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How To Flashing ismart is400i
this is fm radio station, let's listen nextsong in kishore kumar voice, film biwi o biwi, music by r.d.burman &lyrics by anand bakshi. from hyderabad this is request by salim,ismail.... from sikanderabad prof. yusuf, pinky.... from centuries in the world... this is the matter.. from centuries in the world,this is the matter.. one is the girl, one is the boy.... when they meet, love happens....
from centuries in the world,this is the matter.... radha is of mohan, laila is of majnu.... every century you have fair of lovers.... one to two happened & love occurred.... from centuries in the world,this is the matter... "stepney" everyone needs this in life. hi, can i get the lift. hi....
i'm going that side only, come on. how sweet! actually i forgot purse at home.-is it, you can keep my entire purse. actually your hairs are nice. really thank you! dressing sense is also good.- is it! my boyfriend also says same. get down & take 11 no. bus, i'm going onright side. you have wasted by time. this is my money & this is your purse bye.
this is called getting handsblack hands in coal business. just waste of money. greetings.-greetings. you have come home. -for god sake don't give lecture on marriageas soon as entire home. why? because i'm just on the firststep of youngster. first step! o dear, you are on the last step, got it your age guys have 3 kids.
listen, after your father i'm only here. if i get free from your wedding,i have home & other works. my son, when are you getting married? you know aunty, if you get married, afterfew days wife will rule us. father has left this property to enjoy so i don't want wife, i want stepney! fear for the god. what are you saying? al these suggestion from your hoodlum friend lala, got it. if you follow his nonsense advice,you will be no where, got it.
good you reminded, need to call lala. what, you & your lala...... what to do of this guy? hey, cock, lala doesn't like small things,likes best ones. lala. oh my dear friend id, how are you. solid, how are you lala?-i'm perfect. i have not seen since then,have you decided to get married. are you mad, me & marriage?
very good, let's sit & talk. daring, i will just come.-okay baby, no problem. now listen to me, the day you get married, in your handsthere will be dirty bad instead of mobile. and instead of hair gel it be coconut oil. and instead of t-shirt it will be half cut banyan, you understand. so be aware, what are you doing in evening. since morning not doing anything,then how about evening. very good.
life is to rest & enjoy. evening i'm giving small party, lets enjoy! this is lala' style. see chand, this is lala's party,are you enjoying? but lala, looks like maintenance is costly. lala also has dark businesses. have you gone on date? tina, mona,-yes sir. come here, meet my friend id.
hello!-you don't think of married. this is nonsense people businesses,look at me. i have 50 girlfriends, no tension of wife. if i would have gotmarried, need to stitch shabn. but i'm getting forced to get married. chand, you are failing here only. your aunty is cheating you. if we get married it will laugh. lala, admit me your school.
why not, because you are my lovey friend. thank you lala, thank you. can i take anyone of them? except rosy. i love you rosy. hey samina, when are you going to yourhusband's house. hey grand mom, when did yougot married tell me? what about me. lost the fragrancelost the lips color. let me go, i'm old now. now you let me go.
what are these girls of new age? o god, when will those days come of favor? okay mr. robert, okay mr. robert will meet in evening & talk.-hold this. are becoming old, are youunderstanding. come early home in evening,don't sit with friends. for gossiping, for reading newspapers. daughter is getting old, do you remember,are you understanding. how long keep waiting.son has already gone.
get soon son-in-law, you also getretired. later get busy in home works. hey mother, thousand times i told, no needto hurry of my wedding. till i get the guy like your husband, i will not get married. god spare women of this times. likemother, same is the daughter. what?-nothing. return home soon. mother, for me face, height, personalitydoesn't matter... but i need such a person who will dowhatever i say. should sit & stand on my instructions
should i ask brother, will getmany outside proposals. you just say it, will get lineup for you. no need to tell chotu. mother, i'm looking for a tv model whoseremote should be in my hand. in which, whenever i want, i can see myliked songs, serials, films. and whenever i want,i can switch on or when need off. today planned for date, but vehicle brokedown.thinking to change pasha mechanic like stepny. now need to push. hey pashaa....
hey pashaa. your daily client is here. fix the vehicle & finish it fast. shouldget new vehicle what is this. hey, yesterday only fixed it, today againis has come. this vehicle has original bush pump, remove& put it there. before owner arrives. greetings brother, what happened tovehicle. as much you show off,you are not that able. what are you saying, with this smallspanner i open big engines. you know only how to open,don't know to close. is like that.
okay, why did you push,should have called, to push. here after if my vehicle broke down, i will kick such that you will not be inposition to push anywhere. hey sailani, which vehicle are you taking,put jack below this. get aside, else he will jack you. put below the vehicle, you reached theengine. get lost. six months you have to be for washing. what are you doing? useless.come here fix this. in this area, my auntie's chain wassnatched.
i was also with her. was so afraid, never before in life. friend take it.-o my chain, o god... what a luck, got a big chain. hey chatu, leave with this chain. since three months looking. today you got it. will break your face. get the chain.
get lost. you are gone today. you tell me.-come. take this two to ps. will visit home &come, got it. will not do again. big brother will not do again. bigbrother... leave me. what should i tell mom at home? chain lost can will get back, if respectis lost will not get.
you guys also learn to fight back, kickthem. have you done police complain? that we will look into it. hey, put & kick him. you care for ps. again brought fights to home.keep doing this. sister's marriage age is going,not worried for that. not getting married nor looking boys forsister. just become loafer. see mother, now a daysboys are crocks & useless. need to think before making relations,don't talk of getting rid of responsibility.
yes son, i'm saying same. need to look try for few boys. for sister need to look for uncle, age iscrosses now. why are you saying so for my girl? hey brother when did you came.-greetings. greetings. hey what is this sweat & broken buttons,where are you coming from. your brother is returned after fighting is it, really! should have kick all, should have callme. together will have fought.
o god. you both sister & brother open shopfor hooligans. thinking of same. getting old, no worries of marriage. thinking to help brother is nonsense stuff. boys & girls are getting wasted, what tosay of house conditions. grand mom, mother don't worry of sister's marriage,i'm looking for boys. if i like someone that's it.... brother there is fight atjamal's home, come fast.
what are you saying? hey brother, wait i'm also coming. hey, no, sit here. brother.-lets go. did mistake by getting married. just watch, don't go to save. what should we do in fights of couple. ifwe talk, he lifts knife. i can't stay with this women for a second. i will kill you or will get kill myself.
