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How To Flashing intex cloud crystal
hello everybody. welcome to creatingeffective reports with crystal reports 2011. hopefully you guys can all hearus. you should be able to hear us through your computer'sspeakers using broadcast audio. just a little bit about using readytalk fortoday's event, remember that you will be muted throughout this presentation. so if you haveany questions you can go ahead and type those into the chat pane, and we will eitherget back to you via the chat pane. or if they are content related questionsi will be feeding those to the presenters throughout the webinar. there is also like i said, you should be ableto hear it through your computer's speakers.
if you do need to dial in if thatis your only option, just let us know and we can send you that number. and just as a reminder that this webinar is beingrecorded and we will be sending out the recording of this webinar as well as any additionallinks or resources following the webinar. we will also be putting those on the techsouphomepage and on our techsoup youtube site. and if you wanted to go ahead and talkabout this webinar or any of our webinars, or any of our techsoup holdings, on twitteryou can use our twitter hash tag; #techsoup. again, this is creating effectivereports with crystal reports 2011. my name is kyla hunt and i will be yourfacilitator today. i am the webinar program manager
here at techsoup. along with us today will bekenneth li and jaclyn churcher both from sap. and they will be talking with you aboutthe benefits of crystal reports 2011 and some dos and don'ts whenyou are creating reports. and then assisting with chat it says beckywiegand, but we had a last-minute change and actually assisting us with chat todayis going to be shab sigman and meg creelman from techsoup. so you might seetheir names pop up in the chat pane. and also you might see some readytalkfolks pop up as well including [indistinct]. so if you see those names answer yourquestions feel free to be relieved that that is an actuallegitimate answer.
so a little bit about what weare going to be doing today, first we are going to be talking a littlebit of an overview of crystal reports 2011 as well as some dos and don'ts ofcreating good and effective reports. we will also be taken through a demo of crystalreports 2011 in case you have either used the product and want to know more about it,or you are just interested in the product now. and throughout the presentation like i said, ifyou have any questions go ahead and type those into the chat pane. we might be handling someof those questions throughout the presentation while jaclyn and kenneth are talking. wewill also take a couple of question breaks during the middle and the end of thepresentation. if for some reason we don't get to
all of your questions, i will be forwardingany unanswered questions to the presenters. and we will try to get back to youafter the webinar probably within a week. at the very and we will talka little bit about who te before we get started what i wanted to dois go ahead and ask you a couple of questions just so we kind of get a gauge of who is withus. the first question is what is your skill level with crystal reports? beginner or brand-new, sothat can even be if you are just really interested in learning about it. intermediateis if you have just started using it and are really in the learning phases,and advanced if you really feel like you are an expert in crystal reports.
so i am going to give you all acouple more seconds to respond. count down, five, four, three, two, one. and so it looks like 67% of you are beginnersor brand-new. that is really good to know. about 25% of you are intermediate. and 7%of you feel that you are really advanced in crystal reports. so that is really goodto know for our framing of this webinar. and so our second question that ijust wanted to go ahead and ask — oh, it looks like it actually askedtwice. kenneth, do you actually have that other poll question for us? i'll go ahead and look to see if i have it in mye-mail and i can just read it out loud for you all.
kenneth: sorry, we are kind ofdigging around for that question too. kyla: i found it. so i am going to justask this verbally and you can go ahead and type these answers into your chatpane. what are your reporting needs? and for some examples, some options that wehave here are extending current reports available to you in existing applications, developing reportsthat could be shared with external audiences, access and leveraging thelatest release functionality, building reports off a source for which no reportsexist. or if there are any other reporting needs that you really have in your organizationthat you really want to share with us, that would be great. and i apologize thatwe don't have an actual poll for this,
but if you want to go ahead and type thoseinto the chat pane that would be great. and we are seeing some of the things that arecoming in. we see reports out of razors edge, extending current reports, developingreports, building reports from databases, building reports from a source thatdoesn't have an existing source. all of the above, plus also [indistinct]peachtree, building reports from data sources, developing reports. i see a lot of developingand building reports from information from your databases. and i do seea couple of other people saying that they need more help withlinking t omultiple tables and building reportswith sub reports in them.
