Wednesday, April 26, 2017

How To Flashing maximus vjoy supreme

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How To Flashing maximus vjoy supreme

hey youtubers, it's charlie. so agentsof s.h.i.e.l.d. is back tonight so i thought i'd do a refresher video on the inhumans. the back half of agents of s.h.i.e.l.d. season 2 is gonna be all about explaining whotheir culture, their society are. the inhumans that you see in the marvelcinematic universe, in the tv shows, in the movies, are gonna be a little bit different fromwhat they are in the comics so i'll try to explain what the difference is. but i'm gonna start with their originalorigin story from the comics. they suffer from the same problem that a lot of bigmarvel characters have. they belong to a group of people whoseorigin is tied to

another group that marvel no longer hasthe ip for, for the films and tv shows. so let's getstarted. the characters were created by stan lee and jack kirby, so totally expect astan lee cameo in 2019, whenever the movie comes. they appeared for the first time in fantastic four #45. in that issue stan lee introed most of whowould become the royal family, but at the time theinhumans were just these few characters. there was black bolt, crystal, medusa, gorgon, karnak, lockjaw and triton. the plot of some of those earlystan lee stories was kinda whimsical but

it was the swinging sixties, which i knowsounds kinda like a spider-man joke, but you get the idea. you know, the characters were really interesting but sometimes some of the story beatswere a little bit funny. so the first time we see them johnnystorm is getting stood up for a date and as he's grumbling his way walkingback to the baxter building he sees a mysterious redhead in analleyway who turns out to be crystal. mystified, he tries to follow her, showsher his powers in an alleyway which isn't a euphemism for pulling hispants down. if he did that today he would totally get arrested.

"let's go to this dark alleyway and i'llshow you something really special." crystal reveals that she also hasspecial powers, introduces her special dog, lockjaw, he opens a portal and crystal takesjohnny storm to her home. nowadays this would be a story thatparents would show their kids to tell them why you don't go home with strangers. sojohnny storm gets to see attilan for the first time, that's theinhuman's secret city that's cloaked from view. across their history in the comicsit's moved around in terms of its location relative to earth but initially it started on the moon. here'swhere things get a little bit funny.

johnny storm meets the rest of the royalfamily and realizes that he's seen medusa as part of the frightful four, they're like anevil version of the fantastic four. so remember, this is issue number 45 whenwe're seeing them for the first time. medusa appeared in issue number 36 in anevil team up called the frightful four. i think what probably ended up happeningis stan lee liked her character so much that he wanted to make her an inhuman buthad to find a way to explain how she could be in that team and also be an inhuman. so the officialexplanation became that she had amnesia quote-unquote while she wasfighting with

the frightful four. stan lee has a longhistory a moving characters around in terms of, you know, what their storiesare, which teams they belong to. sometimes it creates some continuity errors.nowadays what marvel does is they just create, like,earth-shattering universe events like the battle world stuff that's happening. so after that first appearance, theinhumans just kinda bounced around a couple different titles until they get their own title in only ran for about twelve issues. that trend continued for a little while.they would just get limited runs from

time to time. so they got another one in 1998, then a different one in 2000,then again in 2003 and 2007. so as you can see they've beenkind of like this weird little group of characters that marvel brings out everyonce in a while but historically they were never popularenough to sustain their own ongoing title like the bigger marvel characters. that might change whenever the moviecomes out though. movie sales always boost marvel's comic sales. after that first robert downey jr.iron man came out, sales of iron man comics

shot through the roof. the lore ofinhumans is really cool too but like a lot of stan lee charactershe introduces the characters first and then, like, many issues later he'llflesh out their backstory. originally their backstory was tied tothe kree-skrull war. the kree were looking for a weapon touse against the skrull so they spent millennia genetically tampering with humans on earth. eventually they abandoned the project after a prophecy predicted that aninhuman would rise and destroy the supreme intelligence who failed to appear in the guardains of the galaxy movie. i know we're all hoping to see

