How To Flashing maximus max11

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How To Flashing maximus max11
i'm gonna play something fun i'm gonna play some xin zhao mid lane you dont even know dude you dont even know alright you might think you know but now you dont know i'm gonna show you guys a new tactic that i know with xin its calledl ignite,ghost xin zhao mid
liberation - sound burn the weebs! walderik you know what. uhmm how about we go ahead and burn you you ever think about that? you ever think about, uh, you know, being the other way around? if you touch a weeb touch one weeb touch any weeb and i will find you where you live
your family will uhh, have a nice hot meal cooked for them personally by me game world ok i don't know how to cook though i might accidentally put in some cleaning products inside the food anyways ehmm. if you throw a bomb at me youre not listening to what i just said
actually you know what? lets get lvl 2 real quick and another one yeah! sit ... waaaaaaaaah ooops he had heal guys he had heal guys he had heal call flash and heal oh yeah youre right.
no sums mid alright, forgot, my bad ok, ehm im brain lagging today bammm wait why im criting? excuse me. respect my existence get out of my jungle. you animal
guys what i max? what i max? wait i used to max my e on xin but i dont if i max e anymore do i max e still? ohhh, ahh, eeee help me. give me out of here run
your boosted you mess em up mess em up give him the 1, 2, kappa give him the clap give him the clap oh get clapped well done ahhhh, oh get him yo get him wait,wait actually
no,no,no i've seen this movie before i actually don't like how it ends, i really don't like how this movie ends i really not fond of how it ends now daddys my get the strech me i got money to donate what? whats wrong with you im gonna have human interaction? oh my this jungler
goes in cy@ see that i already knew that he was gonna burn confidence in the burn alright if didn't think he would burn, i would have ghosted can i cy@ him probably not dude, probably not let me show you. why you take ghost on xin zhao
xin zhao the fourth that's his name i pressed ghost as accident i pressed it on accident i mean i did it on purpose i did it on purpose beacuse look at this look it this cut off, cut em off and full on kappa mode
well done everybody can i get a klappa in the chat everyone was like xin zhao mid nice trolling nightblue no i this is a hidden tactic this is how you win elo this is how you win every single league of legends game ever do i just sit here? or do i go for red?
well, ahh ee ahh oh ahh ee ahh oh a, a, aeiou aww, i popped it too early pop a moly im sweating go for it you bonobo ohh you mess up your clear nice nice dude well done, no honestly you deserve... yo i ignited him man
i worked hard on that kill oh we're roaming, we're zoning, we're pwning get him team denied oh pog champ dominating i gonna e her after im rooted
get out of my jungle caitlyn you wanna dive diverino lets go zac your pasive dude i will save you what was that tresh you suppose to give me out of there you suppose to being diving
you are my get away you better run no thats mine no i think you made a mistake that was mine haha i one shooted him dude hello ziggs. or more like. digs beacuse
he is dead that doesnt rhyme at all i dont know what fo listen he died cy @ hold on holy molly im sweading all right thats it mom get the detours oh i like that he used his escape why you are bombing yourself
oh. help me. i got one ohh .. damit man gosh damn it i think i go to deep kreygasm oh no. i coming my friends oh way hold on
hello. try to masteryting me hold on hold on she hurts ok yeah she hurts who invite poppy to the party? i pretty sure we didnt send an invite to poppy we we make sure not to send it a invite to poppy
beacuse uh she looks like nightblue and we dont like that guy disable disable turn on the ghost activated the ghost turn on thrusters dang it dude
actually i wanted to have double w or something oh he is crazy. cy help me help me oh triple uh baby a triple got it coach nice dude
you should i go in im going in this is risky risky too risky this is frisky one more no i didnt critc we need to kill poppy pppy is the objective
no im not ready someone kill poppy you animal. i need to kill that poppy she s the only one really made my trouble give me a hook you i will go in so hearty that tresh is such a good denial
ok come on come on. give me a reason to dive after seeing that i dont want to live anymore no im kidding im kidding i really wanna kill her and we live
we survive staying alive im 21 kills this game in a 22 minutes told you guys xin mid is broken oh thanks you for the leash men yeah let me get him i got ulti of the ziggs
i didnt expect that one ok my bad my bad team brain lag what you are talking about oh ok every third attack maximus ha ok maximus mr.challenger
expert watch this first attack second attack ok so anyways ok so watch this watch this yeah you see that uh what now maximus 1 2 3 crits 4 crits 5 crits
6 crits dude what do you mean third auto useless im critic all day men im critic all day im dead poppy is such a lame champion everyine who plays poppy evaluate your existence
ok not toxic team i go to infiltarte their fountain you are watching nascar nacar! inside thats one this is the final fight holly molly i told you guys xin zhao
zhao mid is the best mid laner in the game
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