so thank you everybody for answering that inthe chat function. i really appreciate that. so with that what i want to do is i want to goahead and turn this over to kenneth and jaclyn who will first be going over crystalreports 2011, some of the dos and don'ts, and then will be taking us through a demo. sokenneth and jaclyn go ahead and take it away. jaclyn: thanks kyla. hi name is jaclyn churcher. and i am just going to take a momentto share, to put crystal reports 2011 in a slightly larger context. it is made available to you through techsoupvia our corporate responsibility program. and if you are not aware of it, sap createsproducts that help companies perform,
run their business and performprofitably and sustainably. by doing so we help these organizationsbecome leaders in their field. and by doing that for nonprofit organizations,we are helping a different sector and driving economic opportunityfor you and all of your customers. through techsoup we have deliveredproducts to all of these countries and we are a global organization interestedin corporate social responsibility globally. now crystal reports 2011is one of several offerings that our corporate social responsibilityorganization makes available. and that includes crystalreports as well as bi ondemand.
that is the sharing information onlinesection. this is an online platform that allows you to publish reports anddeliver them via the web to stakeholders. the sap crystal dashboardproduct formally known as xcelsius provides summarized data that is highly visualand enables a lot of interaction with the values behind the model. and sap streamwork whichis under the organizing volunteers section allows you to post activities or topics alongwith your reports and engage stakeholders in topics of conversationthat may be organizing an event or talking about the numbersreturned in a report let's say. so moving on to sap crystal reports, iam just going to pass it over to kenneth
to talk to you on that first. kenneth: alright, thank you. so crystal reports consists of — actuallyour products that we have been offering through techsoup have been startingwith the crystal reports 2008 products and as jaclyn had mentioned also the oldxcelsius and sap crystal dashboard product, the hosted products beingbi ondemand and streamwork. and what we are here today to talkto you about is crystal reports 2011. and for some of you it has beenavailable since early march in the us, mid-march for the rest of the world. alsoupcoming is also the dashboard product
later this month. so the question with the agenda for today,we want to talk about some basic questions of why would someone wantto use sap crystal reports? what are some of the things thatare new in crystal reports 2011? i had a chance to take a lookat the registration information. and i can talk a little bit about the dataconnectivity options that you have today with this product with the productsthat you use in your organization. and then following that we are going to gothrough some concepts of effective reports on how to build the reports from scratch,and doing things that are more fancy
around formatting etc. and jaclyn will gointo a demo before we have some questions to close out the session. so why do we use crystal reports?crystal reports is a best of breed tool. it has been around for many numberof years. the version, cr 2011 version that we are talking to you today hasbeen around since the mid to late 80s. so this is a tool that is very well knownby a lot of customers in the industry for business intelligence and reporting.we've build out our tool over the years to be able to connect tomany and any data sources. we can connect to multiple datasources within a single report.
for distribution we have made it very accessiblefor users to be able to export these reports into common formats such as the pdf orthe excel spreadsheet or the word doc. as well, for our enterprise paying customers wedo have a platform for distributing these reports to consumers and all that. and bi ondemand ithink is a hosted tool that will allow nonprofits like yourselves to be able to havesimilar type of functionality there. these reports can be easily distributed throughyour common modes of distribution, e-mail, web. if you are a developer, they canbe embedded into applications. what the reporting tool does is once you connectto all the data, you can actually manipulate it, organize it, summarize it in theformatting functionality that we provide
whether it is in formulas orparameters, charts or even tables. and what we've been doing in the last, sincethe crystal reports 2008 version of the designer, we have been adding more nativeinteractivity within the report designer to allow the data that you are consumingto be sorted in place, to be parameterized without having to refresh against thedatabase. we have been supporting flash as an embedable content type so you can buildsome very basic if not powerful dashboards within crystal reports as well. and our typicalfunctionality that customers have come to love around grouping data by a certain fieldand being able to drill down that data into a more narrow view of that datato help them make better decisions.
