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How To Flashing xolo q900t
hey youtube, this is latest windows phone10 on my hand, and after you finished watching. you will get to know how to upgrade to windows10, like this. watch the video upgrade your phone to windows 10. good luck. hello, thereyoutube. welcome back to my brand new video. today i will show you how to upgrade yourwindows 8.1 phone to the latest windows 10. and you can see on my hand it's a lumia 525and it's running on windows phone 8.1. let's upgrade it to windows 10. i will conform you the version. let's go to settings.
and let's go to about device. here is it, about device. you can see here. the phone informations. name, windows phone, model: nokia lumia 525. software: windows phone 8.1. you can upgrade any windows 8 or 8.1 using this method. such as your nokialumia's, microsoft lumia's, htc windows phone, samsung windows phone, et cetera. all brandsof windows phone comfortable with this upgrade. so this an official upgrade, let's do it.and the first step you gonna wanna do to go
to the wifi network and connect your own wifinetwork. i suggest to do with this a wifi network, because we need more bandwidth fortime saving. basically while upgrading the mobile data is not working.ok, so, i suggestyou to do it with a wifi network. so, you can see here. my wifi network is already connectedto my device " funny bear " it sounds funny... now let's got the second step. the secondstep is install a app called windows insider. i will given a link below in the description,just click that, and install that app. you will go directly to the microsoft store. iwill do it manually. go to the store. and search for, windows insider. search for that,and click the first search result, the pink
icon, this icon, the pink one, the first one,windows insider. by microsoft corporation. and i will read the description of this insider application provides registered insiders the ability to receive pre-releaseos updates on their on their phones directly form microsoft. for more information aboutregistering and becoming a windows insider visit if necessary youcan do it you can visit so, let's continue, let's install it. justclick install button. it's downloading the app it's about 1 mb, just 1 mb. you can easilyupgrade your windows phone device by just following my step by step tutorial. just keepwatching. ok, it's finished. it's installed. now let's click view app, and let's open theapp. the app is launching now. yeah!!!, here
is it. welcome, this app setup your phoneto receive pre-release software and services from microsoft. pre-release software and servicemay not work as expected, potential problems include not being able to place calls, includingemergency calls, increased data charges, and damage that causes your phone to stop workingpermanently. remember to back up your data frequently. so, be aware of this information.if you want it let's continue, don't risk your device. i have personally, i don't have arecommendation. if you wanna do so, you can do it. or if you wanna stay out of it, youcan stay out of it. ok, anyway, i done with my several windows phone devices and i don'thave any problems. if you install the windows 10. basically it's a technical preview, youmay experience some bugs. and after they release
the original full version, you can update.just update your technical preview to that. no problems with that. you can just continuewith me or you can stay out of it. anyway, if you wanna continue just click "get previewbuild". my windows phone text's are getting out of the frame. because, i large the textsize. because, i wanna show you what happening here. ok, just click get preview build. justclick it. and you can see this. enroll. insider slow, insider fast. we got two options toget the latest windows 10, insider slow and insider fast. i will read you each one. insiderslow, windows 10 technical preview. you'll get pre-release windows 10. but you'll get thema little after insider who select to receive fast updates. this could mean that more solution is are available issue.
that is insider slow and the insider fast, windows 10 technical preview. you will get pre-release build of windows 10 ahead of every one else. this means you will see things sooner but there maybe fewer solution available for issues. i will describe this simply. if you select the insider slow, insider fast selected people get it first and the microsoft analyse there data and fix the bugs and thenthey will release the update for insider slow, and if you select insider slow, you will getmore bug fixed version. and insider fast.
if microsoft created some builds and they willdirectly send them to you without fixing bugs. and they will analyse your report for fixingbugs. that's the difference between insider slow and insider fast. so, for the fasterresult, i'm going for insider fast. that's your choice if you wanna go with, insiderslow or insider fast. i wanna get it first. ok, i don't care about bugs. let's click insiderfast, then click the arrow button down here. just...just read this, and it's a conformation.asking for conformation,. if you don't wanna continue click reject, if you wanna continueclick accept. just click accept because i wanna do this video. ok, congratulation, showinga massage. your phone is ready to get updates form the following preview version, insiderfast. let's do one thing. it's restarting,
it is restarting, my device, because it'sstarted the process. it show the windows log. and it's restarted. now let's checkout the updates. go to settings. and the go to phone updates. look for phone updates. it's here,phone updates. just click that, and. let's check for updates. it's checking for updates. it's downloading the updates. it's start downloading you can see that. downloading updates 0%. let's wait.
ok, let's see.. this is the allnew windows 10. i will show you the version. it's. you can see the all new menu. we can expend the menu. it a main feature on windows10. let's click all settings. and i will show you the current version of the device. youcan see the differences settings. it's more compact. ok, let's look for the, about device. possible to expend. you see. now click all settings. let's go to about device. aboutdevice information let's see that.
system, about. you can see the device information now. device information, model: nokia lumia 525. software version, windows 10 insider. see this is windows 10 all new windows 10. so we are successfully installed the windows10. restart required for updates. ok, let's restart the phone. so, i will do that in quick!!.so, you see the menu, it's little bit messed up. so, let's clean it. let's add a wallpaper.and let's customize it!!. now you see, it's now you see. it's all customized.
you can see the start's transparent. you can see the wallpaper, through tiles. it's really great. you cansee the menu it's also transparent. and if we go to the settings, we can see the newsettings. we can expend the settings menu. you can see the all settings. it's more compact. it's really looking good. we can easily axis the menu settings. so, this is the all new windows 10. if you like my video, give me thumbs ups. if you wanna watch more subscribeto my channel. if you have any doubts, ask me on comments.
thank you for watching.. good bye....
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