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How To Flashing zen admire fab
hey youtubers it’s charlie and this is goingto be my flash episode 7 video. there were a ton of great easter eggs and the barry allencharacter turned another giant corner in terms of his development. lots of great harrison wells moments thatboth answered and raised more questions. my position on who he is didn’t change muchbut we can examine the evidence. careful for spoilers in case you haven’tseen the episode. starting with top 5 moments. number 5 - meet farooq aka blackout he’s another casualty of star labs but he’sone of the first to demonize harrison wells in the eyes of team flash. i think being scientists,caitlin and cisco are a little more flexible
on the matter. doing what is necessary versusdoing what is right. barry has the same alignment as superman,which makes him a total boy scout. so farooq isn’t a villain. in the comics he did work with the rogues.we mostly see him during the flashpoint storyline. which is really cool because barry gettinghis powers back in the episode looked like a scene from that same comic. in the context of the story he’s the mostpowerful source of electricity on earth. or you could think of him as the world’s mostpowerful conductor. which is why harrison wells wants to study him.
he’s one of the few things the flash isvulnerable to. and going with the canon of the show, he onlysteals the energy of the speed force, as if barry allen’s cells stored energy the sameway superman’s cells store solar radiation and that’s what gives them both their abilities. don’t worry about the specifics. the showis always really good about explaining the science behind what they do, so when harrisonwells starts messing with farooq’s dna we’ll get details. for now, farooq is going to chill in the meta prison.
number 4 - barry allen is jacking around toomuch the flash as a character takes himself muchless seriously than say batman, superman, even green arrow. he’s a lot more like haljordan, which is why they usually only break through barriers both mental and physical,after getting their asses handed to them. they’re not super zen characters, so barrygetting his butt kicked all the time is a very necessary part of the process of unlockinghis potential. harrison wells reaction was way more subduedthan i thought it would be, we kind of saw the real harrison slip out when their liveswere all on the line. we’ve seen him lose it in front of cisco back when he learnedabout the cold gun.
all his energy is bent on getting barry toa hundred percent. that’s the stratosphere of power where barrycan phase through solid objects, break into other dimensions and travel through time. like he said, more speed is the key. number 3 - the clock king is back it may have just been me, but it seemed likerobert knepper’s performance was decidedly more comic booky than when he was on almost sounded like he developed a whole new accent. one that sounded a lot more like the clockking from the animated series. he also spoke
a lot more lines out of the comics. for instance, anytime he did wordplay withtime and clocks, those lines were right out of the comics. like when he said “time and time wait forno manâ€. i loved his performance but the police stationscenes felt a little uneven with the star labs scenes. i’m still not super connected to the irischaracter yet, so when she was kidnapped it just didn’t quite feel like arrow when theold count vertigo threatened to inject felicity. to be fair that was arrow season 2 and theflash hasn’t even finished half of it’s
first season yet. so i’ll give candice pattonand the writers the benefit of the doubt. it’s really hard for all the other womenon arrow and the flash to hold screen time with felicity. that just means that anytime any other womenare on screen with felicity, you’re attention will typically be drawn to her. you’re alwaysgoing to be drawn to the strongest character on screen when there are a bunch of peoplein focus at the same time. i really did love iris’ line when she said“sometimes a girl has to save herselfâ€. that’s very telling for where all the arrowversefemales this year. they’re all seriously stepping up their game. powers or no powers.
number 2 - barry gets his powers back andthen some using an electric charge to get his powersback was a very similar thing to what happened in flashpoint paradox. in the comic he hadto completely re-create the accident that gave him powers the first time. there were all the chemicals and they hadto use a bolt of electricity. on the show they used the treadmill becausecisco had jacked it’s power way way up. that’s why it’s able to go so fast whenbarry runs on it. it has like megawatts of electricity going through it. when he said it didn’t work it was alsoa reference to flashpoint. in the comic barry
had to get struck by a bolt of lightning twice,the first time it just burnt him like crispy chicken. the second time it worked and hewas able to heal himself almost instantly. flashpoint in general was a big time travel story, so it’s no coincidencethat the show is pushing into more time travel. mostly via harrison wells computer gideon. now that barry has broken through a big mentalbarrier we might see him phase through something in the back half of the season. there’sstill a lot of stuff he has to learn to do before that and he still has to have his empirestrikes back moment where he confronts the reverse flash and gets his ass handed to him big time.