i've got here in this slide just somequick examples of the types of reports that you can actually create. thesescreen shots will perhaps indicate to you that they could be form-based billingstatements or reports with graphics and charts that look at your finances or look at yourdonations that are coming in for instance. and what the crystal reports product isreally powerful for is to be able to create these highly formatted documents. and theyare personalized and very rich in value that can be delivered veryquickly to your consumers. one of the things that we really try to[indistinct] is the aesthetics of the reports is very important in howyou design the report.
in this case with a simple graphic of thegas station here, which one would you trust? which one would you feel more comfortablefilling your gas tank, filling up your car at? the same thing applies to reporting.if you can design compelling reports that draw your audience in and give you directvisibility into the information you want, it becomes a very powerfultool for your reporting. i've got some examples here of reportshere. it doesn't look very professional. it's perhaps very straightforward,but someone, an executive for instance looking at this report day in and day outmay find the information they need eventually, but it is definitely not visually grabbing. asopposed to what we have in the next slide here,
you can actually overdo the aesthetics.sort of the left half of the screen, some people may like this and somepeople may not. but it is an indication that when you do apply aesthetics to yourreporting it is important to get a good balance, something that will layout your chartsand your tables in a clear manner, and show the trends that you needto visualize for your consumers. so what is new in crystal reports2011? simply put, crystal reports 2011 is an incremental update to thecrystal reports 2008 product, so for those of you who already have the cr2008 designer, the changes are fairly minor. we've introduced new features and cr2011 is the ability to export the report,
the rpt report into theread-only version of rptr. what this means is that the design forthe report is actually locked up now when you load this type of report in thedesigner. it basically makes this report read only from the consumer in the designer. we've also been keeping upwith the latest during the time that we were working on crystal reports 2011,the office 2007 and 2010 suites had come out. so we have just made a basic incrementalupdate to support the xlsx, excel format. the benefit to that is that we can nowsupport up to a million rows of data for those of you who wish to designreports that will return that much data.
and also the xlsx format if you are reportingon it is smaller in terms of file size. and also because xlsx is an exportformat that we can export a report to, we can also consume it as a data those of you who are working with excel as your data, we will be able to connectto that and pull the data out for reporting. kyla: and kenneth, we had a coupleof questions about exporting the data. i just wanted to bring them up sinceyou are talking about exporting. richard was asking is there a mechanismto burst reports via crystal reports in any of the export formats? i know somebodyelse was asking about exporting to xml. kenneth: currently with the designer as astand-alone tool, no there is no bursting capability.
our platform product does havethe ability to schedule reports, and we have a publication feature that willschedule reports to a vast number of recipients and send them out as either e-mail orattached to their user account on the platform. i am not clear on whether bi ondemandproduct has similar capabilities. it may have that ability to at leastdeliver reports to the users in your group. but unfortunately, that is an areai am not terribly familiar with. kyla: okay thanks thomas. kenneth: so just a recap for thoseof you who are new to crystal reports and considering 2011, you get allthe features from 2008 of course.
and i wanted to sort of basically recap whatare the main features that we have delivered in the cr 2008 designer. so in cr 2008 we deliver the ability to be ableto have a parameter panel right next to the report in the view in the designer. and what that allowsyou to do is be able to have in place parameters that will filter out data, to save data that is inyour report without having to incur a database refresh. and what that does is it gives a lot offlexibility for consumers now to work with the data that is already set and be able to tweakthe parameters settings to filter something a little bit more to their liking or to theirneeds. there is some on-report sort controls. you can define a sort control for a particulargroup or field and you can actually sort your data
in place without having to incura refresh against the database. this is great for those who are sending a reportof a snapshot of something that was refreshed last week and you didn't want to get thelatest data because it may have changed. for crosstabs we have introduced theability to have custom rows and columns to give a user the ability to make calculations.many times you may have a series of sales data for instance, or currency, dollar data that youmay want to apply some sort of variance calculation or average calculation to. you canintroduce that in a customized row or column. flash support, we have the ability tohave some basic flash widgets created from the excelsius designer and thenembedded and bound to the data in your report
so that you can create simple sliderpie chart type controls for instance that depending on an input value youmight be able to project your data that you want further outin the future for instance. and there are many more. we havea pdf document on our website that details all the features that havebeen delivered with this report designer. and it would be a good reference for manyof you who are considering the product to take a look to see what wouldbe useful for your reporting needs. so as i said, i had a quick chance to lookat the registrant data for many of you today. and i wanted to kind of basically talk alittle bit about some of what i did notice.
