Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How To Flashing hitech a6

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keyword : How To Flashing hitech a6 for bootloop , How To Flashing hitech a6 for softbrick , How To Flashing hitech a6 for hardbrick , How To Flashing hitech a6 Error Camera , How To Flashing hitech a6 blank screen , How To Flashing hitech a6 lost password , How To Flashing hitech a6 stuck logo , How To Flashing hitech a6 new 2017. How To Flashing hitech a6 repair phone.

Download one of the above file:

Further to the next stage
1. Copy the file to Sd Card
2.boot into recovery mode, in the file already exists in the form of .pdf open a full tutorial and follow the instructions. anyone using flashing software.
3. When've followed all of the conditions please check the phone has been normal what is not.
4.Ciri EMMC feature of flashing not damaged in the road, still can wipe data cache. but install the update form sd card can not or will not runing.
5.booting first after install rom fair amount of time of approximately 15 minutes. Do not hurry to remove the battery. wait until the system finishes booting.

important: before doing anything on the phone to do the data backup beforehand. can pass CMW, recovery, twrp please find if you have not got.

How To Flashing hitech a6

esp-01 tutorial firmware update ai-thinker version step 1: what do you need? step 2: now, let's build up all connection esp-01 + ftdi but.... 3.3v input voltage from ftdi might be not enough current so we will use external input power verify 3.3v from voltage regulator voltage regulator input is 5v

output is 3.3v esp8266 + ftdi + external 3.3v input esp-01 is connected as diagram shown here step 3: download putty software see in youtube description below for download links download the latest version step 4: download esp flash download tool extract the software to your desire folder step 5: download ai-thinker firmware

this is an alternative link for older version refer in youtube description below for download links download zip file and extract to your desire folder step 6: connect and check the current version using putty software connect ftdi usb cable open putty software click serial as connection type you are not sure which com port so, open device manager from control panel

click port to see which com port your ftdi is connected here is com6 so key in the port number default baud rate for ai-thinker firmware is 115200 click open to launch putty connection reset the connection if there is no response from esp-01 now, esp-01 is restart.. type at to verify conection to send command in putty, you need to press enter and then press ctrl+j together

type at+gmr to check current version your current version is sdk 0.9.5 (ai-thinker) step 7: upload ai-thinker firmware using esp flash download tool connect gpio0 pin to gnd reset the hardware now, open esp flash download tool make sure you tick upload to 1 address only firmware address is 0x00000 browse your desire firmware

step 8: check the latest version of ai-thinker firmware using putty remove gpio0 and reset the hardware type at+gmr to check the firmware version now, you can check your uploaded version here.

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