Thursday, March 23, 2017

How To Flashing k touch a10

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2.boot into recovery mode, in the file already exists in the form of .pdf open a full tutorial and follow the instructions. anyone using flashing software.
3. When've followed all of the conditions please check the phone has been normal what is not.
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How To Flashing k touch a10

hello everyone and welcome to anotheredition of the fuji guys. my name is jerry and today,we're going to go through the top features of the x-a2 fujifilm camera. so please sit, and enjoy. so on this new the camera here wedo have the tilt screen at the back just like we didbefore but they're is some improvements to this tilt screen. soit's the same 920 k display, so lots of information on the screen itself.but not only does it tilt down as well as up, but now it actuallygoes all the way up. so now, we have the

the ability to now have a selfie modeif you will, for video, for doing um being able to seeyourself, and framing yourself in the video this is also nice feature to haveas well. so what this will allow you to do isbasically be able to do a selfie. so in this casehere, i can do my own selfie here. so i can look and take myself he shotthat way. the other feature that does do as youcan see is that it does flip the screen, so you could see here that the screen isflipped, and if you close it down, then the screengoes back into normal shooting mode

like so. so this screen does a 175 degrees basically, so it allows youto go all the way up. and as soon as you flip over thisway now it allows you to do the selfie mode. now, if you're in sr automode, which is on the dial here the sr plus, this will now allow you to takeadvantage of things like the selfie, the eye detection during the selfie aswell. so face detection, selfie mode will kick in and and it'llautomatically detect the face,

and automatically detect an eye. so youcan prioritize which eye, so i'm using my own face, but you can see thatit's picking up my eye, and that i'm moving a little bit too so itpicks up different subjects and so on but it's able toactually pick up the individual eyes and you can actuallyprioritize the left eye or right eye. so if you're shooting right handed or lefthanded, you'll have access to that mode, and it'll prioritize the closest eye typically. sothere's been some vast improvements on the focusing

with the with this camera. so i'm just gonna go through some of the quick modes. the first, when you're in sr automode, the first thing you'll notice is of course you have face detection, and now eye detection. so what that meanswith the face detection, is when you have a facein the picture, let me just square that up; you can see the green boxthat goes around the face and the little white box that goes around theeye. so that allows you to really make sure that you're you'regetting the best possible focusing on on a portrait, as well as when you'redoing your selfies.

so when you're doing selfies and thingsof that nature, the eye is gonna be chosen as your focus point and youcan actually prioritize left eye right eye depending on the circumstances. now, if we go into p mode, sojust a program so that we can really see the different focusing modes. we're just gonna hit the qbutton here, and we're gonna see here the different focusing modes. so even in p mode, you canstill have your face detection on, as well as the eye detection as well.

that's the mode that we see here facedetection there and eye detection. so using the little dial here, i'm just gonnachange. so this is actually tracking af. so you can see the little yellowsquare there. just hit the left on the d-pad, sowhere the self timer button is, and it'll actually lock on the subjectitself. so now it's actually locked on thesubject and you can see that it's gonna follow the subject all this is great for sports and action and things of that nature with movingsubjects. so this makes it really easy, just lockon the subject and start firing away.

another mode of course, is manual focus. so in using the manualfocus mode, that's using the ring on the front hereto manually adjust your focus and you can see the focus peak highlight. i'm just gonna bring thelittle toy car that i've got here as an example, as an image. and just so you can see howthis actually works. so as you're focusing, youcan see the little specular highlights that show up in what's sharp and what'snot.

and you can use standard as well asfar as the focusing assistance goes. so, you see a sharp picture, you take yourpicture. if you don't like the image then you can certainly just by pressing and holdingthe wheel, it'll give you the focus peak highlight, and then you can certainlythen see what's in focus and what's not. and then going back into the again... so this is our area af so what thisallows us to do now is to be able to reallyshow

really show what you're shooting. now right now, because we have the face detection on, it's picking up faces in that. so i'mgonna turn that off, i'm gonna go up into the menu in the fourthmenu, you'll see face detection. so you can turn that off, and thatautomatically also turns off the eye detection by just naturally doing that. so now, you cansee that with the multi points coming up here, you can see that that area af is kickingin

