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How To Flashing zdr i9000t
hey youtubers, it's charlie so avengers infinitywar is coming up marvel has never been doing better, but marvel fans are more pissed thanever, so i'm going to explain what's going on as we headed to infinity war the last coupleyears this weird thing has been happening at marvel where there comics have been doingsteadily worse and worse, but their movies have been doing better and better they'vebeen making more money they been doing well with the critics, which is almost unheardof, but this past year. they almost hit rock bottom they will be savedby avengers infinity war i'll explained how that's going to work. there is a new round of the spider-man giveawaytwo it's a $20 comixology giftcard.
all you have to do to enter is be a subscriberand leave a comment on this video so right now marvel is blowing it up, but when mostpeople think about marvel they think about the movies they don't think about the comicsis much even though there are hundreds and hundreds of stories from all the characterspublished each year. you have to consider the total comic booksales for all publishers combined worldwide last year was somewhere like a closed $1 billionin marvel does that was just one of its movies so the movies or a multibillion-dollar industrythere comics you have to consider that there like a percentage of total comic book salesare in the hundreds of millions. so it's a fraction of that.
so a lot of people don't always pay attentionwhen really big stuff is happening in the comics even though there is a really big thinggetting ready to happen. the next big arc for marvel comics is calledcaptain america secret empire and he seems like he's going to be the central focus oftheir big comic book event later this year that will spill into next year. so remember next year is infinity war so it'sgonna be in avengers year they'll of already had their first big spider-man movie and typicallythe comics follow the movies now used to be the other way around, like the reason theydid civil war to do like the reason they call that that was because they had captain americacivil war coming out even though in the civil
war title there was very little actual civilwar going on not the best big comic book event that marvel's had dc rebirth did way betterin that gets into why people are super upset because marvel comics right now. unlike the movies are tanking their comicsales are a fraction of dc sales were the last several years they have been poundingdc in sales, but this past year they have this big diversity push they had all knewall different now. they got rid of iron man they got rid of thehold. they replaced them with other characters intheir titles and their sales are tanking people are pissed.
so if you don't read comics and you don'tknow what's going on. they had their civil war two event at theend of that they didn't quite kill off tony stark, but they effectively killed him offin another character called re-re-williams took over his invisible iron man comic withthe name iron hard, so she's wearing the armor. her ai is actually made of tony stark's consciousness. so he still around, but he's not iron mananymore dr. doom stole his armor and stole the title, so remember i said, the comicsfollow the movies now will sony has a big spider-man movie coming out what a coincidencethat peter parker is the only character left on top he's actually doing pretty well inthe marvel comics right now he sort of like
the benefactor the tony stark of the avengers. he's the one with all the money because isthis big billion dollar corporation. he has his own version of the avengers tower. so he's kind of like the tony stark of themarvel universe right now but he's the only one, everybody else is like a slightly differentversion of their character as the female thor is the amadeus cho version of the hold. and even though the doing a lot of reallyinteresting things most comic book fans that like the first couple issues not really pistonlike okay we want the characters that we love to come back.
so marvel because their sales are doing sopoorly will probably do their own version of dc rebirth in another year to if they don'tdo it by infinity war it will happen the year after that. just because they have this big captain americaevent that's coming up so the probably do that and then decide whether or not just completelyreboot everything the way the dc did this past year i did a couple videos about it butwhat happened is is dc sales had gotten so bad that geoff john's and the other powersthat be just decided to do a complete reboot where they brought back all the changes thatthey had made a couple years ago with the new 52, so people were pissed during the new52 there were a couple characters that may
be like may be like those comics, but overallsales started to plummet because all the characters that people loved and gone away a completelyrewritten all this continuity. so what they did is they press the hard reseteject button and we got dc rebirth was amazing, everybody loved it and it is selling likegangbusters there outselling marvel by a crazy amount way more than you would everythingpossible. so it's a very clear indicator that peopleare not happy with what marvel is doing right now and there really happy the dc broughtback all this old stuff, so you can do the math. even though the people at marvel and peopleat dc get along really really well.
