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How To Flashing zdr w3
welcome to space news fromthe electric universe brought to you by thethunderbolts projectâ„¢ at new scientific reports areproviding spectacular details on the comet siding spring's closeencounter with the planet mars. according to nasa investigatorsthe effects of the encounter on the martian magnetosphere were asdramatic as they were surprising. in october of 2014 the comet passedwithin 87,000 miles of the red planet and scientists withnasa's maven mission
were amazed at the effectson mars' upper atmosphere. maven team member jared espleysaid in a recent statement, "we think the encounter blew awaypart of mars' upper atmosphere, much like a strongsolar storm would... the main action took place duringthe comet's closest approach, but the planet's magnetospherebegin to feel some effects as soon as it entered the outeredge of the comet's coma. a statement from themaven team reads, "a mars comet flyby caused a merging ofmagnetic fields from the comet and mars.
nasa was in the right place at theright time and was able to study what happens to a planet when a cometcomes extremely close to a planet". earlier nasa reports had described thecometary encounter adding a "very strong layer of ionsto the ionosphere of mars". the electrical model of cometspredicts an electrical exchange between comet siding springand the planet mars. when the coma of the comet touched themagnetosphere of the planet and the two bodies could "see eachother electrically for the first time" the magnetic disturbances in cometaryions and the martian ionosphere
are due to the electric currentflowing between the two bodies. however these events can only seemmysterious to comet scientists since the current standard comet model stillcharacterizes comet as dirty snowball. we are still told that comet'smost dramatic phenomena including the production ofthe familiar jets in coma are the result of ices sublimating onthe comet nucleus due to solar heating. in this model, solar heatingproduces a comet's coma which interacts with the solar windto create a cometary magnetosphere. however, both of those recent findingson the plasma environment of comet 67p
and countless enduring mysteriesof comets dating back many decades point to a much more dynamicalelectrical nature of comets. comets can produce outbursts or in someinstances even disintegrated or exploded while on vast distancesfrom the sun, much too far to explain theevents by solar heating. conversely, numerouscomets have survived seemingly impossibly closeencounters with the sun. this includes thelovejoy comet c 2011 w3 whose nucleus survivedintact after about 1 hour
in the extraordinary conditionsof the sun's corona. in the electric universecomets acquire a "negative charge with respect to the sun in theirtime at the outer reaches of the solar system" cometary activity increasesas the comet experiences a rapidly rising voltagedifferential in its environment. a comet will begin to electrically dischargewhen the electric field at the nucleus exceeds the breakdownvoltage of surface atoms. it's gonna happen suddenly whenthe comet's plasma sheet or coma hits a plasma boundaryin the solar wind
or that of a planet'smagnetosphere or plasmasphere. it was this understanding that led thethunderbolts project's chief science adviser, wal thornhill, to successfully predictthe advanced electrical flash that stunned nasa investigatorswhen an 800 pound copper projectile collided with the comettempel 1 in 2005. for a profound demonstration of a cometexperiencing a dramatic voltage spike let us look back again to the comet shoemaker-levy9's encounter with jupiter in 1994. at the time, astronomers werepredicting that the encounter would be as trivial as pebblesfalling into an ocean.
however, the energetic effectsof the comet fragments were astronomically greater than anythingcomet scientists had anticipated. as reported by skyand telescope, "when fragment 'a' hit the giant planet, itthrew up a fireball so unexpectedly bright that it seemed to knock the world'sastronomical community off its feet. the hubble space telescope detected aflare-up of fragment 'g' of shoemaker-levy while the fragment was some 2.3million miles away from jupiter. then, with the impactof tiny fragment 'a', hubble detected unusuallyenergized auroral activity.
radiation belts were disrupted andunexpectedly bright x-ray emissions occurred. why would a minuscule impactor provokean explosion of electron activity on the solar system'slargest gas giant? another mystery arose as well. it happened at the galileo spacecraft waspositioned 150 million miles away from jupiter at an angle that gave it a ringside seat forarrival of the first fragments of the comet. but the impact of the first fragments wouldbe hidden from earth behind jupiter's limb. so, it was a major surprise whenour earth-based observatories actually saw some of the "impacts"started at the same time galileo.
that means the explosionactually began well before the first fragmentsphysically hit jupiter. just as in the advanced electrical flash priorto the impact of comet tempel 1 in 2005. mission scientistssaid at the time, "in effect we are seeing something wedidn't think we had any right to see". it seems clear that somethingwas happening high enough to be seen beyond thecurve of the planet". in a recent five-part videocompilation dr franklin anariba, a specialist in electrochemistry,offered his extensive analysis
of several papers from therosetta mission to comet 67p. among the findings doctoranariba discussed, was the discovery of electricfields and fast moving electrons surprisingly closeto the comet nucleus and the evidence that electrochemicalprocesses via electron stripping may be responsible for the productionof water molecules in the comet's coma. while such processes are not yetpart of the astronomical lexicon we do see the beginnings of recognitionin the published literature of surprisingly dynamicelectrical comet activity.
in rosetta paper on the electronenvironment of the comet the authors state thatfast moving electrons "are accelerated by an unknownmechanism from a few ev upward to 100 s of ev and play an importantrole in the electron-neutral chemistry as well as in dustgrain charging." however, as dr. anariba has stated,from an electrical perspective, electron acceleration is due to the pointcharge sitting in an electric field which is an indication of thepresence of a voltage differential. yet the concept of objects such as cometsexperiencing "voltage differentials"
is not well developed norunderstood in astronomical circles. in contrast, the concepts of the electricuniverse dispose of earlier concepts such as chargeneutrality in space. the electrical phenomenaassociated with comets may be critical inadvancing astronomy to a better understandingof our electric universe. for continuous updates on spacenews from the electric universe stay tuned to
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