Tuesday, July 4, 2017

How To Flashing wiko highway pure

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Download one of the above file:

Further to the next stage
1. Copy the file to Sd Card
2.boot into recovery mode, in the file already exists in the form of .pdf open a full tutorial and follow the instructions. anyone using flashing software.
3. When've followed all of the conditions please check the phone has been normal what is not.
4.Ciri EMMC feature of flashing not damaged in the road, still can wipe data cache. but install the update form sd card can not or will not runing.
5.booting first after install rom fair amount of time of approximately 15 minutes. Do not hurry to remove the battery. wait until the system finishes booting.

important: before doing anything on the phone to do the data backup beforehand. can pass CMW, recovery, twrp please find if you have not got.

How To Flashing wiko highway pure

it doesn't take much: only about a tablespoon of acetone evaporatedinside a 44-gallon drum creates enough vapour to make it explosive. at this kayak manufacturing shop, weldingon an empty acetone drum cost a fibreglass worker his life. this is what happened. a worker wanted to make a shop cart from thisempty acetone drum. the fibreglass worker offered to weld castersonto the drum for him. to prepare the drum for welding, the workerrinsed out the drum with water and turned

it upside down to drain. he replaced the lid's bung caps, then useda grinder to clean four areas for the welds. the fibreglass worker started to weld, buthad trouble. he asked the shop's owner to check the welder'ssettings. the owner performed a test weld on the lid. he adjusted the welder's settings, and gavethe welding gun back. the fibreglass worker then attempted to weldon a caster by making a tack weld. as he began a second weld, the welding arcburned through the lid. acetone vapour inside the drum ignited, explodingand throwing the worker across the room.

he would later die from his injuries. lab testing of the fluid remaining in thedrum showed that the drum, even though it had been rinsed, contained enough residualacetone to become explosive. choosing to reuse a drum that once held flammablesubstances can be a big mistake. time and again workers have welded or usedtorches to cut drums, often with lethal consequences. welding, cutting, and grinding are examplesof hot work - work that can initiate fires or explosions. if you can, avoid hot work on drums. if you must go ahead:

do a risk assessment to identify any potentialdangers. with the acetone drum, this would have includedchecking the precautions in the msds for acetone. the msds, as well as a label on the drum, warnedagainst welding on or near the drum. follow the manufacturer's instructions forflammable substances. don't weld or do any other hot work if theinstructions say not to. if the instructions allow hot work, set upsafe work procedures such as how to clean the drum and how to test for residues. train and supervise workers in the procedures,so that they know the risks and the precautions. learn from the tragedy that occurred in thisworkplace.

before welding, cutting, or grinding on adrum, know what's been inside it and whether it's a danger.

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