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How To Flashing ismart is400
hey what's up guys it's david again i'm going to bring you a very useful video today it's about how to get free movies and free tv we're going to be doing that today and you're going to need one of these guys! the amazon firetv stick, or the amazon fire tv this little thing is about $39 this is literally all you need we're not going to be using a computer
we're just going to be plugging it into the tv and we're going to do it from there. alright guys i'm literally starting you from scratch so no one is left behind. this is the very first screen you should see after you boot up your fire stick to your tv one thing to note is your tv must have hdmi you can just plug it right in the back it comes with the wire to plug it into the wall to give it power and here we go! it's going to give you the option to register or create an account you should already have an amazon account, you can log into any of your amazon accounts
if you don't have one obviously, create an account so i'm going to skip ahead past this part alright guys here is the main page after you sign into your account this is the main page of the fire stick you're first step is just going to be... go into settings go to applications and then turn "collect app usage date" off like i have it there
after you do that... also go to developer options turn adb debugging off and turn "apps from unkown sources" on next up go back to the main page and go up to the search section go over here and just type in "es..." space and it should recommend "es explorer" click that
it's this first app the appears here so click that then press the button that says "get" once you press get it'll install and download then all you have to do is press open alright once you're here guys you're going to go to the left hand side there is going to be a drop down called favorites you're going to click "add" and a pop up will appear like this for the path, you're going to type what i type
alright what you type is... https:\\\download hit next you can name this what ever you want, we're going to name it "kodi" just so there is no confusion then hit next add and then back to the left side again you're just going to scroll down
and you'll see a shortcut here that is titled kodi so click that so this is a little tricky, you're going to have to use the arrow keys on your remote control to go over go down until you see your little yellow cursor over top of the letters arm under the andriod logo at that point you just press okay then its just going to start downloading kodi, this is just a little pop up it gives you
it only really takes like a minute or two alright so once this is downloaded you're going to get a little screen that says download succesfully go to open file then you're going to go down, click install it'll give you all of this non sense just go down and click install now it's going to actually go through the installation process and we'll skip ahead past this so now that's done, the app is completely installed now, you're just going to have to go down to open alright guys that was probably the hardest part of this whole thing
if you got past that this is the easy part so this is the main page of the app called kodi which is technically the jail broken app so what we have to do here is get an add-on that's going to give us the free movies and tv step number one, go to system down file manager okay
scroll down to add source in this box here you're going to type... what i type what you;re going to type here is... hit done it's going to ask for a name, you're going to type ".srp" press okay and that is it for that part so hit back
on you're controller now back on the main screen press okay on system don't go down just press system now you're going to scroll down to add-ons this pop up will show up just press okay you're going to go down to install from zip file and you're going to see what we downloaded right here at the top .srp, press okay press okay on jarvis
click all the only option you have, click this, and that's it so that is now enabled and we're going to go back to the home screen again this time go over to programs go to program add-ons get more once we are here you are going to scroll down to, addon installer install
it'll say enabled once it is done downloading, just press okay and hit open okay scroll to your right, hit featured add-ons and my personal favorite the one i had the best luck with the one that i only use there is really no other app that i use because this gives me everything it's "exodus" so click okay on that okay once that is done, you are actually completely done right now
you're going to have to go back to the home page you're going to have to remember this part! every time you are going to want to watch a movie or tv show when you launch the app "kodi" from your home screen you're going to go to videos add-ons exodus, which is what we just installed and this is it guys this is where you are going to get your movies and tv shows a recommendation for you, if you press the left arrow key here
it'll come up with a menu on the side switch the option that says view switch it to thumbnail it makes it a lot easier to navigate here it says movies if you click movies it gives you all the options, genre, year... lets click most popular and look guys
these are all the popular movies that are out now, some of them are still in theaters there's deadpool, star wars, captain america... most of the newer titles might have some bad video quality but usually, give it a week or so after the launch and it'll come out normally in high definition if you want to search for a movie scroll down at the very bottom we have a search option every movie i ever thought of and searched is on here i have yet to find a movie that this app doesn't have
so it is really awesome and it's free! and its pretty much the same deal with the tv shows so literally guys, that's it, it's that easy when ever you turn on your amazon fire stick this is your home page you are always just going to go straight to the app called kodi and that's what it looks like you're going to launch the app and it'll bring you to this page you are going to always go down to add-ons you're always going to click exodus
and it brings you right here, its going to give you everything you need now this is my quickest, most easiest way i've found out how to do this it gives you the most basic stuff i know it has a lot more potential, and there is alot more opportunities for this app but this gives me all that i need atleast free movies and free tv, that's what i wanted this whole thing for so that is how you do it guys i make videos pretty frequently on my channel subscribe
and you'll see a lot more from me a lot of how to videos and stuff like that if you hit the thumbs up it'll be saved to your liked videos and you can always come back and re watch it in case it gets uninstalled or you want to do it for a friend feel free to rewind and watch again for parts that you might have messed up or you got confused on i'm going to leave a link the the fire stick to amazon in the description but that's it, you're all set, you jail broke the fire stick you're good to go, you can watch all the free tv and movies you want as long as you have wi-fi
anyway guys, this is david signing out, i'll see you guys next time.
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