Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How To Flashing byond mi10

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How To Flashing byond mi10

hey youtubers it's charlie and superman brandonrouth has just been cast as ray palmer's version of the atom, so this video is going to bea breakdown of that character as well as my thoughts on how he's going to work insideteam arrow. we also just learned that peter stormare would be playing the werner zytleversion of count vertigo. he's not a spin on the previous count vertigo we saw sethgabel play in seasons 1 and 2. hello new people, if you're finding me forthe first time i'm doing bonus arrow videos while we wait for season 3. be sure to subscribeto get everything, there's going to be a lot of stuff happening around comic con too. let's just start with the thought that supermanis coming to arrow. i know it's weird to think

about brandon routh playing two differentcharacters but think about it this way. chris evans was johnny storm in fantastic four beforebecoming captain america and that went really well. it's like if a brand really likes youas an actor, they'll keep reaching out to you with opportunities. it just means that someday after arrow seasonone million and the arrow movie, warner brothers will still find new shows for stephen amellafter he's done playing oliver queen. so let's talk about the ray palmer characterfirst, just like with the barry allen version of the flash they did, this version of theatom is going to be a mixture of different versions. they're really good about layingin easter eggs from all across a characters

history. there have been 7 different versions of theatom character total. and right now in the new 52 universe. the mantle of the atom isbeing worn by a woman named rhonda pineda. the ray palmer version is still present inthe new 52 comics, but before the new 52 reboot in green lantern brightest day he crossedpaths with deathstroke who had killed the ryan choi version of the atom. my favorite ray palmer story was actuallyduring identity crisis. that comic is looked down on a little for doing some awful thingsto sue dinby, but palmer's estranged wife jean loring ends up using his atom suit toshrink herself and accidentally kills sue

dinby. she has this epic mental breakdownand gets committed to arkham asylum and palmer feels so guilty about the whole thing thathe shrinks himself so tiny no one can find him for years. when he went away is when the ryan choi charactertook up the mantle using another one of palmer's suits. it's a super dark story, so i'm guessingwhen they say routh's character has a 'dark past' it's going to have something to do withthe sue dinby character or it will be a twist on that. here's the origin story of the ray palmercharacter he was a physics professor at ivy universityin new england and found a white dwarf star

meteorite that landed on earth. he used thatto make a lens that allowed him to shrink himself down. during zero hour back in the90s they rebooted the character and he was turned into a teenage version of himself andfound he was able to shrink and grow himself without needing to use the special lens hecrafted from the meterorite. after that they changed the character againso that he needed to use his tech to shrink and grow. but he started working with thejustice league and teaching at ivy universty again. one of his students was ronnie raymondwho went on to become part of firestorm. remember in the comics, felicity smoak washis stepmother. i know on arrow ray palmer is going to be the new felicity 'ship. butit's funny how their comic book characters

were connected too. because of the events of identity crisis andpalmer's wife murdering sue dinby, it created a lot of tension between palmer and a lotof the other justice league members. mostly hawkman. he's not going to be featured onarrow, but i'm wondering if brandon routh's character will have any bad blood with oliver.oliver shares a lot of personality traits with hawkman, very dark, very brooding. if you're asking which atom comics are thebest to read some really good atom stories are sword ofthe atom, it was a series written in the 80s,

secret origins #29 is a good prequel storyfor the character, the first 8 issues of power of the atom and of course identity crisis. the atom was featured in a lot of classicsuicide squad comics too, which makes me wonder if instead of having an old beef with oliver,brandon routh will have an old beef with amanda waller. that seems a little more likely aseveryone seems to have a beef with her. if you don't like reading really old comics,some really good atom stories from the last couple of years are blackest night and brightestday. that's where the big deathstroke crossover happens. what about the female version of the characterright now?

right now in the new 52 comics, rhonda pinedaatomica character is a justice league member working for amanda waller, even more suicidesquad crossover see. waller has her spying on new justice league recruits but she turnsout to be a triple agent. she was secretly a member of the crime syndicate on earth 3. she got her powers in a freak lightning stormat star labs and fell into an experiment the ray palmer of that earth was conducting. ilike the way star labs and amanda waller are a common thread in the arrow tv universe andin the comics. what does this all mean for the arrow versionof the character? it sounds like what they're doing with brandonrouth's character is combining the more modern

aspects of his ray palmer alter ego and theclassic look of his costume. we won't actually see the costume till either comic con or inan actual episode. i hope they reveal it on the panel. that would be awesome. as for changing his backstory, he's supposedto be a tech genius but as of right now we have no idea how he gets mixed up with teamarrow. i'm guessing it will have something to do with amanda waller and the new villaincount vertigo, played by peter stormare. there's also the felicity 'ship tease. if you're a big shipper i'm sure you're askinghow will atomicty will affect olicity? there might be a few small explosions on tumblr,but i'm hoping they tie felicity's character

to ray palmer with some past event. but it'sentirely possible felicity could be meeting him for the first time in season 3. it soundslike he's going to be about the same age as oliver. brandon routh is older than stephenamell, but they can play similar ages. and based on the casting notes it sounds likerouth's character is going to be doing salmon ladder's around oliver anyway, so team arrowmight even end up helping him defeat some villain, not the other way around. brandonrouth's ray palmer is supposed to be super huge. for now i'm going to think of him as likea big brother oliver never had and i think the atomicty thing will just be teased formost of the season. we are in our third year

though and felicity hasn't had a lot of makeout scenes. so i feel like she's due. what about the villain this season? as for count vertigo, i can't wait to seepeter stormare go nuts. he's playing the comic book version of the character. i think sethgabel's version was just an original spin the show did. he's still going to be a drug dealer pushingvertigo. because they cast stormare, it's possible he could be the biggest villain onthe show this season. malcolm merlyn is a cast regular, but he's more of a neutral figureat this point. he could play both sides. if you want to read more about count vertigoin the comics, just start with the new 52

version of the character. in the new 52 universe team arrow traveledto count vertigo's homeland to rescue the shado character, so i'm wondering if theydo a road trip episode where team arrow has to rescue felicity or someone else. it's notquite the fun road trip i'd hoped for but it still sounds like it will be an awesomeseason. what about comic con? i fully expect brandon routh and hopefullypeter stormare to sit in on the arrow comic con panel. stephen amell has been saying he'sdoing way more than just the arrow panel that weekend, so i'll be doing tons of videos forall that stuff. be sure to subscribe to get

everything. since i'm posting this now i'll try to followup with my top 5 atom stories later this week as my next bonus video. right now click here to learn more about thekatana character coming to arrow and click here for my top 10 favorite season 2 characters thanks for watching, see you guys tonight.high fives!

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