many of you did talk about, had mentionedthat you use applications like adb power source or microedge gifts. i did a quicksearch online on many of these products. forgive me. i am not terribly familiar withevery single one of these, but in many of my, in much of my research i did find that a lotof these products actually embed crystal reports technology into it. so the reports that youare probably getting out of these applications for instance are already crystal i can totally understand where many of you are coming from where you might want tohave access to a copy of crystal reports so that you can design your own setof reports against these applications, because it is very possible that you canalready connect to the database schema
for which this data is stored in. many of the formats that i noticed thatthese applications use are xbase or dbase, file based data formats or excel accessformats. so even sql server i've noticed. so it's very simple. we should be able tosupport being able to connect with our designer to these applications that you are currently usingso that you can extend the reporting capabilities or build customized content for theaudiences that you need to deliver to. so the basic tenants of the crystalreports designer for instance, odbc is a big connectivity typethat we support. it's very pervasive in terms of what we can connect to. somany database vendors or applications
that have a data componentwill likely have an odbc driver. and as long as you can configure thatin the odbc administrator in windows, there is no reason why wecouldn't connect to that. the screen shot on the right hereis a little bit small. i apologize, but i don't think we could actually fiteverything in there. actually no, we did. but the list of data sources thatwe can connect to is very extensive. and as you can see the flexibility of thedesigner to be able to connect to many sources is a true strength of ours. and we hopeit will be very possible for you to use it for your reporting needs.
so going through some effective reports,we wanted to start from the basic. one of the things we want to talk aboutis when you sit down and design a report, really understand the audienceand the purpose of that report. is this person going to look ata snapshot of data in a subset, or are they going to look atall the records in a database? hopefully not the latter, because it gets verydifficult to sift through thousands of pages and hundreds of thousands of records just to getthat piece of information that you really want. identify and prioritize the data, knowwhat you need to calculate through formulas. other requirements that you might have such ascharts, if you are joining other data sources
together make sure you know thatyou can join that schema together and get a proper resultset that will make sense. start simple. deliver the most impactfulvalue first. so get the data to show in the report first. make surethat the data validation is correct, and then start tweakingit with more features. also consider how you are going to distributethe particular format. so is it safer to — will all your consumers havethe report designer installed? so does it make sense to distribute thereport as an rpt, or will it be a pdf because that is a verycommon standard today?
and one thing to really stress is thatreport development is very iterative. you can spend a lot of time coming up with thedesign of your ultimate look and feel of the report and the behavior, but i think buildingand getting there is going to be iterative. you are going to be designingin a certain way and backtracking and making a couple new things, and tryingand tweaking some other things as you go along. going through these screen shots, these arethings that jaclyn will likely quickly demo as well in the demo portion of this webinar.but the flow that we generally see, you are choosing your data, displaying it in thereport. you want to be able to look at grouping. so in this case we've got grouping by cityand by state. there might be some other filters
and sorts. at some point you are going to want toadd summaries for your data and other formatting to improve the readability andunderstanding. so in this case we've got sort of an alternatingshading to identify the different rows. and once you've got the basic reportgoing, you can do a whole lot more. the goal here is to try to change your reportsfrom something that is just plain numbers and data that is coming back from the databaseto something that you can easily understand and view often, and not just view oftenbut get the information you need right away. the chart formatting, they help to illuminatepatterns, bring things of interest to your view. parameters and sorts, grouping, beingable to drill into data and charts,
building hierarchies so that youcan see the nested information, and you can navigate through it that way.formatting aesthetics to reduce the clutter. those of you who may have multiple reportsbut you can link them through subreports to expose related and contextual data. and thesubreports can be exposed as either ondemand or completely live in the report. andthese are all decisions that you will make given the understandingof your audience. here we've got the report here with some chartsand just to illustrate the trending of the data that you see in front of you. you can buildlots of different charts and break them out into more detailed charts that will give you amore microscopic view of the summary of the data.
