Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How To Flashing 5star f303

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Download one of the above file:

Further to the next stage
1. Copy the file to Sd Card
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How To Flashing 5star f303

hey, everybody. i'm justin with americanmuscle.com and thisis my detailed review, dyno test, and drive of the mpt x4sf4 power flash tuner loadedwith three custom mpt tunes available for your 2015 and newer 5.0l f-150. you should be checking out the mpt x4 comboif you're looking for more than just some canned or preloaded tune and want a premiumexperience that you often times get with a custom tune. now, this is gonna allow you to get more outof your truck from towing, to performance, to fuel economy, with all of its current modificationsalong with future modifications, thanks to

mpt's free tune revisions. now guys, the mpt tune will cost you a littlebit more initially but hopefully by the end of this video, you'll know why this is moneywell spent. in this video, i'm gonna talk to you aboutwhy you might wanna go with the mpt tuned x4 device over some of your other optionshere at americanmuscle.com. we're gonna talk about the power improvementsover stock, the fuel economy benefits, and of course, the drivability improvements, includingshifting and throttle response. so hang out with me, guys. i've got a lot to talk about here.

we're gonna walk you through the device. we're actually gonna hop in the truck andgo for a spin later on in the mpt tune 5.0l. but first, let's talk about what kind of powernumbers you can expect using this combo. now, before you even strap the truck to thedyno, we replace the big heavy aftermarket 35s in the rear with the factory wheel andtire setup just for the most accurate results on our dyno jet. we then proceeded to knock out those baselineruns using 87 octane. finally guys, we drained that 87 octane, filledit up with some 93 octane, uploaded the corresponding tune from mpt and here are those results.

our baseline run using our 2015 5.0l f-150gave us 278 horsepower and 316 pound-feet of torque at the rear wheels. with our 93 octane prx tune uploaded, thetruck made 293 horsepower and 340 pound-feet of torque. we gained 15 horsepower and 24 pound-feetof torque peak along with 30 horsepower and 27 pound-feet of torque under the curve. all right guys, breaking down the graph alittle bit here at the mpt custom tunes, now the 93 octane prx tune made a ton of powerall over the place here. i felt this driving the truck all week long.

the truck just felt very, very healthy andthese are some of the biggest gains we've seen out of any of the truck tuners availablehere at americanmuscle.com. now, this is pretty obvious because a 93 octanetune usually allows more of ignition timing, a slightly more aggressive tune, things likethat and that's why you're gonna see these bigger numbers. they do offer you some different options,including their towing, economy, and race tunes available for each different octanelevel. so again, as you can see, the tunes are definitelydoing their job. so what do you say we get up to the tableand break down the tuner a little further?

in addition to the different engine calibrations,mpt also gives you the option of going with their transmission tunes or tweaks or leavingthe transmission untouched if you're happy with how it shifts in factory form. now, this pretty cool to get this option,but take my word for it guys, go with the full treatment. mpt's transmission tweaks are totally awesomeand i'm gonna touch on more of those later on when we go for a spin. speaking of driving, guys, i've been poundingthe pavement all week long here with our mpt tune 5.0l f-150 just to get a better senseof what this thing is all about and also to

see how our fuel economy fared. now, full disclosure, all the tunes i testedimproved miles per gallon somewhat over the factory calibration, whether it'd be mpt,sct, edge, or superchips. now in my experience, i found the mpt customtune to land somewhere right in the middle between the sct preloads and the edge andsuperchips preloads. now, as far as my driving route, guys, well,i see a healthy mix of both highway and backroads and with the factory calibration on 87 octane,i was seeing anywhere from 11 to 12 miles per gallon with our lifted rig on 35s anda rather heavy foot. hey, everybody. i'm justin with americanmuscle.comand this is my detailed review, dyno test,

and drive of the mpt x4sf4 power flash tunerloaded with three custom mpt tunes available for your 2015 and newer 5.0l f-150. you shouldbe checking out the mpt x4 combo if you're looking for more than just some canned orpreloaded tune and want a premium experience that you often times get with a custom tune.now, this is gonna allow you to get more out of your truck from towing, to performance,to fuel economy, with all of its current modifications along with future modifications, thanks tompt's free tune revisions. of this video, you'll know why this is moneywell spent. in this video, i'm gonna talk to you about why you might wanna go with thempt tuned x4 device over some of your other options here at americanmuscle.com. we'regonna talk about the power improvements over