you want to have outside affairs so you are acting.- hey what's happening? she is my office colleague. hey zamal, stop this,tell me what's the matter. i'm warning you ajiz don't gettinginvolve. what don't getting involve? you have done, your own wedding,no priest involved. mother, father someone might have been. this woman has made life difficult. just two days after wedding,starting talking nonsense.
made difficult get out of the house. should not doubt then what else i can do. says shabana, take his phone,will become clear. hey come with me, will make you understand. who is this shabana, why do you need?this. all will be fine. marriage, honeymoon & few dayslater will have a baby. why are you fighting like dog & cat. i can't be with her, will give divorce. you idiot, trying to make you understand,why are you not getting sense.
getting troubles by getting married.- what's your problem? see lady, after getting married don't haveuseless doubts. wife & husband should staystick like train rails. why are you having useless doubts on him. he is working out, you havemeet many kind of people. you man will work out or cook food at home. tomorrow if you start working, should healso have doubt on you. hey, who is that girl. she is my office girl brother.
i said she is like my sister, even thoughshe is not believing. okay, i will make her understand. see lady,why are having stupid doubts. before marriage haven't you confirm. all systems are followed,showed & then done. come here man. come here, listen what he says.-come here. listen carefully what i'm saying, go in theroom & say i love you to each other. go... come inside. i don't want single complaint.
else next time we will not come, policewill come. is it good to get police at home. have yousaid i love to each other. sound should come outside. i love you.-i love you too. its enough, rest take care later. i will find boy for samina, people shouldsay its one among lakhs. you are...... are you married, will you marry me? one minute, looks like mismatch.
hello lala.-yes, talk. as you said come on date, but not getting what to do. how many times i teach, start from song. looking her, only sad songsare playing inside. you don't have to spend life with her. okay...-what happened? what a smart you are.... looks beautiful.... say it again, keep saying feelsbetter......
golden words are not repeated. take rs.100, go out & take the auto. greetings. what is this lala. you don't know my taste. if know, have you sing a song with her? song got harsh, if you have good faces infront, romantic songs will come. dear friend need to make someadjustments, else matter will turn bad. what happened darling, slept? greetings!-greeting. one second, shiva-yes.
you are majid, we spoke about my sister marriage. yes, i'm.great. happy to see you. well what you have studied.-i have done my degree. what's your business.- i have my groceryshop in begum bazar. why is this guy have standing hair? what's your problem. haven't seen this kindof hair before. this is going in market,this is called fashion. i'm not interested in relation.- hi... sir one second. sir, sir...
if such things happens, looks like itsdifficult to get relation for sister. shut your fire tomorrow.nothing is happening because of this. okay....will do it.-lets go. well, what you have studied.- i have done, what a film you made. on entry so muchnoise. done after seeing. well, what's your business? i work in a call center. what a song it was. night of....fulfilledyou know. sallu brother was dancing....
where do you stay? masab tank. you don't know, that day auto guy messedwith me, i hit me strong. guys, talk with low voice. if that guy goes, this guy. if this guy goes, me.if me goes, my mothers husband... ..if somebody fights for rights, it's habbal naidu. if it's for bossing or for murdering or for bullyingor for rowdyism or for political... ...will defiantly claim port. stupid !
hey...guys... yes, i was saying something. no man, if you are so dangerous, can image yoursister how dangerous. go get up....get lost. no relationship go. today's generation boys are third class. don't how to respect, don't know how to talk others. talking rude.-talking rude. for those who are not listening, my sons..we have to tie and beat them nicely.
we don't need that much. today's boys are not good. what uncle, look & walk. where are you going? going for market, babies are sleeping athome. okay stop, will help you to cross road.-god bless you. these kind of people are also there. hey shiva.-what's the matter. one minute, will just talk & come.
my fellow will not see sentiments andkeep speaking to everyone. how can i help you? i saw you, helping that blind man. what to say man, boys are busy is loveaffairs full night. get up at 2 o' clock, older have to go formarket. what to say. are you married? everyone is worried about my marriage.will happen, let time come. well, where do you stay? 143, aataku.
didn't understand. pillar number. i stay in meripaltan.-okay. god's grace will meet name is ajiz. okay fine. height is bit less, rest all perfect. mother see this. can i see that. see you both.
its good boy, good. o....what's the matter, all the people looksvery happy today. come aau, come on.... it's a good news for you. there is good news for you also. what is it. you say it first. for samina....-mother you keep quiet. first you tell.-what, what is that.
whose photo is that, let me see.-no will not show. first you tell. got proposal for your sister. o is it done.... i was saying wait, i will see goodproposals. give me that. hey, listen, you know khazabhai. near to their place, roteabba is lives
he is boys uncle, boy is only son. we had sent samina's photo,they liked the girl. now tell what's your good news. now what's the use giving good news. i saw a boy very suitable boy for needed by her. is it.-if you are in so much hurry, what can i do. let me see. i saw the same boy! see, how world is small.
okay, listen we have to go their house totalk. you shut up. see that boy doesn't knowanything about this. only his uncle is agreed, he is not readyfor marriage. first we will go & talk. before that i want to get full satisfied. for three day, need to become babadetective. for enquiry. do you want ice cream.- my throat is bad. that's fine. as per weather i will get hotcoffee for you. okay.-okay.
sit here, this place is good. baba, help blind. baba, help blind.- what is this man. need papu.-what ? i mean daal, in telugu for daal it's calledpappu. today i will give you telangana meals,daal-rice. hey, he is cutting tree. one minute. hey, are you mad, why you are cuttingtrees. we are there because of trees. haven't you heard of global warming?- sorry, will not cut.
nonsense. great man. till now whatever i saw,among that you are the best. what non sense. i mean in dreams, in reality firstbeautiful girl. are you not ashamed to tease girl. what is there to be ashamed of. this is myhobby, this is my job. if you don't like, you can go.-nonsense. i have over valued her
you throw that. quiet ! silence, sorry, baby, sorry. looks nice. he loves kids as well. should not waste days in getting engaged. i'm very happy, i agree to this proposal. no need to ask adnan,he never say no to mywords. but there is one thing brother, god's gracehe is studied & have degree. but doesn't have job. this house is ours.- okay.
and after my brother dead histhings will also come. below house rent also comes. marriage is such a poison,everyone wants to taste. i mean want do it. after marriage boy will takeresponsibility. and we want adnan to joinour company after marriage. that is all right, but first need to see the boy.-okay. where are you coming from son?-coming from job. your aunt was saying,you don't have any job.
