that's what is excited, i've heard that thepeople that come in at the beginning right now, are obviously going to getthe best deals for the villas and we saw that with the condos, the people came inand bought some of the first condos in the towers right there, they got the best deals andthe prices have gone up on the condos now, as they've been just been selling andselling and selling and selling on these. - exactly, i mean just the best dealsare given out first and right now we
have an opportunity to do that with thevillas, i can get you a really great deal if you're one of the first buyers. - youknow, one of the things is really good i want to get back to the finishes on thesevillas, i've heard is a little bit different than what they've done in the previousprojects, where they're coming in and you're getting a lot of the upgrades areautomatically, that are coming standard on these units. - in the villas inla jolla excellence, you get the full upgrade package from la jolla real andthat comes as a standard package. - yeah and i think,you don't, once again, you got to just make it clear that, you know, theseother villas that sold out in the
other developments compared to this one, are so much better you're getting, you're getting more for less, you're going to let,you get to drive right up, to get the drive into your garage, you're gettingthe upgrade package with them, you're getting a better beach toget better amenities a newer development and it's still one of the bestneighborhoods in rosarito beach right now. - and you hit the nail on the coffin andi don't even really need to say much more than that. - is there anythingelse you'd like to say to anybody or say to everyone about this project? - well, i just don't think that people havegot a grasp of what's going on over
there, and once they realize what thesevillas are all about and the model, by the way, will be done in about two months,i think they're going to go quickly and again, i want to stress that the firstpeople that buy in la jolla excellence are going to get the best deals and ifyou don't move now you're going to regret it later. - one of the things that i alsowant to, before we end this, i want to say is not all agents are created the same downhere and it's really important, that you know, why should somebody pick you rather than, you know, just any other agent out there? - yeah, you know, that's a good point kanoa,people should pick me because i'm a professional real estate agent, not downhere to do this as a side job or you know,
not retired and just looking to dosomething, i do this as a profession and i take it very seriously, my clients are very happy and that's me. -before we end, can you tell us a little bit, why somebody should choose you torepresent them over here to the development? - i think though, the importantword there, is represent, i've represented multiple buyers over thelast 10 years on purchasing, pre-construction developments from decasa and if you just walk-into la jolla you know, you can walk in there and talkto somebody but you've got to remember they represent la jolla, i represent my clients'best interests. - which i think people
don't really realize when they walk into,maybe the sales office that, there's a little bit of a conflict of interestthere, between the sales office because there, who they're representing rightnow, are they representing you as a client orare they representing the people that they get paid from? so, you know, i alwayssuggest that, you know, people should have an outside representation of a realestate agent to help look out for their best interest. and sometimes representationobviously, is a conflict of interest because the agents at the developerwork for the developer, you know, and it's important to have outsiderepresentation looking out for the best
interest. - right and you know, that'sexactly what i do, i represent buyers, i take them to la jolla, i negotiate the prices for them, nobody does it better than me, i have been doing it for a long time, i have a lot of experience with everybody over there andi know what the market prices are. - you should have some really happy clients, ialways love to see the testimonial photos you're getting, that the peoplethat feel that they're, you know, they're really happy with representation, itdoesn't seem like you've never had an unhappy client, so good luck with that,i really hope that, you know, you continue with the success. is there anything elseyou'd like to say about the, before we end? -
i would like to say something, you know,my clients are happy with my results and it's important because when you'repurchasing down here and especially in pre-construction, you're taking a leap offaith and you need someone you can trust and that person is me. - excellent. if youwant more information about this listing we put a link below with our contactinformation and a link to our website, if you like this video give us a thumbs upand subscribe to our channel. have a great day everybody.
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