stock, the fuel economy benefits, and of course,the drivability improvements, including shifting and throttle response. so hang out with me,guys. i've got a lot to talk about here. we're gonna walk you through the device. we're actuallygonna hop in the truck and go for a spin later on in the mpt tune 5.0l. but first, let'stalk about what kind of power numbers you can expect using this combo. on our dyno jet. we then proceeded to knockout those baseline runs using 87 octane. finally guys, we drained that 87 octane, filled itup with some 93 octane, uploaded the corresponding tune from mpt and here are those results.our baseline run using our 2015 5.0l f-150 gave us 278 horsepower and 316 pound-feetof torque at the rear wheels. with our 93

octane prx tune uploaded, the truck made 293horsepower and 340 pound-feet of torque. we gained 15 horsepower and 24 pound-feet oftorque peak along with 30 horsepower and 27 pound-feet of torque under the curve. the 93 octane prx tune made a ton of powerall over the place here. i felt this driving the truck all week long. the truck just feltvery, very healthy and these are some of the biggest gains we've seen out of any of thetruck tuners available here at americanmuscle.com. bigger numbers. they do offer you some differentoptions, including their towing, economy, and race tunes available for each differentoctane level. so again, as you can see, the tunes are definitely doing their job. so whatdo you say we get up to the table and break

down the tuner a little further? with how it shifts in factory form. now, thispretty cool to get this option, but take my word for it guys, go with the full treatment.mpt's transmission tweaks are totally awesome and i'm gonna touch on more of those lateron when we go for a spin. see how our fuel economy fared. now, fulldisclosure, all the tunes i tested improved miles per gallon somewhat over the factorycalibration, whether it'd be mpt, sct, edge, or superchips. now in my experience, i foundthe mpt custom tune to land somewhere right in the middle between the sct preloads andthe edge and superchips preloads. now, as far as my driving route, guys, well, i seea healthy mix of both highway and backroads

now with the 93 octane performance economytune from mpt, i was seeing anywhere from 13 to 13 รข½, even 14 miles per gallon usingthe same route and driving style. now, i do wanna quickly point out guys that all of mpt'sperformance tunes essentially make the same amount of power at wide open throttle usingthe same octane. for instance, the performance economy, performance extreme, which is essentiallythe race tune, and the performance towing. the changes are gonna come when you're lookingat the part throttle cruising. for instance, the performance economy tune is going to usea very tame calibration when off the throttle or when you're looking at part throttle cruisingand is essentially gonna shift you into those higher gears faster to get you the best fueleconomy possible. so you're gonna looking

at the best of both worlds here, guys, fueleconomy when you want it but the power is gonna be on tap when you need it to pass ormerge onto the highway. switching gears price guys, i think you'regonna find the mpt loaded x4 to be pretty good at just north of 400 bucks, which isn'ttoo shabby considering you're getting a solid tuning option here, a custom tune at that,along with a pretty capable device in the x4. now, because this is a custom tune, you'regonna have the ability to add those different modifications such as your intakes, your exhaust,your long tube headers and even intake manifolds along with getting the additional tune revisionsat no additional charge from mpt as long as you don't add forced induction or somethinga little bit more involved. so now that you

know what you guys are getting with the custommpt tune, let's hop in the truck, we'll plug in the x4, and then we'll go for a spin. all right, guys, so we're out in our 20155.0l f-150. i have the mpt 93 octane prx tune installed or uploaded. it's my favorite tune.it's the one i want to drive again. i did drive some of their other tunes but out ofall the tunes i tested, the mpt tunes were by far and away my favorite tunes for the5.0l truck. they offer the biggest gains, the biggest difference in drivability, andthe power is just...i mean you get on this thing, it's heavy. it's got the 35, they'relifted six inches. the transmission settings are simply out of this world and i think that'sprobably one of my favorite things about the