coming from interview.-coming from intervi ew. okay. brother adnan henceforth no needto give any interview. soon you're going to join our company. i'm not getting.-i will clarify you, come on. excuse us for one minute.-okay fine. come this side, keep talkingin front of people. this is their daughter, i'm fixing yourmarriage with them. are fixing without asking me.
now what to ask. lala said if you get marriedthen trouble starts. will kill you & your lala, got it. it's a good girl, if not now than when aregoing for. if one year goes, peoplewill call uncle, got it. aunty nothing to hurry,you can think & reply . it's a good girl, proposal has come along,don't reject it. mad guy. yes...coming, yes aunty.-permit us to leave. will call & intimate you.-okay that's fine
ok bye, greetings.-greetings. greetings.-long live. coming wait.... she looks dangerous. combination of lalitapawar, bindu & shashikala. what will happen ifi get married to her. may be. not possible, this will not happen. i can't see you losing. i'm not doing it lala, not getting married. what happened you said will meet damsel,not comeit.
hello lala, how are you.-hello baby, please sit down. i have seen you somewhere. i have given money to you. oh yes... your rs.125 is balance what happened, you had a boyfriend. yes, i broke with him. breakup, you two makeup.soon go on date. that is what i was saying, before the datechanges, why don't we go on date. why not.-lets go.
lala her maintenance is heavy. don't think, go.-got it. baby you are watching cartoon,lets watch f channel. what were you saying to lala? nothing dear, was praising your beauty infront of lala. bye the way, where is your car. it's with pasha thief mechanic, it's alwayswith him. okay, where are you taking me on date. i was saying, will go to grand hotel & will havegrand fun.- what?
i mean, will go to grand hotel for biryani rice.-okay, it's fine. had nice grand biryani,same way grand shopping. will pay rent, paid water & power bill,will pay that as well. got it. didn't like your joke. hey shiva, that day we saw one boy, whohelped blind. ok,-for that guy, sister proposal is in talks. oh congrats, i also liked that boy. butlooks aged. hmm....we say person boy till he getsmarried. even he is 40years old. our sister is of 16years?
did you saw the film golema guledo. what is the movie &what is the name of the film. telugu super hit movie. actually in telugu they say golemafor girl & golodo for boy. the boy is too decent, i haven't not seensuch a decent person in my life. i wish to have marriage with the same boy. i got of proposal for marriage,i rejected that. we just youngster's, these are days to enjoy,what do you say. pray man, if got engaged with that boyonly, will be good.
i'm saying correct, to set there,it needs a cool man. in old movies you know amol palekar, all isfalse, all is false....same like that. lets move.-ok. we get discount here. how come here?was here for lunch you know. who is she?-she is my maternal sister, gazal, gazala. greetings.-ok, let's go. hey honey. what's the matter, called late night.-i'm i bothering you.
no, tell me. so sorry darling, i need urgentlyrs.10,000. when can you deliver?-where are you? hey, where?-that.... honey.-hi.... take this rs.10,000.-thank you so much. bye.-bye. how can you stand in such loud sound,can't understand. whenever i give vehicle to you, new issuescomes up.
do one thing, put onsaying on the board.... you have to come thisheaven again & again. one minute. entire life you maintain only one vehicle,no difference you & plumber. you are waste man.-shit, shit. pay less, shout more. will open factory in front ofyou & employ you. only few, rs.25 as extra pay. this is albert, this is nozzle...
after hitting these two, in over speed yourpiston keeps hitting. due to that your oil leaks. o sorry, meanyour vehicle oil leaks. if this time vehicle doesn't getfixed, then blood will leak from your nose, got it. hello, talk taniya.-hi adi, how are you? i'm very much fine.- adi, got small problem. now what is the problem? you know, got hit at my feet. you know nowdays hospital bills. even for mosquito bite,they will bill for malaria. if got malaria then take rest at home. didn't got malaria. but afterlooking at this hospital bill, looks like will get it. adi darling please provide rs.15000,i love you know. if keep the phone, i will call back. that is this trouble. hello lala,-talk dear friend. you kindly look at accounts, this tanya'smaintenance is becoming costly. take it easy. if this goes on, i have to sellmy vehicle & come on road. don't worry my dear champ.-what champ?
tomorrow i will arrange meeting with diji & bribo.have their experience as well. hey man. my vehicle is ready? vehicle will be ready, but the vehicledeal which you spoke on phone, that can i get percentage. what? what number is this spanner? 8-9... with this spanner, which vehicle opens,use that only. don't try to open mercidize, got it. i have got mersidze spanner as well. buttake put only if that vehicle comes.
if unnecessary i take out,people will get afraid. what is this useless hobby. day & nightin front of mirror. hey boy, when are you getting married? you are passing the know, what are people saying. he is bachelor, so many years,not gettingmarried. looks like some issue with him.-see aunty.... if there would be competition of handsomepeople in olympics, i will win gold medal. there is no problem in me, its bad faith ofthis countries girls. they want to propose me.they want tograb me but, they can't.
you...... he is gone. it's a friday night, it's kissing thing you're the lala right? aligarh's lock & hyderabad's lala both arefamous in hindustan. i'm from habib nagar nala. what is this bad odor?-this is finance spray. visited your empire, got toknow you arehere. from there, took 8 no. bus.clean shaved, put a shirt & sitting in front of you.
what's the matter? my name is pasha, i told my name isenglish. garage mechanic, car maintenance. hearingyour name, came from long distance lala. it would be great, if you will arrange girlfriend for me as well. whatever it takes, money & otherstuff willconsider. brought rs.50,000 on loan. hey what did you thought, i'm an agent? will break your teeth. why are you getting angry?ok, because girlis near.
its have friendship, i'm pasha. you don't eat dish. will go...-else will get punch. came to eat other stuff. will try outside, no respect for poor. think again.-get lost. phone number.-hey, leave. didn't got akshi will work with minakshi. someone is required to get love...
someone is required to get die for... hi i'm pasha, want friendship with you. give me one chance,after that love, then one kiss. hello excuse me, are you getting heat. inside was ac. it was ac, will slap you below ears. smokewill come out. hi darling, what's the problem. -nothing, you be there, i will handle this.don't take tension. hey get lost.-come soon.
looks like have to start garage withthis rs.50,000 in front of alim. hey will see you.-see that black face. what will you have, soft or warm? lala...-oh...travolta please sit. she is julie, she is mulie. i mean she is bebo & fizo. looks like one parrot sitting between twobirds. he is my childhood friend id, adnan.
to the point, he also from our group. no marriage, no tension.only enjoy. let's go on a ride baby. hey, so early setting. this is multiplex age, no time waste.goahead. it's already late, i can't wait, let's go. come on lets go. all the best dude. why are you smiling.
