How To Flashing samsung s5 sm g900h clone

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How To Flashing samsung s5 sm g900h clone
what's up here dr bc and in this episode iwill, tear down samsung galaxy s5, and show you how to assemble, dis-assemble this phone?and also show you the parts list. unfortunately while making this video i had broken my lcdand usb charging pcb. so my request to all of you, do this at your own risk and bcd techis not responsible for any damaged that you can do with your phone.animations this is samsung galaxy s5, for our previousvideos on unboxing, ota updates and sensors review and more please click on the link flashingon yours screen. in this video episode, i will show you to the tear down of galaxy proceed with tear down you will need philips screw drivers, a plus one, an anti-magnetictweezers, a sharp blade, some plastic tool
for case opening, which has sharp edges. likethis. an suc-sun cup, this is used in removing the lcd portion from the front bessel, andsome sort of plastic cards. you can use credit card or something similar to it. this hasvery sharp edges. you will also need a hot air gun, to loose adhesive, without this youcannot separate the lcd from front bessel. now take all of these tools aside for a while.first of all i will unlock my s5, i has configured fingerprint to unlock, to know how to do that,click on the video icon, flashing on your screen. as you can see warning for back turn off the s5, by pressing the power button for few seconds. and on device optiontap power off. and then tap ok. make sure s5 is completely off before proceeding tonext steps. now there is small notch on right
side of bessel, use your fingernail to liftof back cover. the back cover comes out nicely. below battery there is small notch, use yourfinger tip and lift the battery from that notch. take this battery aside. there are3 screws on the back cover, its use philips screwdriver and take out these 3 screws. toskip this portion click on the link flashing on your screen, else i will fast forward this.use tweezers tip to lift screws from usb port. now you have to take out this plastic, useyour finger nail to pull this out. it is stick by adhesive, keep this aside. now below that,is a connector, for finger scanner, for proceeding to next step, unplug this connector, elseit get damaged during next steps. this is external antenna port. use your sharp plastictip and unplug the connector, make sure not
to damage the back bessel, space is very small.use thinner tool for unplugging. now it is unplug. make it straight. the remaining screwsare below this front glass. now you have to separate the glass from the bessel. for thatuse hot air to lose the adhesive. use on full setting the temperature must be greater than100 degree celsius. my screw as blowing with air, let's keep this aside. now heat the frontglass. heat the glass throughout. it will take time to transfer heat from glass to adhesive,so heat it, don't use much heat at the centre part; this may damage the amoled screen. nowmy glass is sufficiently heated, now use the plastic card to lift the glass, as you cansee that it is not going inside the glass, it is mandatory to use elastic plastic tolift glass, this will not put too much pressure
on the lcd, but as you can see that it isnot going from either side. so let's take this hard plastic. now you can see that theglass is start lifting from the front bessel. oh missed, let's do this again. now let'stry from the top side. put the plastic tip in-between the glass and the bessel, and tryto lift the glass. don't rush in this step, go slowly, i am making space with this hardplastic, so that i can insert my elastic plastic, i think samsung has used, different adhesivehere to hold the glass. now let's try again from this side. as you can see that glassis lifting up, now enough space is made to insert the card, let's make more space, andthen i will reheat the glass, as it is cooling down, let's move the plastic ahead. oh sati had broken my display. let's reheat the
display, now let's see what's happen. putthe connector back, and insert the battery. now press and hold the power button, to turnon the phone. the display is not working, the battery is ok, the led is glowing, thatmeans i had broken my display. this means that samsung has used new type of adhesiveto hold the glass. that is my fault, and my glass is cooled down and it breaks. no.. noglass is not broken, actually the amoled is broken. glass seems perfect, below that somethingis gone, this may be amoled or digitizer glass. whatever be, i am just proceeding to dis-assemblyprocess. heat the glass, this time not only the glass but the centre part also, i thinkamoled is also stick to bessel, so before lifting the glass make sure that centre isheated enough, to lose the adhesive below
amoled. now use the hard plastic to lift theglass from the other end, as you can see that it is very easy and the glass lift up nicely,now use plastic card, to hold the adhesive, now run the plastic tool ahead, i had madea mistake here, that may be due to glass damage, do you know, what is that. i had broken myrecent key, let's ignore this and go ahead. as you can see that the crack under the glasspropagates, and now it is visible, under the glass. be careful not to go, to the back key,as you can see that the glass is separated from the amoled here. as i had already brokemy recent key so there is no problem to go from left bottom. as i had already brokenmy lcd digitizer and capacitive key, there is nothing to save on the front glass, soi am going ahead, after a long run of 15 minutes