the producers were talking about that recentlyso after my top 5 moments i’ll explain what they said. my number 1 moment was of course harrisonwells plan unfolding more in front of our eyes lots of questions answered, but i didn’tfeel like they significantly answered yes or no, who is he really? let’s start with the language he used whenhe was talking to his computer. “the future is still intactâ€. then he said to cisco“of all my inventions, the flash is the most importantâ€.
right off the bat i think we have a modifiedflashpoint paradox storyline going on here. originally the producers said they’d besticking really close to the flash rebirth storyline. which is a totally different seriesof events. now i think it’s a combination of both comics.rebirth is the story of barry allen’s origin story. flashpoint paradox is the story ofwhat happens when barry and the reverse flash mess with the timeline. they’re both responsible for messing thingsup, but barry is the one who has to fix it. right now it seems like harrison wells isthe self-appointed protector of the timeline. he has a futuristic computer, so i still thinkhe’s either working with someone from the
future like the reverse flash or he is thereverse flash in the future and the version of him we’re seeing is stuck in the pastwithout powers. time loops can get confusing, so i’ll givemad props to the writers on flash for explaining the paradox in a really relatable way. i highly recommend you read flashpoint paradoxor watch the animated movie if you’ve never seen it. it’s another geoff johns story. just the fact wells named his computer aigideon says a lot too. gideon was a judge of the isrealites in the hebrew bible. hisstory is part of the book of judges. gideon is also considered a saint in the catholicchurch.
this is an oversimplification but he’s chosenby god to get the israelites to believe in the one true god and turn away from falseidols. he succeeds, but then after his death everyone starts worshipping another god again. in flashpoint, the geoff johns comic, there’sa character named libra who’s name in latin means “weighing scalesâ€. the symbol impliesbalance. harrison wells has a lot of those ideas inhis character. he’s not overtly good or bad, he’s trying to balance the future. that doesn’t mean that he’s the libracharacter from the comics, that character secretly turned out to be someone else indisguise.
so here’s my big question for you you think he’s the libra character or do you still think he’s professor zoom? remember, he’s going to develop a methodfor stealing the flash’s powers. but he could also use that to steal the reverse flash’spowers too. so not evil but not good either. the biggest easter eggs i saw outside of libraand the flashpoint stuff were the names harrison rattles off. they’re all lesser comic bookcharacters. he named ralph dinby, elongated man. willeverett, amazing man, al rothstein, atom-smasher from jsa, bea da costa, who was a hero namedfire, grant emerson aka damage and of course ronnie raymond, who we know is going to comeback in a couple episodes as firestorm.
if you spotted any other easter eggs in thevideo that i didn’t mention just write them in the comments. overall i gave the episode a b plus, amazingflash story at star labs with an uneven police story with clock king. i’m not really sure if the episode evenneeded clock king, although robert knepper was amazing as always. always more prisonbreak actors. i love that the show has snagged so many of them. tom cavanagh once again, the most interestingcharacter in the episode. i’m starting to understand why he chose this role. arguablyhe’s big enough to headline his own series.
usually when a bigger actor signs on for apart like this it’s because secretly the lesser character they’re playing becomesway way more important later in the series. i’m totally feeling the caitlin, cisco,barry team flash jam that’s going on. they all work so well together they feel like familyat this point. just like team arrow. and that’s the reason why i think both of these showsare so much better than all the other comic book shows. they focus on the characters and not so muchthe spectacle of superpowers. joss whedon had this rule about writing that said ‘fallin love with moments’ as in moments between characters ‘don’t fall in love with movesâ€moves being the big reveal of harrison wells
having a secret future computer. that means nothing if barry and team flashhasn’t gone through some journey together that ties directly to the harrison reveal. team flash is like a family right now, sowhen barry learns what harrison is really doing, it will have this big resounding impactand we the audience will all be like “holy shit†greg berlanti, andrew kriesberg, geoff johnsand all the other writers are really good at focusing on moments, not moves. which iswhy the episodes are so much more fun to watch. which is why it almost doesn’t matter whoharrison wells ends up being, we’ll be so
connected to the characters that it will beall about the betrayal inside team flash not the who part. on to big news, the producers said that when barry meets thereverse flash. he’ll be blurring his face, so barry won’t see who the reverse flashis and neither will we, the audience. they’re going to hold that card close to the vest.probably till the finale next year. next week is the big two part crossover. ifi have time i’ll do an extra bonus video for it. be sure to subscribe to get’s going to be an awesome two hour movie on television. think of it like tv justiceleague.
quick reminder mobile links up here if you’reon your phone or a tablet. same as the links over here. nice and simple. click here to catch up on arrow. and clickhere for last week’s flash. thanks for watching, see you guys tomorrow.high fives!
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