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How To Flashing zen ultrafone 402 sport
this is levittown pennsylvania a new suburban community up sixtythousand people midway between philadelphia and trentonnew jersey with his talents shopping center windinglanes nine purple hours and trees it is fairly typical of communities allover america where families are pursuing the americandream to give their children a better chancein life medical counters or people of modestmeans
nearly all our young people a large proportion of reference varaku social agencies and while manyreligious groups have established churches they have not yet had time enough todevelop programs to adequately serve thecommunity most led the counters are proud andhappy and then you environment for many it is the first house of theirown and it represents a major financialinvestment
socializes mainly confined to visitswith the neighbors okays leather community-wide events but fewer yet for most residents tobecome a bit of died but the broader aspects of community living letdown was built by one man for whom itis name like many commuter developers he set the initial policy and provided a minimum of essentialservices when the houses were sold naturally hewithdrew its own slender resources
in august nineteen fifty-seven levittown pennsylvania attractedinternational attention when violence erupted and as williammyers junior and his family moved in with threebedroom house adaptability and beat green lines it almost all respect to the marriagefamily is close to the letter paramore they have three small children youngest only one month old myers service and a half years in thearmy
miscarriages baths are doing you worked at the laboratory technician and this begging for a degree has anelectrical engineer his wife daisy is a college graduate admired home is modestly burnished andthey're like by the family car was bought one parent they're very close levittown norm except in one respect william myers junior and his family
heart negroes him involved whitecommunity levittown reacted in a number of ways tothe new arrivals there were several hundred whocongregated on the street in front of the meyers house and there were those among them who feltstrongly enough to throw a rock through the picture web but there was another of large group who were repelled by thiskind of behavior and organize to help levittown exceptits first negro neighbors
the vast majority of levittown ours wentpeacefully about their daily activities but in the stores and that the school'sand on the front loans levitt counters discussed the matter well i first read a small articlenewspaper in its first our family and in this community and um... following i am where the engineer on theradio and reading the newspaper that there was some disturbance aroundthis home at the same people had thought
what was your day michell reaction always terribly shocked to find it there were people in this communitywould be so violently opposed to it bratislava had only just accept it as iknow was the community prepared to many waitfor the entrance of the first big group family in the world wide levittown well there was an attempt by uh... i'llgroup of ministers who formed a group called a human relations council
and they were just getting started ontheir work i don't know how they expected altimetry accomplish a purposeof educating everyone that i know that they had a an openforum one time and uh... just within the last year four months and results other were published in thepaper do you feel it was a bad b not really the drop in the pockets and
not very many people even read or wherethey are the color of the meeting that preceded it although there have been a littleinterest in the formation of a human relations council some weeks before the mars became the main topic ofconversation for the people of levittown within a few hours of their arrival in the absence of facts and the startdate of information on a situation like this rumor and gossip sweep through thecommunity
as the stories passed from one person toanother because hardly anybody knows the truth what everybody assumed becomes the fact all i have lots of though as i was busy telling people out of the lead hat butkaren well i think they spotted cheaply i mean people presented after they heard it surrender needed awreath at hearing that there are some outside group had deliberately moved
these people in but they were sponsoreda paid by an outside group to do this very thing and uh... i had been stolen but are youthat wasn't true at all and uh... so i told people that atlas do you feel that understanding the factsof the situation will help so you decide to i'm sure that uh... more reasonable attitude is goingto prevail in this community and have great faith in the people hereand that they live we'll soon find that there is no needfor a time
some cubans have been coming andindicate acceptance of the back but for others the myers moving intolevittown constitutes an infringement of their ownliberties and under the impact of this situation they react with anger and force but they say he reveals their deepestfears and frustrations why did you select levittown philip we were looking for a place to buy ahome we looked at level town we'd like to homes here we liked the advantages oflevittown seemed to offer a handout
comparison to other cities and we understood that was going to beall right we're very happy to buy a home here about your children have you come upwith them about marriage we have tried to keep other discussions away from the children uh... i figured i i feel that something thatwe had options solve about bringing each other kind of any more than we haveto wear doing it for their children
but i don't feel that they are all youhave to understand the problem incidents do you think of negro family moving herewill affect the community as a whole definitely in what way i think that while theproperly that is what i mean did it go down here they're allowed to moving here and anumber can you give a basis for that judgment yes we used to live in washington d_c_we saw very good example of that there repetition of an experience that wouldbe grateful