this is sort of a bit of a summary like withgetting started you want to be able to connect to the data, do your basic summaries, and group.think about where you are exporting the report to, where you are going to put theinformation in which sections of the report whether it is the header, thefooter, or the body of the report. and doing more, we've got a lot ofcharting capabilities and subreports. crosstabs is very popular. we have a lot of userswho use our products who bring in a lot of fields into the body of the report but then build linesand tables to make it look as though it is a crosstab for instance. being able to drill into data.what data should you expose in the top level of the report? what data should beexposed when you drill down into the report
into a certain section? we support images, parameters, and sorts.flash applets tend to be a good option for those who are interested in havingthat dynamic flash interactivity. we have a very powerful formatformula language for formatting and conditional formatting, andlots of mathematical functions, the functions that will allow you tomanipulate the data that is in front of you. at this point i am going to pass controlover to jaclyn who will share her desktop and show you live what are some of the thingsthat we've been showing you in screen shots. kyla: thanks kenneth. andwhile we are getting that set up
i was just going to ask a coupleof more questions that have come in. richard was wondering can thereports be scheduled to go to folders? kenneth: again, the scheduling is afunctionality of our current platform. the business object enterpriseplatform. as for scheduling, i am aware that there are possibly somethird-party tools that might allow you to schedule or deliver reports to folders.and i would encourage customers that are looking for these smallertools to look at those options. those who are more technically savvy, i thinkcan make use of our sdks to build applications that will handle this behavior.and when you have access to the sdks
and you are an application programmeryou can design whatever you want. so i think in essence, the answeris with this current designer no, but there are a lot of tools out therewhether you pay for them, or get them for free, or build them yourself, that are availablethat can give you this functionality. kyla: okay, great. this is the onlyother question i will ask right now. i will hold all the rest until later, but this mightbe something that jaclyn might be talking about. kim was wondering how does yourcustomer initiate a report request? do they normally identify tablesor fields in the report request? so i guess jaclyn, when you are doing yourdemo i guess, just keep that question in mind.
that would be helpful. jaclyn: i can start by speaking to that. in an idealworld absolutely, you would get that information in the report request. but in the realworld not everybody has that information. often a great amount of timeis spent getting the data right, figuring out which tables in a complexschema are needed, and how they are related, and where exactly the values of interestare derived from in that database. so if possible, yes, is the shortanswer, but often that is not possible. and if you are responsible for report development,just make sure that the people that are waiting for the report and the people you reportto are aware of what is blocking you
if that is a block and youneed to find the information. i know that many of you are usingcrystal reports with custom applications, and sometimes those schemascan be hard to understand. but you are going to need to look at thedocumentation the vendor has available, and speak to them in order to sort itout, because indeed it is a dependency in terms of getting the data right. i just noticed there are a few questions thathave come in, and i won't try to speak to them right now, but in terms ofscheduling destinations and live data from business intelligence ondemand, biod,i believe that functionality is available
but kenneth and i aren't experts on thatsoftware, so we should find you that information after the call to make sureyou get the right information. so i what thought i would start with isshowing you, we've got some screen shots on the powerpoint, but i just thought iwould show you that report and how it evolved speaking to how it became moreinteractive and more visual. and then i will show you some getting startedsteps depending on how much time we have. this has just got two groups and somesummaries. it is essentially a listings report. and then i added some conditional formattingto provide pre-attentive visual cues for the readers of your reportso they can recognize patterns
or distinguish lines of data easily. then iadded this chart. it is actually a drillable chart based on the fact that i havethe chart based on the state and summarizing the donation amount.i can click on that and isolate data. then i thought, while i've got this data by quarter.if i summarize the amount of donations coming in and the number of donors, we can gain insightinto the trends. so by adding these charts you immediately help people looking atthe report see which state is the highest, which state is the lowest, and what states arein the data set. when you are using bar charts, sorting the values is a good way to go becauseit immediately identifies who is the highest and who is the lowest inthose groups of values.
