Wednesday, July 12, 2017

How To Flashing xtreamer joyz

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Download one of the above file:

Further to the next stage
1. Copy the file to Sd Card
2.boot into recovery mode, in the file already exists in the form of .pdf open a full tutorial and follow the instructions. anyone using flashing software.
3. When've followed all of the conditions please check the phone has been normal what is not.
4.Ciri EMMC feature of flashing not damaged in the road, still can wipe data cache. but install the update form sd card can not or will not runing.
5.booting first after install rom fair amount of time of approximately 15 minutes. Do not hurry to remove the battery. wait until the system finishes booting.

important: before doing anything on the phone to do the data backup beforehand. can pass CMW, recovery, twrp please find if you have not got.

How To Flashing xtreamer joyz

alright, here we are at the super talent booth at ces 2009. now, super talent makes a ton of good stuff. super talent has tonsand tons of flash drives, they have solid state drives, they have computer memory, they have core i7 kits, they have the the world's smallest flash drive, is theirs. it's over there. it's this little thing like this big. it's ridiculous. it barely fits in your computer.and i'm here with joe. joe, how's it going?-hey, pretty good. thanks for spending some time with us.-i'm happy to be here.

alright, now, i know you have some good stuff here. first of all, we already talked. we do have some core i7 triple channel memorykits available already, right? that's right, yeah, we do. we have the 3 gig and 6 gig kits, up to 1600 mhz. -wow, and those are all at 1.65 volts, right? yes.-absolutely. now, i also, you told me earlier that you have quite afew different solid state configurations available to both private, you know, military type of stuff, like you have your high-end, really, you know, i don't even know

what to call that stuff, pro-stuff.-yup. and then, right, and then you have stuff that maybe i could use. maybe like a really fast, all-state drive for my desktop. so, tell me a little bit about these,these and these. 'cuz this is all like, some of the coolest stuff i've ever seen. i love these. these are becoming really popular. i've seen them on the show several times already. these are the mini pci-express solid state drives for netbooks, right? -right. so there are a lot of different netbooks on the market, and each one of them requires a different type of ssd,

so super talent designs and manufactures a whole range. we have like, 10 or 12 different types of mini ssds for each netbook. now, how fast can these ssds read and write? the small ones for the netbooks are typically up to 40 mb per second. the higher speed ones we have much, much faster speeds. obviously. i know you got those really nasty ones over there. you know what? let's take a look at those because that's what really interests me. alright, now this is... this is my kind of party. this is really fast stuff. now, these are enterprise grade, solid state drives.

these things are obviously, everyoneknows they're silent, they're light-weight, they have a ridiculous mean time between failures. tell me a little bit about speeds, iops, technical stuff. well, we're reaching 230 mb per second read speeds, so stay in read speeds. and 170 mb per second write speeds.-wow, that's very fast. what about... have you guys seen really impressive raid configurations with these drives? um, we're still doing raid testing. it's a brand new product, but, yeah. they're incredible. absolutely incredible.

now, is all this stuff actually on the market already? these we're just starting to ship this month, so within the next 1 to 2 weeks we'll be starting to ship. you'll see them up here and on retail shelves probably at the end of january. okay, and also, tell me a little bit about the different ssd drives you have, because not everybody's interested in the blistering fast speeds. some people actually want the power savings and they want the efficiency and the durability. tell me a little bit to me your different levels of ssds. um, well our duradrive you see on the top shelf is really targeted for military and industrial.

they're high reliability, ultra rugged, they're designed to sustain any kind of environmental, you know, dust, dirt, temperature range, humidity, that kind of stuff. right?-right. our ultradrive is our extreme performance drive. it reaches up to 230 mb per second. and then we also have our masterdrive, which is kinda the mainstream pc user. -right. or laptops.-okay, now, this is... this is enterprise stuff all of it because it's all enterprise grade. but, is this geared towards enthusiasts,like, who want really fast desktops,

or is it more for servers? um, well we have 2 different versions of the ultradrive. so we have an ultradrive leand an ultradrive me. and we use different types of flash and components for each one of those. so, the one using mlc flash chipis geared towards enthusiasts, high performance laptops, and the slc product is based on higher reliability and higher endurance flash, that we target to the... okay, now when you're doing a single layer, what changes? like, where does your performance change?

where do you gain or lose performance? the read speeds are a little bit faster, the write speeds are faster. and more important, the endurance.the right endurance of the drive. right, it's ten times longer.-oh, really. yeah.-that's good for servers then. yeah.-alright, cool great. now, i also see that you guys are famous,world famous for flash drives. and, i noticed over there you have a bin filled with flash drives, there's a i actually won that contest.

by some freak chance, i walked up, i looked at it, and i said, 299, she said, you won.-yup. and i was like, oh my gosh, i've never won anything in my life. tell me a little bit about your flash drives, because i know you guys have a lot of them. and i'm actually curious to see, you know, you developed so many different kinds, show me, just because they're fun,everyone's got one. and your pico line is obviously very cool looking. tell me a little bit aboutall these flash drives. yeah, the most popular product line we have in the flash right now

is the pico series of usb drives. we've got 5 different models. we actually have gold plated ones andwe also produce a solid gold, 18 karot. ooh, bling, bling, huh?-yeah, they're like 5 or 6 hundred bucks. so, they're pricey. we don't sell many of those.but, the pico line is waterproof. they're fast. they're very small and stylish. but, first and foremost, they're small, stylish, classy looking products. it's a steel body with chrome plating. and... you can probably put them about anywhere? they're so small. -oh, yeah.

you can run them through the washing machine, you don't have to worry about that. you can put them on your keychain and they're not big and bulky. wow, you know what's funny, i have one of these and i didn't realize it was waterproof. no one ever told me. does it say it on the package? -yeah it does. it does? i must have not been reading. now, this is really cool, too. the godfather, huh? the godfather just came out two weeks ago. -wow. it's a very cool product.-that is cool. yeah, we licensed these from paramount pictures.

we got 2 different models. we sell these up to 16 gb. now, i also see that you have a lot of these little rubber ones. and these almost look like they were made custom for people. do you make custom flash drives?-right, yeah. we do a lot of custom stuff. so, you can see on the plastic drives, we do a lot of logo printing, right? so those are typically customers come in and they need 500 or 1,000 drives with their logo printed on it. the rubber we can go a step further.we actually custom mold the rubber product right into the shape and form of their product.

well, that's pretty cool. so, if i give you the logo to my website, you could kinda design me a cool little rubber one? we could design a tv shaped usb drive, if you wanted. wow, that is really cool. hey, thank you so much joe, it's been a pleasure. thanks a lot.-thanks, our pleasure. (c) 2008 syx services, inc. all rights reserved channel: tigerdirectblog

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