is there to be no escape from livingnear negroes and part of the dream of middle-classrespectability if the negro family can't afford whatyou can forward how do you justify your feeling ofsuperiority the illogic of one's own positionbecomes apparent and instead of just a case in the oldtravel myths are involved what other objections aside from thefederal property values do you have against america the whole thing
centers around at work integration well mister myers said because haspromised that anything but peaceful since you again he's got three children and uh... evidently he philosophy or be accepted socially i don't feel that they ever will be but the hall of trouble with thisintegration business deals that day and the amt at probably wellend up with
what makes it socially and you will have i concur anal sex marriages in becoming people with a white but the only way they buy into thatdespite education and by bettering themselves not by pushing in the waythey have here do you intend to move at the time now that's not very impossible situation wehave
we have our home here and if the cardinal going on and run realistic that is down there alot of us the g_i_s particularly who are going tobe wallace welfare moms as the lines are drawn those on either side become more adamant pension develops and feeds on suspicion and mistrust
but has been the effect of the marscoming here well it's it's created a great deal ofattention laptop from neighbors because we all feel the site but uh... it's actually machine everyone ten summer home i mean this test is affecting our homes it's bound to create tension it's the subject just talked about allthe time but there are others who are part of thematter is
yes i cared about him for palm trees anddo you think do they support the mariners frankly i don't know what reasons theycome up for it if there are marcyle at that time idon't think what reasons they can have four do you think minds will be able to livehere comfortably comfortable what course of action are you going tofollow i'll do what i can object help
to get them out legally and peacefully and as far as accepting them sociallythat's a charming act to take sides in such a situation is more than a matter of one's owncountry firemen believes becomes a subject forcommunity-based for those who believe a man has a rightto live anywhere he wishes answers are simple and straightforward has this affected your relationship withneighbors in all week disgusted
freely and people for anything and thatwe've tried to keep depicting the stack that was the important thing have you heard any rumor many nammal i'll call repeat them because i thinkyou'd like to repeat rumors and i don't think it's there to keep them allowed
do you think rumors contributed to thereaction of those opposing the marriage shirley dead uh... we had some very interestedcitizens here who left pledged themselves to a fact-finding pro-family tryptophani'll those rumors as quickly as they were started by fax do you think the marriage will be ableto live comfortably in levittown i think that i helped out i think majority of people here will allow
grow accustomed to lead and i realizedthat old they are for the weekend the goodneighborhoods which i'm sure they are i think the majority of people here ornot but the violent well violent group that we have heard somuch of that do you think the marriage then let it bea little bit property values uh... i don't think that the miners hadanything to do a little town property decreasing or increasing ithink if purely a white problem money groundbrown
in what way i think it is the feeling of uh... drying croak which will influence the property not the minority group those who want an integrated communitytake their spam based on their own v feelings are partof a community should be do you feel that the marriage will leadto a large numbers of other to growth
coming here from now i don't think thati pain uh... there will be are probably a normal odd entrance and but might be a little timepeople who want the harmful come here it's not um... what people think that bad hoping flock won't be any that's payingnamphy in normal how health and that point i would like tosee integrative group here
and i would like to see well my child and i hope my children goto and live in a group that isrepresentative of the world not being integrated garbage they did not now representative of employed we pulled back the removal ofthat that the um... and secure the problem is eventually when you'll find that there are no morearea to which a white person can move without
having negro family and all that wouldbe beat the best uh... and that there could be to uh... degradationand it's probably something that will happen in future perhaps the near future for someone answered it's tremendouslycomplicated adept at the maze of past associationsand presently employed sometimes opinions are expressed withgreat misgivings and a sense of guilt
the past slips through despite what theysay it being poor american be difficult if one's background rejects thisdecision in fact ob the people aren't dampening late and gration they had child my children that they have
to married and my job doesn't even know what and he came back from the fan any and and and they have found outthere trying in binding hampton a return address and i think they're in handling all thefear that you like i mean if if you can merrick new so maybe you wish by the way we both seem to be from belowthe mason-dixon line of where you bro acount in kentucky
at you know maybe negroes report youcame to lead the payroll my father hate david and area where there were several college people and active i think they don't want mybest friends with the proper role at children have no prejudice we becamevery close friends and later years she had become aregistered nurse in trying very hard here that major chilean acclaimatmosphere
and we have talked nap in two thousandand mary anne got to get the banks they hire killed and jackie grow out help me and atmosphere that they have to live in a personal relationship and separatelywithin the group was trying to improve ur circumstances seems to make a difference i'll uh... down uh...