tunes themselves. just leaving a red light,the truck will get you in a second instantly and then it just puts you right in the powerband. so no matter where you are on the road, if you're on the highway, if you're on thebackroads, just the slightest input in throttle will get you to downshift the gear, just likei did there. i mean i didn't have to really give a half throttle, three-quarter throttleand the truck reacted. no. i gave it the smallest input and the throttleresponse is probably some of the best i've driven here with a 5.0l truck. now, some ofyou guys might like that. some of you guys might like a truck that shifts a lot becauseit's always putting you in the power band. on the other hand, some of you guys mightnot. and if that's the case, again, mpt does

give you that option. you can leave all yourstock transmission settings pretty much the same. you can leave the factory transmissioncalibration in the truck or go with more of their power stuff and that's totally an option.you can definitely do that. but again, take my advice, i've driven a lot of these tunesand the transmission settings from the factory with these 5.0l trucks or with any of thef-150s for that matter are just a little soft and leave a lot to be desired. especiallywhen you're on the highway and you wanna downshift or you wanna pass, you know you basicallygotta put this thing to the floor to get it to do anything. not the case with mpt. again, you give it a half throttle and therewe go. we're down two gears already and we're

moving along pretty quickly. so again, hugegains in both torque and horsepower, the biggest we saw out of all the tunes we tested hereat am for the 5.0l to this day. and it's really to no surprise, right? custom tunes, they'rejust gonna be a better, more refined product. you're gonna see bigger gains because you'regetting a tune essentially custom-tailored for your ride. but even with this, even withtheir stock truck essentially, just with the lift and everything, we still saw again thebiggest gains in horsepower and torque, the biggest curve gains. so if you're towing,you know, or if you just like beating on your truck occasionally, the mpt is gonna offeryou the best bang for your buck. now sure, they're gonna be a little bit more essentiallywhen it comes to the overall price tag depending

on your device, but you're getting a betterproduct, guys. that's the really only way i can put it. i've gotta be blunt about it.sure, the preloads are nice but overall, for a little bit extra, you're getting a lot moreof a product, and i really can't stress that enough, when going with a custom tune. for a big old heavy truck, it definitely getsout of its own way now with the mpt tunes. and even with the economy tune, even withthe towing tune, again, i told you guys in the overview, wide open throttle using thesame octane, the truck is gonna make the same number. basically, wide-open throttle, thedyno result, the power is all gonna be there. however, the prx tune, it just yields moresporty, not granted. i drive a mustang once

in a while too, so maybe that's why i'm sucha fan of the prx tune. but personally, if i were to drive this thing every day, i'dprobably leave it in the economy tune, the performance economy tune, because you're gettingthe best miles per gallon when it comes to all of their tunes but you're also gettingthe power when you want it. from the performance, down to the drivability, down to the transmissionsettings, i really love these things. i can't say enough good stuff about them, as you cantell. let's head back to the shop and i'll walkyou through the actual set x4 itself. and i'll think you'll find the set, it's gonnabe one of your most popular devices in the tuning aftermarket. the x4 is definitely oneof the most user-friendly devices, at least

in my experience. i'm gonna walk you throughher right now. we'll start with the gauges and data logging. i think this is gonna beprobably the most popular feature with the x4. it's something a lot of you guys are gonnause the most, i think, when having this thing in your rig. you're starting off with twopieces of data here now, your intake air temperature and your control module voltage. now, thisis only one of many layouts with the x4. we'll get into it a little bit here. we can actuallygo ahead and select our gauge layout and i have a number of different layouts to choosefrom with the x4. so two is what they start you off with but you can go all the way downto eight here at one time to be displayed on the screen. we'll run down through someof them right now.

we're starting with boost to get an ecoboost.that would probably be a very useful one. the voltage, cooling temp, intake air temperature,you know, fuel trims, things like that. we have all kinds of stuff here. air fuel ratio,which is a big one with the set. a ton of different stuff to choose from with the x4and have it all be displayed here for you. so you can go through the menu. you can actuallychoose a horizontal or landscape mode and have it be displayed sideways, if you prefer.personally, i like using it in the vertical mode and i found that you can buy the suctioncup mount if you want but i actually have a holder for my iphone. it works perfectlyin there. not a bad idea for you guys. now, if you wanna actually data log this stuff,if you're, like i said, making a wide-open