first time, going with two girls on adate. it's thrill. stop, stop, stop... id give me rs.500, need to recharge mycard. id look there, will go for shopping please. how much?-rs.25,000 only. what is this, losing money continuously.not even touched. hello, lala.-tell me champ. here after you don't introduce any need dizy, no bibo, no champa, no chameli. i'm getting new bride, going to listen myaunty, going for marriage, hats it.
hey, you will get repent too much. listen to me. i'm not going to listen you. aunty, i want getting marriedas soon as possible. wow, groom looks bright as soon asturmeric is puton. it's great, today my brother should been here, he wouldbe happy to see you. listen after wedding,i will leave for home. why, stay for five days more.-already i have over stayed. i also have home,many things to take care of.
after wedding you husband & wife havehappy life. create an example for the world. got it. let's go, we are standing here.people are waiting. your wedding with adnan khan son of majidkhan with rs.50,000 is confirm. do you agree? i agree. i agree to this marriage. from tomorrow our new life will begin. before that, i want share of my past years. before marriage i had friendship with fewaunties......i mean with girls only friendship, nothing else.
i'm untouched, i mean virgin. what i want to say, i have given divorce tothem....i mean chapter close. and changed my sim card as well. hence, here after in my life, except youno one will be in my life. i promise you. i will be devoted husband, willspend entire life with you. you might be thinking, he is just spendingtime in talking. lets start first night. hello lala, i love wife. best my lion.
what are you doing? after wedding, having firstbreakfast from wife hand. you have break later will tell good point. yes, lala.-had your breakfast. superb breakfastshe has good cooking sense. hey idiot listen, just tell breakfast wasnot good. why so, it was tasty this is where wife's slave a man. just tell her, there was more salt in thebreakfast.
if this happens again, it will be not it. samina...... what happened? is this a breakfast? why, what happened? is this the way, this is what your mothertaught you? so much of salt you have put. i have tasted, it was correct. don't try to be smart with me. else....'s fine. go bring my bag.-ok. sure. take this. henceforth be aware, salt. hello, platinum travels. hi sir.welcome to the office. welcome adnan, welcome. welcome. welcome. hi all, everybody listen.he is my only son-in-law adnan. from today, he is on top of all, i mean,he willwork along with you.
and my son ajiz, he doesn't have timefrom outside suggestions. god has given me son in the form ofson-in-law. give this. claps, claps. come inside, i will show you, your cabin. how is this new boss? hey, don't take tension, look at light.fewdays later will put watch as well. let's go. see son, this is your cabin. from today,you will be owner of this chair. owner of the chair, i thought,i'm owner of the company. ok son, i'm going in my cabin. all the best.
greetings lala.-greetings. i behaved same, as you said. it's nice. great. her face was worth watching.wasscared. listen, when your return home don't gowith laughing. enter with angry action. why now? just married. entry with anger, first day itself. this is where you are wrong.
if you don't over take her now,she will over act you. getting it. be a man, man.-understood lala, as your wish. greetings. will become such a man,whole world will say be like him. be a man, man. coming, coming. why was late in opening the door. don't you know, husband comes at this time. i have opened quickly.-hey shut up, no arguments with me. else....-no, no got it.
go, get a cup of tea for me.-okay fine. hello lala.-yes, lion. formula is going successfully,taken full control over her. great my man. listen, keep this pressure, ask toremove shoes, presslegs & oil massage. every minute give the warnings, got it. bea man. okay lala tea. will put in my mouth, put there.
remove my shoes.-what. who will remove socks, you're bald father.remove it, quick. you got this cold tea for a man. make it new now, go. go. i'm enjoying torturing wife. should i shout on her,for geysers being not puton. leave it, forget it. samina. coming, yes coming.
shouting from longtime, can't you hear. are you deaf? press my legs.-okay. tomorrow morning by 8, keep breakfast ontable. else....-today also given on time. what you said. ten times i told not argue with me.else.... will put layer on your face of mud. else.... what is it? else what?
no nothing. if you don't get breakfast by 8 then what? will go by eating idli, dosa.- if that also not get then. i will cook for myself. what is my name?-kamina. what?-samina, samina. this is what should happen henceforth forme. maintain it. are you crazy, should have slapped.
i can't hit woman lala, i can't. then get hurt, your issue is closed. you created your own problems.- now, what i can do. now what will you do, be a salve. followher. lala how about money.-where is the sound going, no cut the phone. lala left me, have to manage on own. yesterday entered in angry,today will trywill smile. what happened? so much happy. were you watching college girls, on theway.
hey, feet down. can't see tea on the table. just now kept.-it's hot, hot. yes, it is. it's cold, can't drink. from tomorrow will keep maid.-no need, don't show eager. forgot, i'm not in power. samina.-what is it. are you coming or should i go for sleep.
food is kept on the table, have it & go forbed. are you saying no today. looks like today your mood is in serial,okay no problem, you carry on with serial. i will go for bed.can't understand this women. hi sister, greetings.-greetings, tell me brother. thinking to have small party at hotel angara. you both try to reach till 8.-sure will reach. still i will once ask him.- okay, all is going well right. all is well.-good, let me know if any tension.
big tension run away, from samina. at last i'm your sister. sister.... i know how you are. be soft some times. will confirm you, once i ask him. okay fine, greetings... thanks for coming on my invitation.-come on brother. thanks to you for giving good food at niceplace. who brother is he.-hotel good.
let's leave. i want to go for movie. how can we go for movie this time?all work will spoil. i want to see movie, that's it. should we also go for movie?-so many hobbies. okay, let's go home, fresh up & then we go. greetings, brother.-greetings. why are you not coming to office? i'm not do small things.-leave him. let's go.
tripathiji, there will not be moregoodtime then this for daughter's marriage see, now one can stop this marriage. this movie looks boring, will we go tohome. it's good, keep quiet & watch. every time goto home.what do you do at home regularly. want to go home, be quiet. what a lost woman, crime to talk to her. why are you watching that heroine so strong. when the heroine comes, keep your facedown. now you can see, heroine has gone.
movie is finished, let's go.-so eager to go. i already told you, for this reasoni don't go for second show. i lose my sleep. keep mum & drive the vehicle. whatever is it, in movie i saw one thinggood.-what is that? when heroine comes to know, that her boyfriendhas other affair, she sacrifices & gets away from his life. i like that.-oh....very good. she was mad so left, if i would have beenher place, tear his stomach. don't talk of fearing things at mid-night.