colored people that i have enjoyed theirfriendship i would not let that determine whetheri've become friends with them by the caller uh... others have you heard any rumors i had heard several write-up which thennaked and taken and rumors go the one that bothered me most about thefact that the mask family
can't move the ends this terribleall-white sections and trying to be the first family canadian to stock he other ones economy if they had done it before i believe that if they didn't come here kickoff trouble than i am against
what they're doing defensible played a game trying to find them hopefully i thinkthat i had two children behind for them there are those who live in levittown who like it and couldn't stay they have no intention of according thesame privileges to the mother some of them quite a bit morecomfortable to talk in the group
you're aware that a negro family hasmoved into levittown i heard about it what was your reaction dynamite dynamite people but have you done about it well love i guess we just discussed it how do you feel about the merit movingyou know
monitoring definitely again that before coming to levittown did you haveany contact with me grow while only hiking on the floor plan orwe can have any colors people and at that time i had might have no feelings either way while we're waiting for our house to bedealt with the chapter nine and uh... why was my first contact withthem often work in going through collegesection to work and i was very happy i was moving intoan all-white community
have you ever discussed the merits ofwhole with your children never need for any house what anything mentioned power are cannot about colored people because i fieldset they have to wedge be in contact with them swiss technic and why should that
ninety prejudice i think they have moved here at that very relaxed and and karla faye the fact that killed if likethe idea they were uh... their work on children and before mike unattended left here for thefirst time and he often came home and fed
there had been travel between themduring the day yet it becomes convenient to exaggerateforms or fears and to help a neighbor increased her my boy it he likes ortiz it down thereevery saturday through the voice from the neighborhood and uh... k there was an argument occurred somethingrealtor by four and a colorful it's not anargument well from that time mourned
for the whole remainder of the summerbefore i was afraid to get down there because the cardboard scott at getting together and every time they would get airline tome that we think the gravel at i went to the principal everything about it a major factor is fear fear of economic loss loss of status fear of violence
and fear up intermarriage do you think other negro families willcome to levittown definitely f what do you think will happen well i a m just what's happening already don't have a spirit of the crater wherethey have to uh... school teachers and that we can
so that's just a good example of what isgoing to happen what's wrong with that i do not like uh... have that two daughters and twosons and if there's too many colored peopleare and i definitely will get out and i think it might i don't worry fascinating with coloredpeople well i'm very definitely influx magnetmath eventually what it's going to come toknow if children are eight together
they're not going to think of anything amang together mein kampf inside and i don't feel that they shouldbe a track all moved one of them raising wud be proud to have myselfquite communities and that they aren't quite frankly andevent actaully live account i've not been bout
for some leftovers the basic issues involved had nothing todo with intermarriage our property values loss of status fear of crime neighborhood declined are being in the minority they saw it as a test of democracy what was your reaction to the marriagemoving in while i was happy to see this becomemore than american community
there seems to be a large group opposedto the march what would be your attitude toward them or the rhodes uh... i don't know if they're a largegroups of people possible mild after all we have some i don't know i just close to sixtythousand people out of town those model never more than five of six hundred if you go about a shopping center not but i'm also he was in ten thousandpeople for shopping center waali
rose will follow up with calls from ourmoving inland engaging in what they were engaging in you don't think they have a better largemajorities against america moving near wolf lodge forty one oh from the immediate neighbors right here before the marveling at how wouldn't positive castro what the proportionality i welcome the my laptop cooper force of the post also i don'tthink that's the main
issue involved in this case anyway what is the mainly when issues are out of these people to look like america ofissues with mixed up with a good neighbors but are you going to do about it clinton to try to be a good man you feel that the marriage coming tolead the payroll who will lead to a large numbers of other key groups cominghere
i don't know do you think the mars will be able tolive here comfortably i think i'll put a little time but theywill cancel have you heard any rumors about thematter fault dozens and dozens of romance but parenting all that is being paid bythe in a city of that uh... rats were behindit that the jews were beyond a doubt this group of that group was behind it
they were all kinds of relative some ofthem were pinched by the laboratory summers as a result of this period there's all kinds of malicious brunner source are ridiculous you know you could see how people picks up thelooks in the atmosphere is our people didaccept them spread them but course do you think the future oflevittown will pay well i'll tell you i don't like eleventhousand and i won't spoil the u_s_a_ and i thinkit's going to provide for us for this