more kree in guardians of the galaxy two butit's not confirmed. so while all this kree-skrull war stuff was going on the inhumans overtime developed their own internal society. thebiggest part of their culture was based on genetic engineering in thisrigid caste structure. it dictated what jobs you could have, who you could marry, so naturally by design the most powerful inhumans were members of the royal family and they are very xenophobic which iswhy even after the kree abandoned them they continued to keep their city hidden. black bolt is a member the illuminati andappears in the avengers a lot but

crystal has historically been theirbiggest ambassador in terms of crossover characters. she's been a member of fantastic fourand she was a member of the avengers for a long time, medusa to a lesser extent too. there was, like, avery romeo and juliet thing going on with johnny storm and crystal for along time so that was like a way to bridge their cultures in the comics. for the most part they are allies withthe heroes of earth but they still have their own agenda i mean it's like namor and black panther,they both serve with the illuminati but their first priority is always totheir own people. so let's move into terrigenesis, that is the foundation for their societyand the process by which they activate their powers.

so taking in the mists and getting powersisn't what makes someone an inhuman, that's something that's passed downthrough genetics. so there are inhumans walking around that have nottaken in the mist, that don't have special powers. but in order to take advantage of themist you do have to have those inhuman genetic markers. the tv showkind of explored this where, like, skye, trip, and raina all tookin the mist but trip did not have inhuman dna so it killed him and gave powers to skye and raina. the tvshow's really simplified the process by which terrigenesis happens, you know, and howthey find these other inhuman people.

they've kind of tied it to the kree but idon't know how much they're gonna explain that because the kree are largely a group that show upin the guardians of the galaxy movies so they might keep them there. most ofwhat we see on the tv show is just gonna focus on the inhumansliving on earth in secret groups. so i'm not expecting to see attilan or anyof the royal family. what i'm hoping is is that they weavethe idea of the inhumans living on earth into age of ultron, civil war, and the rest the movies, obviouslybuilding up to the actual inhumans movie.

nothing's been confirmed but i knowthere are a lot of questions about scarlet witch and quicksilver's powers. as far as we know right now their powersflow from the mind gem so they're slightly different from theinhumans so i'm not gonna call them inhumans. they have confirmed a few inhumancharacters that they've cast for agents of s.h.i.e.l.d. already, they're minor characters. there are some people that appear in thecomics but i'm just gonna wait for them to appear in episodes before i talk aboutthem. so like tonight if we meet any new characters i'll just explain that in my episode video.

there's all kinds of cool stuff that wecould talk about like the relationships within the royal family like black bolt's evil brother maximus the mad. he has ason with medusa named ahura. just in general, marvel, gonnasave all the best stuff for the movies. that's not coming out till july 2019,i know that's a long way off. the interesting thing is that thatmovie is coming out after infinity war part 2 which i think is kinda weird. so inhumans is, right now, the last movie in phase 3. so here's my big question for you guys,which inhumans from the comics do you wanna see

on the tv show? i know, we're all hoping forthe kamala khan ms. marvel but i don't think that's gonna happen. right now they're really pushing skye andraina as the two main characters. they're like two sides of the same coin.raina, who spent her entire life trying to become her true self, learn about her heritage, and skye who wantsabsolutely nothing to do with it. so now, like, you have two charactersthat are going to be exploring their new powers and their relationship to their people. that's like the main story for the second half of the season, exploring the culture of the inhumans andwatching them develop their powers.

the interesting thing about raina isthat she got what she wanted but because her transformationphysically altered her so much she's gonna wind up in this mystiquetype situation, like mystique from x-men. people will probably look down on herappearence as a deformity so for her it's like an evil geniesituation. your wish was granted but what you got isn't exactly what youasked for. so don't forget, new epsidoes start tonight. be sure to subscribe to get it, i'll post it after the episode airs. andthere is a new avengers trailer coming on thursday so i'll do a new break down video for that.

i'll probably do another bonus avengers videotoo. while you guys wait for all that to drop, you can click here to catch up with all myagents of s.h.i.e.l.d. videos from the midseason finale last year and you can click here to learn about amaybe spider-man post credits scene in avengers. they're just, danny elfman is just composing somemusic for it so we might see, like, a teaser but i don't think they've cast theactor yet. thank you so much for watching, i'll see you guystonight. now let's all do thing.

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