showing you what is it's actuallyfocusing on. so, it you're really gives you an idea ofwhat the camera's focused on, and that way you can really make sure thatyou're getting um a nice sharp image with with the subject that you're aiming at. and then ofcourse, there's your regular multipoint af which is you know got 49 points of auto focus with the with this camera and with allof our x-series cameras. so to get to that, you've got the af buttonat the top here. you just press the af and now you can see that you've gotforty nine points. you can make those points smaller

or bigger depending on the needs. smallerfor more accurate focus, larger for just ensuring that you knowfor larger subjects and things like that and then you've course can pick any ofthe 49 points as well. so that's the different focusing features on the this camera, and of course continuous autofocus forjust regular auto focus. so when you're locked onto the center square, it will then give you acontinuous focusing as well. something you'll notice actuallyon the back at the camera now is that

there's actually no macro mode. so now you don't have toactually put the camera in macro mode to do any close focusing. you just simplywith the with the new xc16-50 version 2, and the 50-230 version 2, you just simply focus the distance you want to focus. so you just point-and-shoot. there is nomacro mode anymore. it's automatic. see, whenever you need to getthat close shot. let me

just give you a better angle here so you cansee what i'm talking about. so if we do a close-up shot, no matterhow close, as long as i'm within that minimum focusdistance, so i'll zoom out a little bit to get that minimum focus distance. you no longer need to actually put the camera into macro mode. now when you're in sr auto ,that- it'llactually tell you that you're in macro mode. here so it'll actually tellyou i'm in macro. go ahead. shoot and you'll be fine to

to do that. so with the new 16-50 version 2, 35-56 and the 50-230, 45-6.3 version 2. lenses. now theseones will support the auto macro. so you no longer need toworry about putting the camera into macro mode tobe able to take those macro pictures. so at the bottom here, we have the qbutton here at the the bottom right-hand corner and this allows us to have access to allof our quality-

image quality setting. so in thisparticular case, i'm already set up in the manual mode. so this would give me things like my auto focus, my iso, my dynamic range, noise reduction, image sizing and types. so i can go into raw from here, a raw jpeg, just fine jpeg, normal jpeg. your film simulations are here as well, and things like colour saturation, sharpness, tone, and highlight tones arealso controllable there

you have access to of course, to your ois, if youwanna turn that off. this would be recommended if you're i'm doing tripod work, landscape work, macro work whereyou're using a tripod. we'd actually recommend you turn off your ois. you'll actually increase your sharpness, imagequality, even that much more. and of courseyour self-timer is lined up right there as well. you have a 2 and a 10-second self-timer. sothe q button or the q menu gives you quick access to those-

to the modes that you need the most. whenyou're in the sr auto mode, if we swing it around here, then you'llnotice that you are very limited as to what you canchange. so the most you can change really is your image size: and your filmsimulation as far as black and white standard sepia andso on. so there's our sepia film simulation. when you're in manual, you get more access to the different modes that you would want

like the different film simulation modesthat fuji offers. so you got your standard, your velvia or your vivid, your astia or soft film, and things like classic chrome so we'veadded a chrome look which is a little more muted of colour saturation, and of course yourblack and white near sepia tones as well. so we've added more filmsimulations to the care to give you that much morecreative input as well. so on the top the the camera, we do havethe dial.

it has several options here includingyour psanm so your program, shutter priority, aperture priority, full manual; as well as a custom slot. we have thesr plus, the advanced features, scene positions, and some pre-determinedscene positions there as well. for the sr plus, the advantagehere is that you really don't have to do anything. the camera will absolutely do everythingfor you. so for example, here we're in a macro mode and you couldsee that little macro symbol shows up right away. i can't really show youlandscape because

there's not enough distance in this roomto show you that, but if there was a landscape mode, or landscape opportunity, the camerawould go into a landscape. if there's a portrait opportunity, thecamera will go into portrait with face detection and eye detection alreadykicked in. if you're in of course selfie mode,where the camera is flipped up, or this lens is flipped up like this, orsorry the screen is, and then you get the selfie, there youget your face detection as well kicked in right away along with your eyedetection.