country specifically in levittown as elsewhere in america there are those who believe that therights and privileges of citizenship longer all regardless of their race orcolor or creed and there are those who believed inequality too but in a somewhat more limited six in my business whoever's got money andhas put credit i want to pay cash to buy a car that has no discrimination colorreligion or any part of that sort
has the coming of the myers affectedyour homework personally my whole life that has noeffect nothing whatsoever but on the neighbors they have a right because the average white person whether the levittown hasborn five children volatile put it this way if the levittown is migrated in hordesof negroes which they have a right to come here but it is something thathappens that way pretty sold mine able be avenue negro son-in-law aravadaughter-in-law
how about what wasn't marked within his rights as acitizen to move wherever you please well let's put it this way mister meyersonallah negroes have at right time go better than them they're as good as i amthey can go anywhere they want i mean they have a right god givenrights in their and being a good american-arab the rights of the civil rights they havethe right to pursuit of happiness but by the same token
we have uh... mixed community standardsof proven fact that those mics communities are over a third empty hecould have stayed there he had a beautiful home they are the only reasonthat mister myers came into levittown is to show peoplethey could get he actually was in anyone to come to levittown from my personalopinion is this there is something bigger behind this is that your personal opinion only partsof the pack no i say it's a fact and i would tell antibody
and i mean at barton nobody i would tellthem in a meeting including at the gentlemen at this uh... the head ofthis uh... committee for bring in mister marty i felt him when did you first hear america movinghere i had to have i missed a lot of jollaseven that popular story what does that utility meant dishwasher i don't alwayswant to be a part time job but i've seen in their seven in the morning till nightat night and if it was that it was an engineer
where did you hear that's why i heard it from thewaitresses and net they asked me did you see a new neighbors and i can make jet discuss that the public what did you do i didn't do anything there you have it an american community constantly in a moment the press
neighbor set against neighbor as theydiffer or what should be done about one week grow and his family whohave come to share with them the american dream of a better way oflife for their children many seem convinced that property valuesmust be crime when a community our neighborhood becomes integrated but studies which have been made provethe opposite to be true property values go up provided there is no wave of panicselling and even when there is pain
actors situation has stabilized prices climb back and frequently go evenhigher than they were when initial sale to a negro was made soviet aggression of negroes and thewhite community result in a higher rate of crime violence or juvenile delinquency not at all negroes living in predominantly whitecommunities joel or incidents of crime than averagefor the general population
is intermarriage the ultimate goal ofnegroes in seeking to integrate into previously quite communities the studies show that of all the reasonsnegroes have for seeking equality of opportunity intermarriage is the least and of all the fears that whitesexpressed this is the great negroes ego with the right to buy orrent the kind of housing only open market which they can afford
this basic principle of the free enterprise system of which were justly proud is now denied to them in manycommunities the exclusion of negroes from whitecommunities and their restrictions only growneighborhoods fixes negative ideas about them witcher carried over from generation togeneration these false notions cause theabandonment by the black population
a large areas within our great cities at tremendous cost of the nation aided by a prosperous postwar economy negroes have held fast to their wartimegains and that's not to improve their lot inlife advances against discrimination havebeen made in many fields a new n much larger negro middle classhas grown up able ambitions and confident
these families are determined to leavethe old densely packed segregated neighborhoods and they are economically able to do it they have the money to buy their way out of the slow what happened in levittown was merelythe beginning apart is to follow in communities allover the country during the next few years as negroes like all other americans
get better education better jobs and accumulate more state and we prepare our communities toreceive these new neighbors indignity m_p_s or when we record communities withviolence and abandon them impact this is the challenge posed for us aslevittown or sum it up for themselves i don't think you can take the middle ofthe stadium here for the war against them
highest-ranking at and for fortynon-violent then knowing cavitation provided adam had any prejudice said and collard except that i would like to have whathappened that way we would academically at any othernative shielded from the clinton and speak to them and it was bad heartworm correct to lived in the community negroes would be living
fallible what you're looking for him belief that named and hopefully to find the leak coordinator if not wind with collar is white or blacktights with a good fit if in fact but the market all immigrants out it right now i know better than themthey're as good as i am but the only reason to mister myers came into levittown is to show peoplethey could get here
haha i just feel that within their legal rights to move inhere they move in or buying something that ihave no complaints ever more power and al and can move and that account at bank accout downhill i don't think it from minors awful forpeople who property decreasing or increasing purely a quite crop up nodding crap crap
rendition of the right of these peopleto look like america of issues breaks up with is a good neighbors
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