this is the same report and iwill just make it slightly bigger. but i've been shown small multiple versionsof the quarterly performance by each state. so you can see which states are trendingdown, which states are trending up, and because they all use the same y-axisscale you can see the relevant performance of each in that group of reports. so this iteration of the reportwent down a different path. this is the same initial chartthat was added that is drillable. i've put in a crosstab that shows the actualdonations delivered by these campaign types and the number of donors.this chart is still drillable.
you can see by the magnifyingglass that is available to me. and then i have my trend chartand this is a stacked bar chart which shows the proportion, the differentcampaigns within different spend priority levels, high medium and low. now i probably spenda little more time to get these colors to be a little less garish and i could certainlyargue that it is difficult to see the relative values of the layers within these stacked bars. but there is something else that i added tothis. there are parameters that have been added to the report. in this case parametersoften would be used to filter data so that if you choose country equals theusa then the report is going to return data
for the united states. but in this casei am prompting the user of the report to provide whether or not they want thereport to be organized by campaign type, campaign spend priority, or geography. and the default value is campaign type. so we'vegot direct-mail, billboards, search ads, and so on. but i can drill into a bar and exposethe trend in direct-mail donations. and the second level of groupingi've associated to group level ii, when the user has chosencampaign type is a state. so there are a couple offormulas and i will show you that. i called it drill in grouping value which is forgroup level one. and this is an example of a formula
that looks at the parameter values. andif the user has chosen campaign type, then the formula outputsthe field campaign type and the report data isgrouped by that string value. so the next version of that report, so itstill has the parameter, it still has the chart, and i added some other charts that wereshowing average donation relative donations. it's just another way to see the data andallow people to see that for some reason when you are bringing in money frombanner ads, people are donating more money. so we can still drill into the data. and i also allowed, i made it possibleto drill into individual states.
if i do that, i am just going torefresh this and run it for campaign type so you can see the samereport as it has evolved. and now i have added this formattingso that when somebody drills into it they can see the specific recordsthat are related to texas and q1. here is another example of a formula.and this formula provides an output that corresponds to the parameter value again,because depending on what you are looking at, what you've grouped by, you are going to want toexpose something different at the detail level. so now i am going to start and create areport. so this is poorly sized on my window. so this is the connection window. and i amgoing to pretend i haven't already connected
to this data source. but this is where iwill find my database called fund raiser. and i am just going to addtwo tables and hit finish. oh, i need to edit my tableshere because i didn't join them. so campaign spend priority has a oneto many link with the donations table, so i am going to link it from thatid field to the campaign type id. i know that is how the data relates. if i didn't knowi might look at the contents of the table separately and figure out what values were related. i'm finding my okay button. now i am going to click on the design viewand this shows you the structure of the canvass
before we started to do anything. by defaultwe have a report header, a page header, a detail section, a report footer and a pagefooter. the report header and the report footer are generated once for a reportat the beginning and the end. the page header and page footerfor each page, and the details are generated for eachrecord returned in the report. i am going to start by adding a few fields. so frommy donations table i will take state and quarter and donation amount. i am just goingto put it on to the detail section. so there we can see that isthe data i have in my report. and now i am going to enter to group on state,so when i select it here i know that when i choose
to insert a group it has mystate fields selected by default. so i created one group. and i am justgoing to show you in the design view, now we have a group header one anda group footer one section generated. i will do the same thing for quarter.and now we have another group header one and group header two section. you can see thembeing generated in the group tree to the left. so i'd also like to see what tosummarize the donation amount values so that we can see what the totals arefor the groups. so from the design view i am going to right click on the summary,or on the field and choose insert summary. i am going to check this add to all grouplevels. and you can see that the summary object
has been added to the group footer section. nowi want to show those two at the top of the report, so i am just going to move them up and iam going to put this report level summary into the report header becausethat is the right place for it. and now we hit preview and wecan see the summary is at the top. but this is kind of redundant. ori don't want to see it in any case, so i am just going to suppress that section.i am going to right click and choose suppress. and then click group footer sectionis messing with the flow of the data so i'm just going to suppress that too. and whilei am at it i will just make these on the left bold so we've got a little morecontrast. so you can see very quickly
we are getting to the first version ofthe report that i had started to build. so now i am going to showyou the export functionality. you can find it there or from the filemenu. and we will say export report. you can see a list of formats that areavailable. there is quite a good list. and i will just show you a pdf. i amchoosing the destination as the application so it is going to pop open. i willcreate bookmarks from the group tree. and you can see how your users have itimmediately. they've got a pdf document. and i can navigate. let's go to the end of thereport let's say. oh, it's a one page report, but that would take them throughthe document if they needed to.