need to book ticket for london, where to go. go that side, person sitting on the desk.he will help you. hello, where you want go.-london. why are you going for london. india is good.if you go, what will happen. going to see my wife there, she stay overthere. why you have left wife there.-hey.... hey what happened?-good morning sir. give ticket to this baldy.-hey.... give boss the ticket.-take this.
so fast ticket. no name no address. i look lazy, but i'm advance in my work. looking at you clean head,i got it yourare shamho wrester. i'm so popular. how muach to pay.-rs.15000. what happen of agrawal tickets, do it fast. hi pinky, how are you?-hello sir, i'm fine. you have asked me ten times.-really. how many times should i tell.-tell me how you are.
i'm, perfect solid. sir, your phone is ringing.-is it. whose ringing, where is it ringing,can'thear any sound. sir, its mine ringing.-ok. when did you come here.-when you started hand shaking. come this side. was asking where about man. you are so sweet & romantic, then yourdaughter samina is different. the thing is that during construction ofsamina, her mother eat too many chilies.
oh...i see. do one thing, here lots of my wife'sdetectives exists. go...go...oh mr. robert. this old man being afraidmanaging all the things. hello lala, how did you called me. called to give invitation. in evening bring you wife on moina buagfarm house, will have good time. don't think such stuff in dreams as well. forget of the invitation, if my wife's seesyour clothes , your behavior, your wives...
she will kick us both from your empire toroad. got it. forget it. you have come to such state. you have gone, your life is useless. be man, be a man. drop the phone. may i come in sir? oh...pinky, have a seat.-okay sir. sir you look troubled.
no pinky nothing special thing. sir, don't worry, you can share your worries. not able to get why this act is happening. pinky are you married.-not yet sir, do not get proper boys these days. yes, where do you get perfect boys thesedays. sir, your married life is going well.i mean it's personal, but.... just going on, in married life has ups & downs.have to go with safety.
now what to hide from you wife isvery angry person & stubborn as well. due to this, in our life many problemsare getting creating. she is very doubtful woman. if you say, can i talk to madam. are you crazy, she is very dangerous woman. anyways sir i'm always there for you. come to my home sometime. your family people don't have issues. no sir, i stay alone.
will come to your home some time family. sir with family ! what do you say, it's fine to come alone. as you wish sir.-okay fine, you can leave now. okay sir-pinky. yes sir.-how much is your salary. including allowances', it's 15k sir. okay, will tell in accounts to increaseyour salary by rs.3000 from this month. oh...thank you, so much sir.'s my pleasure. whenever i get call from lala,my lose my mind. don't know what to do. was my marriage decision correct. samina now is like this,later may be more dangerous.'m married has to spendfun & joy. i'm her husband, if she behavessuch to methen what will happen. she is good at heard. respectful forhusband. if she tortures me daily then, i will diesoon.
looks like samina's effects on vehicle as well. pasha...... tomorrow i'm going to any case ineed vehicle to reach airport. that is what i'm trying to explain this ox,thatfor shock up it's hydraulic oil & not gear oil. i don't know all about that. when i sit in vehicle, it getting down.i need vehicle tomorrow in any condition. you sit on elephant. per your personality,if you sit on bigvehicle, it will suit you. tomorrow sent the vehicle.
marriage looks asim, everyplacei'm facing problems. shit.-nonsense. here comes your beggar customer. what is this man. how are you fixing the vehicle. each timethere is problem. sometimes jumps & jerks. now will sale this & get new one.escape from you & this vehicle. have you gone mad? want to sale this vehicle. you know this vehicle has japan's engine.which used to come in old vehicle's. today's vehicle are gettingdamages soon inaccidents.
have you ever heard beating of vehicle,it's very silent. will not realize after starting. if it's getting started then will come to know. will make some adjustments,will clean the plugs & other things. day after will come your customer. don't do like this, he is alreadypissedoff. after 1-2 weeks. what are you guys whispering.- hey what happened, sir vehicle is ready. yes it's ready.-that's what, if something wrong,will cut from your salary, got it. now for you it's long break. take the keys.
i don't have time to break. convey my greetings to your wife. if make the vehicle & deliver to home,will surely tell. will man reach till home?-yes with ease. evening i have to go for function,take outthat customers vehicle. hey, what are you doing?not seen impatient person like you. don't have little patience.just came now &keep honking. i'm waiting here from one hour.- so what, will not give time to prepare. what were you preparing?-okay, let's go.
adnan, let's sit there. hi adi......-taniya.... wife. wife. what were you planning to do with that?girl. what i was planning? nothing. she was coming to hug you.and you alsowere ready to take her, other woman. sorry, she was my old friend.-friend!'s...-stop now. after reaching home, will takedecision on this issue.
do you have headache tablet.-it's not in stock. useless, keep in stock next time. sorry annam she my wife. it's same in my home as well. always problem with the wife's,hey, get me the headache balm. you were supposed hug that girl. hey, i haven't hug dear.-that's because, i was there. else would have sit that hotel only. in front of me this is the scene,then behind me don't know what goes on.
hey listen to me dear. how can she come on you, clarify on thatfirst. samina, that girl got crazy seeing me. are you thinking you are 18 years young?fellow. listen...-shut up, get aside. all small nonsense.-hey listen to me, why are you getting angry. why are you making issue, not getting it. it's finished now.i'm saying sorry forthat, now what. if i would not have been there,you had hugged her & celebrated.
hey see dear....-don't touch me. you are not reliable.-what kind of woman is this, like stubborn goat. trying to make her understand,she is not getting it. samina, my bag. what is this hair style? are you goingto office or modelling. look at this tie, fashion parade. hey, every day i go in same way.suddenlytoday what happened. so many days, i saw the effect of liberty. may be you were going in that way,now on no.
will go with decency, got it. these hairs not like clouds.they should besticky. sir, your hair. parachute. hey, what happened to your hair? your daughter samina, grinding me. after marriage everybody get leg cuffed. and to doubt, it's the natureof all woman,got it. come, i will clarify you.
come dear, i will tell you secret thing. he is our sakkad dada, got an affair withmaid. as it come to notice of sakkad,got hit &broke his face. he is our great grandfather. he is steering at other woman. as it come to knowledge of great grandfather,he hot with stone & broke his eyes. how about him, looks decent person. behind the screen of decency, he keptsilence. after trouble with grandmother,he taught of second marriage.
as it came to knowledge of grandmother,he loudly said shut up. since then his mouth has become such. i'm getting sense of dead bed. looks like next photo is yours. what should i do of this woman? made my living difficult. ancestors rightly said, if wants woman canmake home heaven or woman can make hell. currently, for me my house is hell. samina. where are you?