i am able to separate the glass from the bessel.while lifting from the bottom end, be very careful, else you will lose, capacitive keysand finger scanner. my prediction is right, the amoled has strong adhesive from down side,so for separating glass you will need a hot plate with controlled temperature, or youcan use controlled hot air gun, and don't use temperature more than 200 degree celsius,this will damage the amoled, whether it is below the glass. now the glass screen is separatedfrom the front bessel. here you can see that the recent key is gone. so till now i hadbroken my lcd and capacitive keys, this is ok. as you can see this is adhesive tape whichis holding the amoled, beware about this before removing the glass.this is lcd part; this is finger scanner flex
cable. keep this aside; i will come to thislater on. now let's see the main bessel. now you have to separate this centre part fromthe main bessel. there are 10 screws here, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. use screwdriver to remove this screw, i will fast forward this step. now all of these 10 screws areremoved. make sure that there is no screw remains on the board. once all is ok, it'stime to lift the centre board, for that use a sharp plastics and try to unlock the clips,it is not so easy here to do the unlocking, there are three clips here, one two and three.make a small space and try to put the sharp plastic from there. on the left side, thereis no problem, on the right you had to go hard, as this is real time, it will take timeto me to get the exact way to lift. let's
lift the back three clips, go slowly as underthis there is main board of s5. put the hard plastic on the right, and lift up, and nowgo to above at the camera and put the hard plastic between earpiece and camera, and gentlylift the centre board up, don't go through usb end, the board will never lift from thisside, see anything left from the sides, none, ok now very carefully go through ir led careful at this point, else you will damage the ir led, boom, the centre part is gently lift the centre part. let's take this aside for a while, this is main bessel,the only and only bessel for s5. on the bessel, let's cover this usb door.this is main ringer or loudspeaker of s5. these connectors are for 3g antenna on theback. this is contact pad for volume button,
this has three pads. this contact pad is forheadphone socket, this is headphone socket. this two is for earpiece, here is main earpiece.there is no way to take out the ear piece, this is ir led dispenser. again this is diffusedto main bessel. let's see whether it i possible to separate earpiece mesh. again there isno way, let's separate the headphone jack. for that try to lift the flex pcb, or youcan use twizer to pull out the jack, and then use flat plastic to lift the adhesive padpart. be careful not to damage the flex cable, better to heat that, to lose adhesive, andthen use flat plastic tip to lift the plastic. now it is separated out. let's take this aside.there is no way to take out the earpiece, if it get damaged, whole bessel must be replaced.if there is any way, i will show you this
is my upcoming videos. let's take this this is centre part, and on the back there is main board of the phone. first of all,separate the 3g cable, from here. use hard thing to lift up. now try to separate mainboard, it is not separating, so there must be a screw, let's search it, where is that.not found, let's try again. there is no clip to hold board. ok i had found that screw;it is in-between camera and flash, use screw driver to take out screw. see is there isanother one, no, ok let's try to lift the board, and boom it lifted up. on the bottomof pcb a flex cable is connected. that's go to bottom pcb, unplug that, use flat plasticto plug that. this is main board, let's take this aside, i will come to this later on.this is centre part. now to separate the bottom
pcb, first of all on the front remove thecapacitive buttons, lift the button pcb, this is lost one. now before lifting the bottompcb, unscrew one screw from the bottom pcb. then from this end try to lift the pcb, andthen slowly toward the usb end, now the bottom pcb is separated. let's take this aside, iwill see this later on. that is main vibrator, to lift that use a sharp tip, to lift it fromboard, that is its contact pads, use twizzer and put the tip below the vibrator motor,and try to lift, ok use both tip now lift, now it is lifted up, now slowly lift the flexcable, go slowly here, else flex will broke. now it is separated. this is vibrator, let'stake this aside. now to lift this flex, that is for volume key, put twizer below this flexand gently lift the flex. be very careful
in lifting the second pad, better to use someplastic. now it is lifted up. now to put this back, align the cut-out and once happy, pushthis back, use thumb to press this down. ok noting more on this, now take this let's see the bottom pcb, on backside there is only main hardware button that iscapacitive button, now let's see the model number, for that zoom in camera to it, thepart is for g900h, and revision is 0.5 g. some part inside this seal shield, same typeis here, this is for screw. that is main microphone, pin hole is on back, and this is pad to 3gand gsm antenna. on the back you will see main hardware home button and that is femaleusb 3.0 micro usb port. noting more on this, let's keep this aside now.let's see the main board of s5. this is main
