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How To Flashing wiko rainbow lite
welcome to the gracie and mommy show. todaywe're doing a challenge that i invented. it's called the doll hide and seek challenge. howdoes it work, gracie? okay, so it's one round. optional two rounds if you have more time.and so the rules are, you get an array of dolls. some are on the floor because spatsknocked them over. okay. you need to pick five, or if you're doing a second round, if you're doing two rounds, then the first round would be five and the second roundwould be ten. alright. ain't nobody got time for that. ain't nobody got time for that today. um, and then you gotta hide them, and theother person has to find them. so like easter eggs but with dolls. and so then you also gotta have a stop watch and whoever finds them in the shortest amount of time wins!
alright! and we're gonna hide them here in mommy's lair, office thing, and also the bathroom'san option. yes. okay. alright. so gracie's gonna go first, so i'm gonna hand the camerato gracie - here you go - while i turn and go in the corner and hide my eyes. i'ma putmy smoothie down. i'm gonna hide my eyes just like we're playing hide and seek. okay. it's not timed, it's just, you know -- no,i don't have to count or anything. you don't. cause yeah. this isn't just normal hide andseek. mhmm. are you filming yourself hiding them? yes. [coughing] excuse me!
you should probably make some noise whileyou're there. me? okay. so that you can't hear. [mommy making noise] i'm so good at making noises. am i almost done making noises yet? not yet!you still haven't hidden five dolls? it takes a long time! oh my goodness, how long doesit take to hide five dolls? really long, if you're trying to win! are we done yet? almost! i'm running out ofcrazy noises to make! okay, we're ready! woo! oh, my ears hurt, i was pushing so hard onthem. and go!
okay, so let's look in the obvious placesfirst. did she sneak somebody up on the shelves that wasn't here already... nope. okay. okay,it doesn't count if they're over here, cause this is where you took them from. right? okay.alright. and the ones on the floor don't count. okay. cause those got knocked over by we're gonna look behind the television... oh oh oh! there's one in the vase! oh, hello! okay, so that's one. i'm gonnaput the dolls i find right here. so i've got four more to go, okay. so the dolls in thisbin don't count, because those are wins that are going up on the shelves. is there anyup here by the elektrokidz... any behind lucy... no... whoops, as i knock everything's just like being in a store! mommy's gonna
knock stuff over now. okay, well i'll comeback for you, because i don't want to waste time. okay, those don't count... alright,bathroom. bathroom. okay well let's see, there's a towel thrown in the sink. ha ha! dun dundun! i found one. okay so that's two... now, let me see. let's see what's going on in theshower. anybody? anybody in the shower? anybody on a window sill? ah! oh oh oh! yes! okayso that's, that's, i have three. i only have to find two more. should i look in the toilet?no! no, okay good, because that would be gross. okay, how about up in here? ah! yes! oh andlook, there's just like a random shopkins basket in this cabinet. is there anybody elsein here? okay, so i've got... one two three four. i just need to find the fifth one. thelast one is really hard to find. really? ehh,
let me, okay so let's do hot and cold, okay?i'm over here. am i hot or cold right now? eh, you're kind of just slightly warm. i meanit's kind of like you might need a hoodie, like... it's not... any in these drawers?nope, okay. warm now, you're hot, you're hot... i'm hot, i'm like really hot? thank you gracie!haha! is she hiding in here with my -- you're on fire! i'm on fire? you're burning! yourskin is melting off! your skin is melting off! is she in the diner? she's in the diner?!you're getting sunburnt, and... yeah... is she in the diner? i'm not telling you! i don'tsee anybody in the diner! i'm getting sunburnt? tell me if you want to give up! no no no!but eh... think of tables. tables? is she on a table in the diner? oh! ah, and she wasa little one too! ah, alright! how long did
it take me? you got three minutes and 10 seconds.okay, so you gotta beat three minutes and 10 seconds. okay. let me, let me -- alright,you go -- let me write it down. okay, you write it down. three minutes and 10 seconds.wait, this is an important piece of paper. no it's okay, you can write on the top partof that. okay, cool. my turn. i'm gonna hide differentdolls. here we go. [gracie making noise] [noises intensify] oh my goodness! oh my god that's so annoying. this is really hard to do, holding all thedolls at once. oh my goodness. oops, oops,
okay let's not make it too hard. oh, and thephone is ringing. okay. alrighty. i've got to not do like exactly the same kind of stuff. okay, that was a calamity. stay up, froggydoll! we call her a froggy doll, because she looks like my froggy stuff. c'mon stay up!lean against the wall girl! okay, good. i think she's safe. oh my goodness. oh my goodness.ooh ooh ooh! hamper! okay. we've still got two dolls left. are you done yet? no! i'malmost done. making it kind of easy. kind of hiding inplain sight, but maybe not. you're gonna hyperventilate! okay, i'm done, get your stopwatch ready! where's your stopwatch? your phone's righthere. there we go. ready? get your stopwatch
ready girlfriend. and... i should film youwhile you look. you wanna film the looking? okay, where would have mommy hid it. oh, i found one! in the hamper. um... did you hide one in here? did you hide itsomewhere in spats? in spats? no! oh, i found another one. oh, i found the two cousins!oh there you go! of course you hide them together. alright so you've got two... there's someone in here. huh uh. nope. no... you're kinda cold. oh. no, you're stillkinda cold. nope, you're cold.
cold. you're getting slightly warmer. keep going in a circle. you were really justboiling hot. in here? nope, nope, no. you're, you're boilinghot. oh - you're boiling, but you know, not blistering. okay you're almost blistering!yes. did you hide all of fnaf kids? uh maybe, i dunno, i dunno. okay you're cold, you'recold, you're cold. you're warm, you're warm, you're hot, you're hot. oh! okay, you need one more. one more! did you hide one in the toilet? no!
i need some -- you're warm, you're hot! you're-- oh, i found her! yes! hit the timer, hit the timer! isn't that your last one? but myphone's out here! two minutes and 15 seconds. yayyy! gracie is the winner of the doll hideand seek challenge! yay!
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