they look at what each other's doing all thetime. so mark my words sales continue to plummetmarvel will do their own version of dc rebirth of it totally caught something different thani can a call at marvel rebirth, but because infinity war is happening next year they willprobably target that were some big event and they'll use that is a way to reboot all theircharacters without completely destroying everything that everyone's love for so long. so if you been reading comics for a long time. this is nothing new to you. there's always like a stretch of comics orsome big story arc that just doesn't pay off
marvel and dc will always double down andcome back with something that's even better, but the problem is is that it takes a longtime to publish a comic and it takes a long time to make a movie. so if there's like a movie that marvel hasin the future. it doesn't do really well. it'll take them a little while to come backwith something even better, but i think the best example of that are the thor movies asa franchise thor has done really well at the box office critically not so much if you goback after watching captain america civil war and try to watch the first-order filmor even the second thor film just shake your
head in wonder what's going on even watchingthe first avengers film almost feels like you're watching a long episode of tv becausethe way they filmed it, so a lot of those early problems that marvel had he slowly ironedout technical issues the way they film things looks better now but thor ragnarok does becauseit takes so long to make these sequels is going to be one of the best weirdest filmsever in the weird part is the reason why it's gonna be so cool so you have all these greatactors, the problem is is that when marvel was first getting started with its movies. it was such a big financial risk that theytried to make the most least objectionable movies possible like they just sanded allthe edges off all the interesting stuff down,
so that nobody would be upset they wouldn'toffend anyone. nothing would be weird but then kevin fighthe was able to sort of like break off and do his own thing and now they are free tobe as weird as they want they earn that trust from the fans. so it took a while to get there but you lookat movies like dr. strange and like ant man totally weird compared to the straight upavengers films but did really well financially for the type of movies that they were. you know very small in comparison. so that is why i'm so excited about what'sgoing on with marvel movies just the fact
that they're embracing that weirdness, butstaying true to the characters and that is the same reason that the comics are takingright now is because comic book fans feel like they're not being true to those characterslike you have and iron man comic book with no iron man in it. why would you want to read that you know alot of the comic book sales now are driven by movie watchers that want to read adventureswith those characters. you can't do that with any of marvels comicsright now all of the straight up heroes that you see in the movies are off doing otherthings, or their dead kevin fight he and all the directors, producers, actors have teasedthat infinity war in the movies is going to
be the culmination of all the types of thingsthat they been doing since phase 1 going forward after that everything is going to be verydifferent. even though though still be very true to thecharacters. now what is that mean. so we haven't seen thor ragnarok yet but they'retalking about more buddy road trip type movies where you have team ups like you have ironman in a spider-man movie will be a lot more crossovers more small weird movies so likethe next time you see captain america movie you might see him with black panther or likethey might do that instead of doing another captain america sequel.
that doesn't mean that they're not going todo sequels anymore but it is going to do a lot more mixing and matching with charactersinfinity war is really that point of transition, so that is probably when bill target for theirmarvel comics rebirth for they bring everybody back in new interesting ways. but they do it in a way that's true to thosecomic book characters see you guys can let me know what you think about marvel comicsin this past year. most people have been complaining like mostpeople just a really unsatisfied, but how long you think it's gonna be before they rollback all these changes you have to imagine that the same thing was kind of happeningat dc films like their slowly working the
kinks out. so it's like okay we have some really awesomethings here, but the characters aren't exactly the way we want them to be. so will fix this a little bit going forwardeverybody to be happy. it'll be wonderful, but publishing comicsmaking movies it just takes a lot of time. so even though they might already be makingthose changes they definitely artie made those changes the dc films. but marvel comics you might not see that payoff till later this year or even next year. so if you're hardcore, comic book fan youknow that you just stick it out it'll all
be fine in the end it is might take a littlewhile to get there. there was some new spider-man homecoming andlegends footage that just dropped. so i'll probably do videos for that next,then some game of thrones i want to post and they've been talking about green lantern,so i'll try to get that stuff out as fast as possible a whole bunch of really cool comicbook news that just dropped while you guys wait for that to post you can click here tolearn all about superman black costume hype and you can click here to learn all aboutthe future of x 23 and the wolverine character inside x men universe you thank you so muchfor watching everybody thought five i'll see you guys tonight!
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