How To Flashing hitech air a1i

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How To Flashing hitech air a1i
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1187\cocoasubrtf340{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green45\blue153;}\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720\pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardeftab720\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0hi everybody. this is jon andrews, social & digital media manager for redport informationassurance. today\'92s topic, still focusing on information security, brings forth somethingthat i find very useful in every day computer usage. \\ now i know a lot of people, including students,family members, and businessmen who like to work on the go often. there are times thoughwhere they can\'92t, or simply won\'92t bring
their computers with them wherever they this brings the question, where do they keep all their work? yes, there\'92s the useof cloud storage such as icloud for apple, skydrive through msn, the drive through google,and dropbox that help store all of the documents and media that you want to access throughanother computer. but i know a lot of people who still use flash drives as well as externalhard drives. \ \now i don\'92t know if you\'92re like me, but i\'92ve probably gone through about 10flash drives, not because i run out of room on each one, but because i misplace them somewhere.external hard drives on the other hand are a little different... at about $100 bucksa pop, it\'92s a little hard to try and not
lose them because of value. but say you dolose one of these valuable products that have tons and tons of information on them. especiallyinformation regarding something that has to do with your job, or papers you\'92ve written,or documents that have confidential information on them that other people shouldn\'92t know...\ \well, if you lose one of these in the first place, you\'92ve lost it all unless you havea backup of it somewhere else. but now you have somebody who has all of your informationwhere they could simply just plug it into their laptop or computer and see everything.unless, you put passwords on them.\ \i\'92m going to show you real quick, through
a mac, how you can encrypt, or put passwordson your flash drives or external hard drives so that way there anybody who plugs thesein, will need a password in order to see all of the information you have on it. not justthat, but if someone had intentions are keeping it, maybe they\'92d realize \'93hey, there\'92snothing i can do with this since i need a password\'94 and generously return it backto the owner. \ \so let\'92s get started. first plug in whatever you have, flash drive or external into yourusb or firewire port, whichever one you prefer or use. next, once your disk shows up on thedesktop, you\'92re going to right click on it and click on \'93encrypt\'94 and then thename of your disk. all setup wizards are generally
the same thing, where it will ask you fora password and then to type it again. after it will ask you for a password hint. if iwere you, i\'92d never put a password hint on anything that asks for one.not only does this give someone an advantage to guessing your password, but it could howeverput you at risk with other accounts you may have. the process though is easy, just enterin a password, and press encrypt and then you\'92re done\\ so now, every time to plug in your flash driveor external, it\'92ll prompt you asking for the password then you have access to all ofyour data.\ \now if you\'92re not comfortable with setting
a password on your things, you can do thisas an alternative. open up a word or text file and type something along the lines suchas \'93if you find this, please call and return to\'94 and then maybe your phone number. somethingthat someone can easily reach you at in order to give back what you lost, or misplaced.even if you put that you\'92ll give them a $5 reward, it\'92ll not only give the personan incentive for returning it, but i\'92ll cost you less to do that then buy a new one. after you do this savethe file as \'93open this if lost\'94 and then store on your drive.\\ well, that\'92s all regarding today\'92s topic.don\'92t forget to check out our website at {\field{\*\fldinst{hyperlink
""}}{\fldrslt \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0\ul}} where we offer quality information assurance and computer security, our facebook page at{\field{\*\fldinst{hyperlink ""}}{\fldrslt \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0\ul}} and follow us on twitter at redport_ia. also, remember,that if your\'92e security is falling short, call redport. thanks again.}
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