where is this woman gone? why you have not put oil for hair? come in pinky.-yes sir. sir, i have found solution to yourproblem what is it, tell me fast. sir, my known doctor is there,in fact he is good psychiatric. you meet him once. he will find solution for your wife problem. do one thing, take tomorrowmorning appointment.
will do that. go can leave, thank you.-you are welcome sir. may i come in doctor?-come adnan come, please have a seat. is this your wife?about whom you were talking. yes, she is. as i doctor i will ask few questions. first of all tell me, are you happywith each other.- no. yes....-ok, ok sorry. he was saying you are angry by nature.
what's this, you asked & make us fight. sorry, sorry about it.-it's alright. are you angry since childhood? no.-ok, ok. adnan you tell me,does your fight turn to manhandling. you. i have also limit's doctor. if someone lifts hand on me,i will giveback.... what happen adnan.what are you thinking? doctor is it necessary to bring my wife here.
yes it's required to be here.withoutchecking the patient how can we treat. it's difficult doctor. i just imagined, sorry. hey, our boss is very afraid of his wife. you know how my wife behaveswith me.-how. she just follows my instructions. i havemanyaffairs outside, but doesn't know anyone. how is that?-i warned her, if youtouch my phone, will cut your hand. not like our boss. if i would have been fear of wife,then my matter would have finished.
drink fast need to go on date. i also want to go on date. now even officer staff also making fun ofme. it's too much adnan, turn to previous id. pinky darling i'm coming towards you.because beyond fear is the win. hello pinky i have come to your apartment.flat# 203, okay coming. today life is great. sir felt better, you havecome first timeat my home. by the way, how is my house?
it's very nice, it's small & beautiful.-thank you. hi pinky. i came here for small sweet,but i got bigdish. hi...-hey, sana. when did you come?-yesterday came from mumbai come on sit. adnan sir, she is my best friend sana. and sana he is my bossmr. adnan.-hello. your married life is not going well &she got divorced before 6months.
you are struggling with married life &she fighting lonely life. how sad you know. not sad, very bad.-sir... yes, he is mad. mad person only can divorce sucha beautiful woman. tell me sana what's newexcitement in your life. hey, my sun sign is virgo. and inmorning i read stars in newspaper. someone will be exited meeting me.-oh really. do you mean, i'm exited meeting to you?
first try & then trust.-what? i mean you get to know me well. you guys carry on, i will just come. you can come late. i was saying, if you are really exitedmeeting me,then why don't we go out & have coffee. why, what will be exited in that. oh...lols, because a lot can happenover a cup ofcoffee. if you have come out after taking a deep ineach others eyes, then give your order. if you stare me like that, i get frightened,if you give order, i get it.
get two coffee. you haven't mentionedhow much of sugar to put. two spoons. hey uncle, do think i'm mad, you haven'tmentioned you need dark or white coffee. black. need coffee, hot or cold. kalim, get lost & get the coffee. okay sir, will bring soon. you are quit rumors.
really earthling getting from here, thankyou. you were saying something.- no no.... regarding your troubled married life. sana, what to say, my wife istremendous doubtful woman. i'm very frustrated with that.-can i sent one message? are these fresh.-yes, madam. give me 4 quantity.-pack 4. oh god save me....oh god save me.... o god save me once, will not do it again.
take this madam. if caught then dead. if this found bad, will feed you only. where is he gone. i'm here....i'm here....i'm what were you doing down adnan. actually i was seeing world from below. what? i mean, old people had saidif you want to see world.... ...then see from bottom.
wow sir, coffee is out of stock,will tea do for you. order cancelled. wow okay. ok, then we will leave now. when will you meet again. whenever you say.-at mid-night. where.... there, where no one's comes. correct. we should meet at such place,where no onecomes.
it's good for health, especially for me. look i got chocolate for you. what's thematter, you are looking very happy today. if one get wife like you, every personin life will be happy. i you get too much happy, i get scared. actually the time you have come, no joyis fulfilled yet. het, you washed clothes today, i shouldhave removed these, you can go. your favorite serial is coming,wife become devil. it's not wife become devil, it'smother-in-law become devil. if i would have been the director, i willkeep this name only.
wife become devil. thank you sir have a good day.-how are you? i'm good, how are you. i'm fine, can i say something.-yes tell. my father-in-law has done one great job, atthe entrance he has kept beautiful face like you . your face is on one side & all otheruglyfaces on other side. excuse me. hello.... what happened of your promise,that oaththat decision.
the day heart forgets you,will be last day of the life. will reach there in 15minutes......yes, keep the phone. sir....-your friend sana. what are you saying sir? this secret should be between me & you.noteven to your shadow. what i said, ok bye.-ok, sir. and for that i want to thank you. why means, you have filled airin this deflated balloon. from that moment i'm flying & flying.-bye sir, all the best.
what's the matter, you are sharing sweetswith all. i also like sweets. share with me as well, ragulla,gulabjamun, cham cham. ok. meantime have this lollipop. adnan. you scared me. you are so scared of your wife. not scared as such, just respect as wife. need keep safe you also.what did i feed your name?-sana.
are you crazy. siraj brother.-you naughty. ok, forget that, i think you arenot serious about me. saana matter is very serious. looks in my faith there are 3 more. then it's the fight scene. just kidding, it's two. listen, as i came, did some that corner there is a big tree. it's good for shelter.
why don't we go there &...-what. will gossip.-ok, let's go. life is such a pleasant journey.... here take bath 2 times.... hello listen, some siraj is calling. are you listening? hello hello adnan,-who are you? okay,
he is keeping male names to talk withfemales. let show him. samina, give me my bag. okay i will leave. greetings. why did you hide whatapp last status? hey got mad by replying to people,so hide that. facebook password is same or changed.-it's same, samina143. can i go?office time is up, go fast. i want to see this woman like heroine, butshe became vamp, sister of devil.
stop, i said to apply oil to hair. get in. you are lover ok. hey, don't shout. don't shout. got it. what did he did? seems to be dj, these rs.10 worth people,sold wife's gold & spending money on pubs. don't shout. hello.-troubling house people. o yes, why did you called.
hello brother where are you. sitting with shiva tell me. what are these sounds? nothing, just kicking two guys. soon you can come,come here. it's urgent work with you. okay fine. small problem. we got small problem. family problem.
shall go and see. everywhere the same problem. today will feed sana some chinese food,in chinese style. how come this guy came this side? hey what is this, there is so muchdust & web on office board. don't just sit by eating tobacco,you have to-do duty. got it. where did you see web. you are arguing with me. greetings ajiz.-greetings.
