How To Flashing intex aqua y2 remote
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How To Flashing intex aqua y2 remote
unfortunately, the process stopped. well, first lets try to reinstall those gapps, which is a shortcut for googleapps - hangouts, play store, gmail, etc. these are proprietary google creations not coveredby android open source license, so if you use a custom rom like cyanogen mod, you haveto install those gapps separately. this is done via install zip in cwm recovery, to downloadgapps, let's try to use gapps manager. check you android version in the settings, and thendownload corresponding gapps package. doesn't download. let's try again - doesn't download.well, probably this gapps manager is just trying to capitalize on original cyanogenmodsite which coincidentally was down at the moment of download. moreover, gapps manageronly downloads the package, it does not install
it. so you will still need to boot into recoveryand manually install the gapps. so fuck this shit. ok, let's try other ways to get ridof this error. the first option is to find google services framework in your apps. clearall app data and cache, and reboot. the error still pops up. next candidate is the downloadsapp, which also stays resident ly in the device processes to track updates in the play storeand automatically downloads updated apps. stop it and reboot. the error is still find downloads manager, clear all its data, stop it and reboot the device. the erroris still here. well, the last option is to clear dalvikcache. dalvik is a sort of virtualmachine...nevermind. just clear it's cache through cwm recovery. after reboot, the appswill start to reinstall themselves on your
device. too bad it didn't help to remove thisgapps process error. i've ran out of ideas. some say you can also reset app preferencesfrom the apps settings. you may also try to reinstall those gapps through recovery asi advised in the beginning. better yet, update your device to the latest android version.
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