How To Flashing iphone 6s plus

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How To Flashing iphone 6s plus
iphone 6s rear-facing camera repair warning: you are performing this repair at your ownrisk we claim no responsibility for any damagesthat might occur to perform this diy repair, you will needa – small phillips screwdriver (item # 5-0016,available at iphone 5-point pentalobe screwdriver (item# 5-0769, available at isesamo opening tool (item # 5-1451, availableat suction cup (item # 5-0020, available at tip curved tweezers (item # 5-1370, available
at power down your iphone 6s. remove the two bottom 3.4 mm pentalobe screwslocated next to the lightning connector. place a suction cup near the home button andpull the display assembly away from the rear case. use the isesamo opening tool to slicethrough the adhesive and help carefully separate the display assembly from the rear case. take your time and apply firm, constant force.the display assembly is a much tighter fit than most devices and is held down with adhesive. the display assembly is still connected tothe iphone by several cables, so don’t try
to remove it entirely just yet. remove the following 4 phillips screws securingthe metal bracket to the motherboard. now use the fine tip curved tweezers to removethe metal bracket and disconnect the lcd, digitizer and front camera and proximity sensorcables. remove the following 2 phillips screws securingthe protective metal bracket in place. with the fine tip curved tweezers detach therear-facing camera connection and gently pry the rear-facing camera up and out of the iphone 6s rear case.
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