when did you come, no intimation? suddenly arrived. trouble does come with intimation.-what does it mean? small problem, came to resolve. some problem at home means,comes to office to trouble. greetings father.-greetings, when did you came? okay fine, it's late but came that's fine. now, you & adnan look after theoffice & let me have good times of life. how long you will have good times.
i'm coming. sir, he is your brother-in-law right. he is not my brother-in-law,he is my enemy-in-law. his father is my father-in-law. i'm getting sense, my wife has senthim assurveillance camera for detective. we have to be alert now. act as if we are working.-sir, he is looking at you only. that is what i'm saying, if you work likethis, it will not work. get a side. i don't just need talks, need job tobe done.-sir doing it.
i want results. got it. hey, where are you lazy fellow? hey fellow. you be there or your office will stay. hey, you come out. you have given the ticket, instead oflondon, you sent it to bangkok. hello, platinum office is closed. see what my condition is done. sent you to bangkok,
for one i have sent on rocket, israel. wrester, want happened, till me. what happened? i asked him for london,he sent me to bangkok. women over there, till now other womenhaven't touch. but women over there.... see wrester, nothing to worry, i'm fromcompany, it belongs to me. hey, you want to go to london,i will sent you. that too free. book sir's ticket tolondon, make it. urgent. sir you will give the ticket,but i lost my dignity. you will get back dignity & respect,i have come here now.
i will dance on these like death. yes, sister, can't seeanything suspicioushere. are you sure.-you don't worry. i'm keeping vigil here.-no, he is very smart man. in the phone he keeps males name toconnect females. -what are you saying? if this is the case, right now i willenter in cabin & ask. -not now. right now find out who is this siraj, will caughtred handed. then squeeze him. got it. hello, come soon. want to talksomething important.
giving life to country, will go overthe shoulder of 4 people... if died in love, others will take. uncle don't trouble me, i'm alreadydisturbed with family matters. hey man, what is it so serious. i'm poor poet by profession,just listen few lines. hey, singing few lines overthe torture of wife. is it on wife torture, then say 4,i have time now. it is said that...-yes, dog bite a wife, what a days has come....
wife is good, but dog went mad! oh great uncle, next one. in romance wife feels like good poem.... ....if gets annoyed, feels like explosive! that you said uncle, it touched my heart. but my wife is not explosive, it's nuclearbomb. next poem.... one mistake you should not ever do.... make your home on wife's name.
well before the marriage how was the life,how it has changed.... ....before it was pot now it has become tank. adnan, what are you doing there. who is she?-she is my stepney....she is my girlfriend. uncle see you later, greetings. listen few lines on stepney. got the lesson, what about teaching.... ...this birayani is better what about the khatida.
what is the important point you want so talk.- what should i say? i mean got one more problem.-why, got one more marriage. is it my dead calling, it's not that. my brother-in-law landed in office to do enquire. on enquiry, i remember one thing.-shh...will go that side & discuss. few days before i called you,looks like your wife picked. oh...did you talk?-hearing voice got cut. okay, that is why saminahas sent ajiz to office. sure, both sister & brother & planningfor my sting operation.
and want caught me red handed. but they are not aware, they will get theirhands red, but will not get caught. why are you so scared of wife, tell youhave got affair outside. i can tell this, but joy of extramaritalis you know.... like in childhood, there is fun in stealing & eatingmangos & tamarind from the gardens. it's the same fun. why fart & waste, when you can burb& taste. shhh....didn't have any other example to explain. leave it, to change the mode, will singjitendra's old duet in flash back.
camera pan.... o my dear....-tell me dear.... your eyes have done some magic.... i have lost & my heart also lost.... you spun the dreams.... since that day something happened to me.... kindly pass on the pickle. felt better seeing you in office today,keep visiting every month. why monthly, from tomorrow hewill come daily.-okay.
any issues for you.-no, it's good he will help me. have food. sister i must leave now, need to gooffice in early morning. hey listen, intimate meif you are coming late. for what, he will be there in office beforeyou reach. eat the food. when i saw child, saw 2 movies, one hunderwali &other dakku mangal singh. today i'm both live. i was about to go for bed. we are getting new challenges, my brother-in-lawis watching like eagle.
from tomorrow he coming to office,my wife has sent him. making him surveillance camera,looks it's become difficult to meet. oh god spare, what will happen of laila-majnu. don't get tensed, nobody is able tostop piracy. how can these people. i will make such a tunnel that will start frommy office cabin & reach to your heart. listen don't give address of the tunnel anyone. okay, will disconnect now, my wife will get up. your wife is very dangerous.-i know that, good night. i must delete the last dial number.shouldn't leave ant proof.
where had you gone? gone for loo.-bathroom is here only. hey, i went outside, so that your sleepwill not get disturbed by door sound. why you have taken the phone.whom you were talking. phone was near you, if got ring, would createthe disturbance for you, tell. o really, you are so much worried of my sleep. give me that phone.-take it. your mistrust will never end in life,i feeling guilty. why i'm alive. o god take me away.
looking in phone what you save name as... give your phone. give it.-what will happen by my phone? saw, got satisfied. it's enough, no need to pamper.go to bed now. mid night create unwanted troubles,disturbs my sleep. o god, take her, in morning be dead. o god, my wish completed so early.i thought she went. o no, my wish is in waiting list. what is it, not allowing to sleep in peace?
you have not given me breakfast.i'm going to office. go away, eat out, i'm sleeping. instead of such life,it's better to eat poison. he has reached before watchman, for watching. so many people are dying,why not these brother & sister. greetings.-greetings, how are you. i'm fine. how do i get out from here?let me check if he has left. hello, platinum travels.-hello pinky, i taking.
sir...sir. - i got the way toget out of this jail. from back door.-what are you saying? listen, i will go & return to meetsana darling in hours' time got it. see that no one should enter in my room forone hour. but ajiz sir. what does it take him mislead. you just flirt with,i will be back in one hour. okay baby.-okay sir. take care. sir.
sir one minute. sir, sir one minute. i have heard romance has chains,but not heard of jump from buildings. ajiz sir. i'm sorry to disturb you. actually i want to talk you in private. will you come with me for one minute? please. o god! now no force of the world will stop me for meeting. sir you are very handsome,your personality is so adorable.
yes them. actually i'm looking ahead to have friendship with you. you can do it, so what'sprivate about it. sorry sir, you know in office, people& gossips. sir will you come with me for coffee? sinnu...-sir, not here outside. hello...-it's you. the shock you felt now,i get these kind of 500 shocks daily. why, what happened.