board; zoom out to see the whole board. lotsof components, parts and metal shield on the board. to take out camera, you have to unplugthis whole module; this is 3 axis gyro sensors. that is camera module. unplug the connectorhere. this is 16 mp sensor, very surprise no part number or model number on the module.let's see this suspension of camera, you can see that the camera sensor is movable; thisis 3 axis gyro sensor. nothing more, let's keeps this aside. here you can see the frontcamera sensor, unplug this sensor from here, ok this fall down, here you can see that thisis for g900h rs 1407, nothing else, take this aside. let's see other removable parts, thisis proximity and ambient sensor, this is it rubber protector, or dispenser. you can removethis dispenser easily, now replacing it very
easy, just align that and then push it back.that is ir sensor, it is very strange, nothing on the top that is ir sensor that is tri colourled, this acts as notification led. noting removable part here, and on the back sideof the board, you can see this rubber dispenser for flash led and heart rate sensor. justlift it up and it will release. that is flash led, same led as seen in note 3, this is heartrate sensor, see that this small unit is measuring your heart beat accurately. let's put thedispenser back, align it and push it back. now zoom out, the next thing you can removefrom the board is the metal shield. use a hard thing to lift the metal shield. put thatblade and try to lift the shield. it is not as easy as seems here, be careful not to damagethe side components, try from all side. you
can use plastic to lift up the metal shield,or use hard plastic and put small bit of pressure and boom, the shield fly away. that is shield.similarly remove all the shields, try to lift from all side and finally boom the shieldis lifted up. there are three metal shields on back side, try to remove of these. i willfast forward all of this. now all metal shield are removed, noting moreto remains from the board. now let's move to next part of the video, that is parts view.for that zoom in so that the ic number become visible. this is antenna contact pad, thisis secondary microphone for noise cancellation, pin hole is on the back side. this is notificationled, already showed. these two points are contact pad for gps antenna, that is sim andmicro sd card tray, that is contact pad again
for antenna. that is main led flash heartsensor, battery connector, these pads is for headphone jack, these two are for earphone.let's zoom in further to see these part number, ok that much is sufficient as this is focuslock. again this is for antenna, here are the couple of tiny ics, this is nxp semiconductoric 47803 this is nfc controller, very hard to read the number, this is mp65m, hs96d1,that is bcm 47537a1, very hard to read the number here. again difficult to read. somepart is missing here. again difficult to read this, this is 8809 ic, nothing more, ok ihave done this side this is sim tray. here this is kmv 3w000lm-b310 that may be samsungmemory, that is simc 824080, that is +dy29, that is intel pmb9820, that is intel pmb57,that is antenna switch gkf48, the part number
of this is not readable. again that oscillatorpart number is not visible. that is antenna test pad, that is 3g antenna connector, coupleof parts here. here you can see the whole area and parts placement at the back sideof g900h main board. now let's see the front side, these alreadydiscussed, this is ground pad, now let's see the ic number here, that is 32hu81 and thatis 2511m3 e219h3, couple of passive components, that oscillator is k3318, the number of thissmall ic is not visible. that is c1h732 ic, couple of components, again the part numberof this small ic is not readable, here is another ic, the part number is not readable,this is proximity and ambient sensor. that is 8jaa, and this ic is not readable and thisis dxo oso, this is lcd connector, and that
is max77804 power ic, that is wm5110b, andthat is skc t1 421, that is very big passive components, this whole is power section. thatis samsung exynos 5422 arm processor and memory. that small ic is s2mps1184, and that is sky77615-11,and that is bottom pcb connector. again these are couples of small ic. now i will show youthe front part of main board, that is sky, that is s2mps, that is exynos ic, power section,lcd connector, front camera and rear camera connector, front sensors, battery connector,2511m3 ic, ir led, and pads. this is ir led. now let's zoom out, and keep this motherboardaside. now let's see the lcd part, this is main lcdwith digitizer and gorilla 3 glass. let's see the digitizer ic, this is from synaptic,the ic number is s5100a, and the model number
of the lcd part is ams510cv01. with revision1.0, this is samsung display. this is 40 pin connector. this is strong adhesive to holdand make water proof seal. now let's see the bottom, here you can see the main home button,this has finger print sensor. this is holded to front glass again by a strong water proofadhesive. now to take out this use the flat plastic and try to lift the home key, insertthe plastic and try to lift home button and here you can see that the home button is takingout, now don't apply too much pressure, you can also pull the home button from the front,and use plastic to release the adhesive. go slowly if need heat the glass from the backand then lift this button, and here home comes out nicely. now let's put the lcd aside, thisis main home button and it has finger scanner
