Monday, July 17, 2017

How To Flashing zen ultrafone 306 play

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Download one of the above file:

Further to the next stage
1. Copy the file to Sd Card
2.boot into recovery mode, in the file already exists in the form of .pdf open a full tutorial and follow the instructions. anyone using flashing software.
3. When've followed all of the conditions please check the phone has been normal what is not.
4.Ciri EMMC feature of flashing not damaged in the road, still can wipe data cache. but install the update form sd card can not or will not runing.
5.booting first after install rom fair amount of time of approximately 15 minutes. Do not hurry to remove the battery. wait until the system finishes booting.

important: before doing anything on the phone to do the data backup beforehand. can pass CMW, recovery, twrp please find if you have not got.

How To Flashing zen ultrafone 306 play

hi this is jeff wong with expert village andtoday we're going to learn the basics of maintaining your vehicle. next we're going to check theengine coolant. i want to warn you here that engine coolant can be very hot if your carhas been recently running. you can see that there are warning labels on your radiatorcap here so use extreme caution when removing this cap. so the way to check if your engineis cool you should be able to hold the upper radiator hose. it could be warm to the touchbut it's not excessively hot. so to remove your radiator cap you can use a towel or acouple of paper towels stacked up or a glove would be good and you can place that overit. now be careful when opening the radiator cap because there may be pressure inside thatmay have built up causing fluid to spray out

when you open. so push down on the cap andturn counter clockwise slightly and listen for any release of pressure and if you hearthat either stop and wait. or if fluid is shooting out close the cap back, because theremay be excess pressure that has built up and the fluid is not completely cooled yet. soif the fluid is cool and you don't hear any pressure being released you can turn the capfully and remove it. if you look inside you can see that the fluid is full all the wayto the top. so this radiator doesn't need any additional fluid. now we're going to talkabout the different types of engine coolant that you can use. these are readily availablein even some supermarkets and any automotive store. so first i'm going to talk about 50-50pre-diluted antifreeze. so this antifreeze

is ready to use and you can just pour thisstraight into the radiator or the radiator reservoir. there's also coolant that is you can see there's nowhere that says 50-50 and on the back of the coolant there are directionsof the ratio of water to coolant that you should put in. so again be sure to use distilledwater and not tap water as that can build up mineral deposits inside your cooling tip if you have to mix your own coolant to water ratio is to mix your coolant andwater in a separate container outside of the vehicle. once you have the proper ratio thatyou need, then you can pour it into the radiator and you'll know exactly the ratio that wentin. as your engine heats up and excess pressure builds up, a little valve on your radiatorcap will open up and what this allows is excess

radiator fluid to escape from the top of theradiator through a hose and into the radiator fluid reservoir. now if your radiator fluidlevel is low, it will do the opposite and swipe the fluid from this reservoir back intothe radiator. so to fill your radiator reservoir simply unscrew the cap on top. you can pourfluid inside until you see the fluid level rise to between the minimum and maximum lineson the side of the reservoir. as we saw this radiator and the reservoir both have enoughfluid in there, so now we'll replace the cap. so when replacing the cap take note of thenotches or the tabs that are on the cap and line them up with the corresponding notchesthat are on the top of the radiator. once they are lined up you need to push down onthe radiator cap and turn in a clockwise fashion.

the handles or the little knobs on the sideof the radiator cap should line up with the radiator and the cap should be secure andtight. another thing you want to check when checking your radiator are the hoses thatfeed the coolant from the radiator into the engine. so there are two hoses on your radiator;one connects to the top of the radiator and one is at the bottom. so you want to visuallyinspect your hoses and check where the clamps clamp to the radiator and to the engine andassure that they are secure, that there are no leaks and that the radiator hose itselfis not cracked. you can see the other radiator hose is here, it leads down to the bottomof the radiator and here to the back of the engine and also make a visual check of thathose. so if your radiator hoses are cracked

or if there's excess leaking around wherethey clamp onto the radiator or the engine, the hose and or the clamp may also need tobe replaced.

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