so now i will just sort of give you someinsight on how you can do some formatting. let's see i think this section here hasbeen formatted to be sort of a gray-blue. i am going to do that by going to the sectionexpert. and on the color tab i am going to choose to apply a background color. now thisis a custom color that i've created using red, green, blue values. so i amgoing to choose it here and click okay. and immediately we can see thatcoming through in the report. if i wanted to do that for group header two iam going to bring up the section expert again. i just want to point out that ididn't have to close it and reopen it. i can just navigate to the different sections'properties by clicking in the list here.
but in this case i've gotgroup header two selected because that is where my quarterly valuesare. i am going to go to the color tab. i think we had alternating shades oflight yellow which is this value here. it's got an rgb value of 255, 255, and right now it is formatted unconditionally. every row is yellow, light yellow. now i am going to implement thatproperty conditionally. so by doing that i am going to the formula button,and this is not a formula object. it is a conditional formatting function,so it will deliver a boolean output, either a true, false, yes, no,or in this case yellow or white.
these are comments that areincluded to explain the window. but what i am going to do here is write alittle bit of logic. if the group number — now this is a pre-defined value in thereport that you just become familiar with when you want to achieve something. pleaseuse the help files because there is information on all of this, and i can showyou other ways to find it too. if remainder, i need myremainder function first. kyla: we are just going to read thisquestion, because i just want to make sure — it's an interesting question and i justwanted to make sure that we got to it because we are about 12 minutes tothe hour. what kind of templates —
and you can do this after this section or not— but what kind of templates are available, like reporting would beavailable through crystal reports? jaclyn: i'm not clear. a group of samplereports that have been available historically with a sample database. offhand i am notsure where they are available right now. kenneth: they may still be accessible fromour support site. a good question jaclyn. i'm not clear where they are today. i knowthose of you who signed up for bi ondemand i think may have access tosome report templates there. i think there might also be a way — i'm notaware of whether there is a central repository for these types of crystal reports.
jaclyn: not as far as i know of, but theredefinitely have been samples provided historically. i believe some of them are installedwith our enterprise platform. and they are probablyavailable online somewhere, but it would just be amatter of finding them. kyla:. okay, and if you do find themafter the webinar just send them my way and i can send themout to the participants. jaclyn: if there is a compilation ofquestions kyla, feel free to remind us there. kyla: definitely will do. sorry for interrupting.that was partially my 10 minute reminder. jaclyn: okay. well i will just wrap upafter this so we can focus on questions.
but just stepping back, we are going to makethis yellow background an alternating color. and what i have done in the conditionalformatting button for the custom background color is written this logic that says, if the remainderof a group number divided by two is zero, then output this rgb function'soutput which is the light yellow which has the 255, 255, 225 rgbvalue, otherwise output cr white. i could have instead of cr white, i couldhave written rgb 255, 255, 255 which is white. so if you were doing this on the details section,there is a corresponding value that you would use for the details section. that is called recordnumber, because often you would be doing this to the details section. so i hit save andclose and we've got the alternating stripes.
so there is a lot more i can show you butin the interest of giving you the information that you are most interested in, kyla ido want you to communicate questions to us? kyla: sure. and if we get through allthe questions and then you still have time and there is something else you want tohighlight at the end that would be great too. barbara just asked do you need to knowhow to code to use crystal reports? kenneth: no. technically no. i think thetechnical knowledge that might be required in order to get started creating reportsis to understand your database schema, the data source that you are connectingto. so that is of course dependent on what application you are using, or whatdata source you are trying to connect to.