so these are the the different modes that it'll pick up onit will pick up on moving subjects. like i said if it's a night or backilluminated picture, night scene or or somethingalong those lines, it'll automatically determine that and try to maximize what the camera can do. now of course inthe advanced features, or sorry in the scene positions,you have a lot of these positions that you could program yourself. so just by going into sp, hitting the menuand you'll see the scene positions come

up right away and then you have all the choices in theworld from the night, tripod, fireworks, sunset and so on. so there's quite a bit to choosefrom there... but the camera will determine a lot ofthose on their own, and then some of the scene positionsare actually on the dial itself. so your portrait enhancer, there's thelandscape and it would actually choose that one automatically. same with sports if it detectedsomething was moving.

and the night shot, and this is onethat, where you're not using a night, or you're not using the tripod. so you've gota few pictures on your camera now and you want to be able to share them onsocial media, you're out and about. so there's gotta be a way to be able totransfer those pictures to your phone. so i've got the ios here, so i'm gonna use the ios device to to connect my camera to my phone and beable to then download them to the phone itself. so thefirst thing you're going to do is go into the playback mode. so just by hitting

the little arrow on the back here. andthen after i hit the arrow on the back here, i'm gonna hit the wifi button which is up on the top,the function button. so once i hit that, it's gonna give me different um...possibilities like being able to view and obtain theimages on my ipad or iphone or or, android device, sending individual images. i'm gonnabrowse because that's probably the best way to to do this. and right away, it goes into thecommunication settings,

and it's now sending a wifi signal, and i gotta pick up that wifisignal. so i just gotta look for it here, there it is, and when you see the little check markthere; now that you see it you can now go intothe camera app. so there's a coupledifferent ones. we want the camera app for the x-a2, and now we can justbrowse the camera, and hit connect. and now i can seeeverything that is actually on the camera itself, and i can zoom inon them.

now i can check for sharpness by zoomingin, yup. that's that's nice and sharp. that's the one i want and then you can hit import. and now the image is now saved. if you want to be able to do multiple,you just hit the little checkbox version, or box there and then youjust tap the pictures themselves. it will import up to 30pictures at a time, then you can open up any of yourapplications that you want to do photo editing and then share them, or just straight share them straightout of the camera

as it is. so, a little bit offlexibility with the app and with the ipads,iphones, and android devices as well; whether it be tablets or phones as well. so not only can youtransfer those images to your phone, but now you can also transfer them tothe instax share printer. so this is built-in through the wififeature. so all you have to is you go into theplayback mode. now before you actually do that, you've gotta doa bit of a setup. so you quickly go into the menu,

and you'll see in the setup options, you're gonna see here the instax shareprinter connection settings. so that's under the third tab, and you go to the right, andhere you have to type in the ssid number or the serialnumber of the device. so the serial number's actually on thebottom of the of the device here. now everybody knows my device number. so if you ever see me and you're actually gonna wanna print to my printer you now have

the ssid to my printer. and you just enter that into the fieldhere, and then it's gonna ask you for thepassword. in this case it defaults and they all default to 1-1-1-1. you just hit okay. and now, with thedevice on, we're just gonna go into the playback,we're gonna hit menu, and in the third playback menu, you'regonna see the instax share printer print and

it's gonna now connect to the now it's connected to the printer, that easy, that quick, and it's showing me thelast picture that i had up, so i can hit okay to transmit thepicture and that takes a about you know twenty seconds for it to to send it and to start printing it outlike we're seeing now. and then once it's printed, it'll take about two to three minutes for thefull image to expose as with any of the instax images. so there it comes out, white for now, and thenover time

it will develop into to the image that you see here. now ofcourse it will print exactly what you're seeingon the back of the screen. so you can do a little bit of editing. if youdid some raw, you could do some raw editing and then convert it to a jpeg, and then spit it out. or you couldjust print it out as is. so it makes a great great little opportunity to to to share some pictures instantly andthat they're printed so that one i put

actually upside down. so we're just gonna putthat right back right side up. so now you can see theimages actually developing as i speak. thank you so much for watching. if you have any other questions or concerns feel free of course to post them in the comments below. please subscribe to the channel: and ofcourse follow us on twitter, @fujiguys.

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