throttle pool, if you wanna review some datalogs, see what the truck is doing, very, very easy to do. you're gonna wanna setup all thestuff you wanna data log and when it comes time to record it, all you do is simply hitthat middle button there. you can see the record button flashes up, you let it go aslong as you want and you can basically stop it at any point hitting the center buttonagain. so and this is something that you probably wanna offload onto your computer to be reviewedby your tuner or by yourself if you're into that sort of thing. so go down one to yourvehicle functions, this is your diagnostic tool with the x4. this is gonna be where youread and clear diagnostic trouble codes, or your check engine lights better known as.we have no codes currently, but if you did,

it would display the code in its identifierbasically starting with a p or something like that and it would actually expand upon whatit is. so if you had a misfire code or something like that, it would tell you on here. andyou can actually clear the codes too if you wanted. go down one, clearing your codes,all of our codes all cleared. so there you go. go down one more, this is your special vehiclefunctions. you can do a cam reset, which is your keep alive memory basically stored intothe ecu. basically, this gets cleared every time you disconnect your battery anyway oryour crank relearn if you happen to have a misfire code or something like that, you'dget into that. so again, very useful things

to have here on the x4. but on the vehicleinfo, you can view your vin here, your strategy code, which is what you're gonna need to lookat once in a while when communicating with your tuner, ecu, all that good stuff there.now, a nice thing about the x4, this thing has built-in wireless, so if you do need toupdate your firmware, which is something you need to do with tuners frequently, they oftentimes send out updates. you don't need to plug this thing and then update it. it's wireless,so as long as it hooks up into your wi-fi, the x4 will download the necessary firmwareupdates for you automatically and it's a very useful feature to have. so here is a display orientation i talkedabout. we can change the landscape if you

want. so now there you see. we can turn itsideways and then you can do more of a landscape setting if that's what you're into. we'llchange that back to portrait real quick. light sensor, this is again, this is your lightsensor. you can actually see it right here. it's built-in. so it'll just dim, it if youlike, automatically. we have that set up already on ours. so it detects automatically whenit's dark out. it dims at 4:00. it's pretty nice. power management mode, that way it won'tkill your battery. basically, you can leave this thing plugged in at all times. you leaveit on auto here, it'll basically power down after being inactive for a few minutes. ifyou leave it always on, it's gonna drain your battery. so just leave it on auto and youshould be good to go there. this is pretty

cool as well, startup. you can either haveit start up any time you plug it in or turn your truck on. it'll default to the main menu.or what i do is when i have the x4 in my truck, i have it start automatically to the gaugesbecause that's where you usually end up anyway. so that's pretty cool. they give you thatoption. and then your factory reset, this is just gonna reset the gauges. all right guys, with most of the x4 prettymuch gone over by now, let's get into the program vehicle operation here, very simplestuff. again, click on the program vehicle tab, make sure your key is in the on position,which we already have, so we're good to go there. and then it's gonna bring you to thetunes you wish to upload. now, we have some

preloaded tunes on there but we also haveour mpt custom tunes, 93 octane performance tow and our prx. so from here on out guys,you're basically just following the on-screen instructions when uploading your tune, very,very easy stuff. now, it's gonna bring you to this screen as well. this gives you someadditional options and this is really cool because, yes, even though the mpt tune isa custom tune, they still give you the options to changing your tire size, your axle ratio,things like that. so for us, for instance, we have a 35 on thisthing. we're just gonna scroll down the list here, select 35 from the set tuner. therewe go. now, our speedometer and everything should be completely accurate. it also givesyou the opportunity to switch up your rev

limiter, speed limiter, things like that.so if you wanna lend your truck to somebody of if you wanna you're your son or daughterborrow it for a little bit, you can kind of put on some nanny features for them as well.so we're pretty much good to go here. so we are gonna all go ahead and hit approve andfrom here on out, we are pretty much ready to rock n roll. so the tune is gonna flash.this should take you a few minutes, very easy stuff, guys. i know i said that already buti will say it again. one out of three wrenches on my difficulty meter in regards to overallinstall difficulty. i mean you're basically just hitting a few buttons here. it shouldtake you no longer than 15 to 20 minutes the first time and then flashing the truck becomesa little faster after that.

all right guys, so that's my detailed reviewof the mpt custom tunes loaded on the set x4 device. be sure to learn more about thedevice and the tunes right here at americanmuscle.com.

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