do you have short term memory disease?-what? told you know, everyday new my brother-in-law also started spying me. now it's end of our love story this the problem.hello... where are you?-in office. i'm calling your landline, why are you not picking.-wire might have got cut, will check. are you saying the truth?are you in office? not picking wife's phone.- should i getout of the phone & tell i'm in office. here.-stopped.
how much is you have changed the setting. yes madam, thousands are going in hospital.if poor man gets rs.20 what's the problem for you people. if you take more money,it will go to dead body. will see whose dead body. if you do well, will increase your salary as well. hey sister, what is this sister?suddenly you came to office. what did i said to you.he has cheated you & have affair outside. and you are standing here like an idiot. hey sister i saw him, he is sitting in cabin.
what are you saying, he is in cabin.come let's check, come on. see if he is there. see this, seen now, what did i said to you.what did i said to you. i'm know this person inside out. this man is notorious, this manis one number.... seen now, it's done now.what i said. what happened, it's all fine. today you suddenly came to office.have a seat. will call for tea.
no need, mind your business.greetings, step aside. don't take tension.just routine enquiry. you are, big cheater....forgets after making promise.... if do this daily.... if do this daily.... if i get upset, you will be empty palms... are also smart....just smiling burns the hearts.... you are also smart....just smiling burns the hearts.... if do this daily.... if do this daily....if i get upset, you will swoon.... what are you thinking adnan?
i thinking, i'm got stuck in gangster family.-what. gangster....who is gangster.-these only, my wife & son-in-law. one male & one female gangster. o....this is his stepney. but how does this man come out of cabin.need to find out. both of them are grinding me like spices. don't you have daring?should fight like hero. both of them are dangerous.if theywere light, would have fought. and listen, till i say don't call me.
by mistake if you come in front of wife,your hair style you do regularly... she will not keep any hair for your style. o my god...getting scared hearing this. if your wife leaves you tomorrow,don't depend on me. you are also chinese. see this watchman standing before. i'm also coming with you for office.-why, what happened to your vehicle. why need two vehicle's.petrol waste. i'm clarifying, i'm coming early in evening.-why.
why, want to give left some one on the way. hey, it's human, health can go bad.may get bad stomach, may be headache.... its may wish.if i come early then. then i will drop you.let's go. you dead man. hi, pinky, as usual, one hour break.will return in one hour. okay sir.-bye. sir.... minute.
sir adnan sir is take rest's lunch break you know. what i was saying & mewill go out for lunch outside. what is your name?-pinky. listen pinky, in my life i have seenmany biggy,so don't put biscuit's for me, got it. step ahead.... from longtime i was asking office boyto cleanup,he was not doing it. at last i have to jump since when this is going on. no shame....
hey adnan, what are these your nonsenses. it's hardly six months,i have left you both on good terms flower like girl, thought will stay happily. it's nearing to just six months of marriage,what are these issues created. close the door & come in. everybody is sitting here for your case.where is your loafer girlfriend. for which you were takingso many risks to meet her. should have brought her along,it would have been better. are you taking about sana,she is my friend.
lie, lair, useless man... why, just slaping was's getting too much. just took ease, so things havecome to this stage. man you are talking wrong. you have betrayed my sister.-what? i thought you are straight person.was not aware of your extra affairs. you better be quiet.what do you know with in 2 days' time. adnan,-what adnan? you are talking daughter is gold.
if its gold then, should i wearlike chandan garland. it's not good i'm saying.-yes, you are correct. nothing good is happening in my life.since she has come in my life. what good is not happening?have youlifted my daughter from the road. hey, you shut up now.adnan,tell what is the matter. what are you talking by standing there? if i hear sound from you,will pressyour throat & kill you, just sit silent. see mother, i don't have mother-father.aunty is my everything. she advised me to get married,your life will better post marriage.
so listening her, i got married. after marriage, from wife i just gotmistrust & insult & nothing else. it's not just at home, she eveninsulted in market. man comes to home smiling, what is the matter,you are laughing so much. did you saw fairies on the road? if i come silent, your face turnssad as you come home. person gets relived from hectic day,once he sees wife at home. but in my case, when i return home,my heart beats goes high. looks like as if one thief isreporting to police station.
why have you change last status on whatsapp. have you changed the password of facebook. why are you making hair style in mirror. height is, she has stink my hair with oil.people are laughing on my condition. i have lost my self-respect & freedom completely. i have just become key toy.if she turns key laugh, she turns key cry. it's shame on my life. and listen this, once i went to see movie with her. as heroine comes on screen,she asks me to bow down.
she was watching hero's six pack.but i haven't taken any objection. why because, i have trust on her. married life runs on trust.not on doubts. today, whatever divorces are happening,main reason is doubt. and in my life i didn't got anythingexcept doubt. my life has become hell. samina....samina....-sister... bride....-what happened? mr. adnan.
nothing to be are going to be a father. what....yes...-o god. congratulations! congratulations!-congratulations! become uncle.evening will meet betto. that later on. brother you also get married soon.want to dance at last in your wedding. marriage & me.if get married thenhow about city girls. i say sorry.-i also say sorry.
but i'm getting wild on that girl.should have killed her. you don't have to worry about that.i have removed from stop block. now in the film climax,only you & me. listen, let me go out &share this happy moment. long live son. looks like forgot his phone here. many congratulations! what a news.congratulations! hello...
where are you? who is this pankaj ?in the female voice. hey, she is my receptionist in office.-o shit. due to your worry i have kept her name pankaj.her name is pinky. this decision will be donein office only. pinky is gone now. apples, kashmiri delicious apples. hey, lala you are in this state.what i'm seeing this. main dead, all player left.remaining ancestor property also gone.
only apples left in hand. you did good decision of marriage. do one favor, take this apples for kids. no i want to take bananas.-eat apples, it gives strength. hey man, just fill air the tyres. hey pasha.-adnan. hey i'm getting shocks aftershocks. you are in this condition.from c1 to a1. don't ask what happened with me.
from shamshu wrester's vehicle,i removed stepney for alim. wrester kicked hard.there after i changed. instead of fraud rs.100, it's good tohave honest rs.10. will fill the air, don't pay.hey fill air in that, tyres. you can go, greetings. hello, can i get the lift. no, absolutely wife is waiting, greetings. what? these wife's will never give on doubting.
but remember, the wife who love herhusband only doubt on him. they are passive. and i have request for you,don't make mistaketo have stepney like me.
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