in it. the part number is k homekey revision0.8. and here is tinny part, difficult to read. now let's keep this aside. this completethe tear down and part view session of the video. now before going to assembly processi will show you the part list. this is back cover, with screws, this is mainlcd part, with touch, battery, vibrator motor, front camera, the headphone jack, the metalshields, the main bessel, bottom pcb or charging pcb, main motherboard, centre board, and mainhardware button. these parts list here are used in making galaxy s5. now if you are thinkingof actual cost, right now, very few parts are revealed in market and if we approximatethe actual cost is near around 300 us dollar, that is equivalent to 19 thousand indian rupees,the lcd cost 100 $, the main board 150 $, home
button 10 $, bottom pcb 2$, battery 10 $, otherparts 30 $. so total cost may be around 300 $, you will surprise to see the indian resellergot this unit at 38 thousand, and you are paying 50 thousands for that. so you can seethat what is actual cost of s5. now i will proceed to assembly process. toassemble s5, let's start by putting the metal shield to motherboard, first of all make theseshield straight. then align the shield to the main board, ok this is wrong side, thisis for cpu, align the shield, once you are happy with alignment, press the shield backto the board. you will hear the noise of locking clips, make sure it is align properly. oncedone proceed to next metal shield, i will fast forward this, now all are done, now it'stime to put camera back to board, align the
camera to front side of the board, align withrespect to connector, once aligned press the connector. now camera is installed, now it'stime to put the front camera, procedure is same align with respect to connector and onealigned press connector down. now main board is ready to install, now it's time to putparts back to bessel, first is to put the headphone jack, align jack with the besseland once happy with alignment, here is some problem, once happy with alignment, pressthe pcb back. now back bessel is ready, now it's time to put the bottom board on centreboard, align the board and here is some problem with screw hole, something is blocking thehole, lift the board again, and use twizer to clear the screw hole, now put the bottomboard back, align it and when it aligned press
it back, now use philips screwdriver and putthe small black screw back. now it's time to put the main board, first of all connectthe bottom pcb connector to the main board. once it is connected, and then align the mainboard on the centre board, and here you can see the pad connectors, i had already showedyou the direction. now put the board down, and now put the small white screw back. nowit's time to put 3 g cable back to main board, align the cable, then align the connector,and then press it down. now put the capacitive button back to the place. as the recent keyis broken, so it is not sticking. leave it. now the centre part is ready, now it's timeto see the main bessel. ok i had forget to show you how to take out the main loudspeaker,use your twizer and try to pull the speaker
out, again this is stick, as water proof,so take the sharp plastic, and lift the speaker from the bessel. this is main speaker andthis is its water tight seal. let's put this back. oh this small thing is to cover theantenna test point, put this back on the main bessel. align this properly. now it's timeto put the centre part to the main bessel. here you will need a trick to put this back,this will not go in this way, i will make this way so that you can see this properly,try to put the usb portion first, as you can see that something is blocking this, to godown. align the usb properly to bessel, and then press the centre part hard, you willlisten the noise of getting things down. now press from the top, you will listen the noiseof clips, also go through the sides. make
sure the centre part is settled down propertyon main bessel. now it's time to put the menu key back to glass, align the home button,and then press it down, check the home button from the front, if it is ok then press thehome down. now align the flex cable. and make this connector portion straight. now it'stime to, no no it's time to put screw back you can skip this portion by clicking on thelink flashing on your screen, i will fast forward all of this screwing process. nowi had finished putting all screw back, now it's time to put the lcd back. now first ofall connect this lcd connector, it is very tricky to align, go all the way, until youfeel free to align. better position is this, align the connector and then press it down,now put the home button flex connector back
to this, use long plastic to put it down,now connect the connector. now press from all of the side of display the settle thelcd down, once you are happy with settlement. go back and the put the plastic back, andput all three screws back, now i have put all of the three screws. and now put the batteryand then put the back cover. now press the power button for few second to turn on thephone, as my lcd is not working, but after some time you will see the led light, andphone is booting up. i had check this phone with hdmi cable to my lcd tv, the phone isworking well, the touch is not working, and the recent key is not in conclusion, it is thought to tear down the galaxy s5. unfortunately while makingthis video i had broken my lcd and usb charging
pcb. so my request to all of you, don't trythis at home, until it is important, bcd tech is not responsible for any damaged that youcan do with your phone. this completed this tear down of samsung galaxys5, if you like this video, don't forget to subscribe to my channel; the subscriptionlink is shown on your screen. for more videos on s5 like performance, gaming, review andmore, keep watching bcd tech. thanks you and have a nice day. bye.
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