and we do recommend that youunderstand where to get that data from before you build your report. any other kindof technical knowledge you might want to know or learn as you go and build thereports is probably understanding how to use the formula language.the formula language is very powerful in extending the capabilities ofmanipulating your data and massaging it to how you would want it to bedisplayed or the data to be used. so i think that is probably one other area thathas a learning curve. but doing basic formulas such as being able to add a value from onefield to the value of another is very easy to do. kyla: okay, great, thankyou. and ross just asked
can you quickly show me theformatting formula for alt color? jaclyn: sure. i just opened up that window herekyla. the 2 forward slashes at the front of a row will allow you to comment out a line.and this is what the syntax would be if you were going to be doing it in a detailssection. i'll just show you in the field explorer that the group number and record number valuesare listed here in the list of special fields. and if you wanted to see what its outputwas you can just put it on the canvass. so you can see that colorado isgroup five, but so is q1 group 5. and if i expose the details section and i putin the record number field, you can see how — i'll just delete state and quarter. you can see howthat is incrementing relative to the group values.
so by the time i get to colorado,group number 5, we are at records 627. kyla: perfect. were you finished or didyou have something else to add to that? jaclyn: i can always go on,but i don't want [indistinct]. kenneth: kyla, i noticed that i think someonehad mentioned about showing xml connectivity. i don't know jaclyn, is our sample data isbased on xml files, isn't it? is that correct? we could quickly show an xml connectivitydatabase driver and at least show the ui for what kind of input fields youwould need to add in order to show this. so based on the screen that jaclyn hasshown here, our xml connectivity here allows you to input the file path toyour xml file, and based on the class name
you can pull out the relevant xml data.i think that is what you're asking for. i hope that kind of answers thequestion. otherwise it is fairly simple. here is another screen here. if it was aweb based xml url you can connect to that and be able to pull yourdata through that xml source. jaclyn: this is an old connection ihave in a connections list i've use, but apparently i don't have thesource or can't remember the — everyone thinks there'd be securitybut i can't connect to it at the moment. kyla: okay, no problem. and i know kathy justasked can crystal reports 2011 easily add totals from subreports togetheron the main report?
jaclyn: sure. what you do kathy is whenyou are in your subreport take the value, the total that you want to use in the mainreport and assign it to a shared variable. so we create a formula and the formulawould say "shared number var x: =" and then you'd assign the valuefrom your subreport to that variable. and then what i would do is in the main report,display that. if you've got multiple subreports it is going to be coming through in a groupheader or group footer section presumably. and you can right click in a sectionlike this and choose insert section below. so in the design view there is a section herethat i just added. and if you got a subreport in let's say group header number one, and in thatsubreport you defined a variable and displayed it,
you may hide it later. but just whileyou are building it make sure you know what you are generating. and thendisplay it in the main report. and what you need to do then is addup that output that's coming through in the group header number one b intoanother variable. so it is not a right click. it is a technique that you wantto use is manual running total. and kyla if you could possibly notekathy's question, i can make a point of sharing a pdf document that talksabout this manual running total technique. it is slightly more involved but itis definitely worth learning kathy, and will help you get whatyou need. it is easily done.
kyla: sure. i just noted it. thank you. andi think we have time for one more question before we wrap up. earlier sarah hadasked, do you have customers using this tool for salesforce reporting? jaclyn: we sure do. kenneth: we have actuallya salesforce data driver that allows you to connectto the salesforce cloud. jaclyn: do you remember where we get thedriver from? i think it is installed by default. kenneth: it is installed by default. jaclyn: so then as soon as you enter in youruser id and password for your salesforce account
you have access to their schema. in adifferent role i did build reports off of it. i did not find schema hard to work absolutely you can report off salesforce. kyla: okay, great, thank you. with that i thinki will go ahead and start kind of wrapping up. if we did not get to your questions today iwill go ahead and forward those to the presenters and we can respond within aweek or so directly to you. but i think we did get throughmost of the questions that came in. first i want to go ahead and really thank bothjaclyn and kenneth for being here with us today. this is really really helpful information. iknow that techsoup and the techsoup community really appreciate it. i reallywant to thank you for that.
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