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How To Flashing micromax a200
alright! this concludes the first warning:i was told last night. this concludes the first wave i was shown last night in a nightvision and people took notice. people took notice that this is the first warning andworst is yet to come. in my vision last night i saw a storm. it formed on the ocean. theni saw the atmosphere in three layers: the top layer was darker, the middle layer wasless dark and the bottom layer was clear; it was the air. then i saw lightning flashingso low that it began to hit the water. lightning was not flashing in the dark and cloudy partof the atmosphere. it was striking in the lowest part of the atmosphere, in the clearsky and it was hitting the water. then i saw sea water was piled up high like walls. peoplebegan to run to safety. people were terrified
and began to run to safety. and the watercame and crashed on land and people ran off in front of it. some got in their cars andsome in their vans and began to drive off. "this concludes the first warning" i was told."this concludes the first wave" i was told. people noticed; people took notice of thedisaster. everyone understood it was a warning. then i saw people grabbed their newborns andbegan to run ahead of the water as it crept on the ground. and everyone understood thatthis concludes the first wave; this concludes the first warning and there is much much worstto come. my name is xolali, yahweh is salvation. we are living in the end time and all thisis happening as a result of sin. but let him that have ears hear what the spirit says.let him that is righteous continue in his
righteousness. and let him that is unrighteouscontinue in his unrighteousness. the one who is giving us these visions, the one who iscausing this to happen as a result of sin, jesus christ, the king of kings and lord oflords is on his way back. blessed are those who have washed their robes white in his blood.until next time!
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