Friday, February 24, 2017

How To Flashing goodone fly

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Download one of the above file:

Further to the next stage
1. Copy the file to Sd Card
2.boot into recovery mode, in the file already exists in the form of .pdf open a full tutorial and follow the instructions. anyone using flashing software.
3. When've followed all of the conditions please check the phone has been normal what is not.
4.Ciri EMMC feature of flashing not damaged in the road, still can wipe data cache. but install the update form sd card can not or will not runing.
5.booting first after install rom fair amount of time of approximately 15 minutes. Do not hurry to remove the battery. wait until the system finishes booting.

important: before doing anything on the phone to do the data backup beforehand. can pass CMW, recovery, twrp please find if you have not got.

How To Flashing goodone fly

sometimes fish are feeding exclusively onsmall fry. when this happens, its important to matchthe hatch so to speak. small fry are transparent and you can seetheir innards. i started tying this fly to mimic the smalltransparent baitfish you want to start by wrapping a fine monofilamentthread to the bend of the hook. now we are going to add a strand of saltwatersized flashabou. the really thick stuff. we want to wrap that in tightly all the wayback to the bend of the hook. then bring your thread to about half way tothe eye of the hook tie in some pink or red crystal chenille.or you can even make a small dubbing ball.

make multiple wraps if if you are using chenille.or make a relatively thick dubbing ball. now we will wrap our flashabou all the wayup the hook shank once you reach the chenille, wrap over thechenille and capture it with your thread. now make multiple tight wraps to hold everythingtogether. now pull a generous pinch off some pearl icedubbing. you want to wrap the dubbing around the hookshank, and tie it in so its completely engulfingthe hook shank. now pull back the extra fibers and wrap thosein as well. now add 4-5 strands of krystal flash on topof the dubbing.

wrap this in so that there is a small tagend on the flash. then pull these tag ends backward and tiethem in as well. as you can see, the tag ends will flair outward,and create some bulk. now pull a small pinch of ice dubbing in whatever color you plan on tying this in. in this case, im using olive. tie this in at the center of the clump, ontop of the hook. double it over on itself and tie that sidein as well. now pull a very small pinch of olive dubbingand dub it onto your fly to create a tapered head

now pull a generous pinch of pearl dubbingand wrap it around your hook shank tie this in in the center of the bunch,pull the front fibers back and tie them in as well. now whip finish your fly. we are now going to add the eyes.i am using a size 3/32" silver 3d eye we want to put these on at the very frontof the fly. this will hide any wraps, and give a smallhead on the fly. always make sure the eyes are even, if theyarent, it could track incorrectly. now we can epoxy our eyes in.i am using a product by solarez called "thin

hard" uv curing epoxy.its thin enough to penetrate the fibers, however its thick enough to form a small bulgeabove the eyes for a head. it cures very quickly with a good uv curinglight, so its much easier and quicker than the 5minute epoxy i like epoxying the eyes in steps.lets rotate our fly and we can epoxy the bottom part of the eyes.we want to pull back the fibers before we add the can use a bodkin to adjust the epoxy if need be.make sure and keep the fibers pulled back before curing.

i am now going to use another product, alsomade by solarez. this is the "bone dry" formula. it is superthin, and comes with a brush applicator i like painting around the eyes with it, itwill cure super hard without any tackyness it will also be one last added step to ensurethe eyes are completely covered with epoxy. that insures that they will stay on, and makethe fly much more durable. after the fly gets wet, you can see just howtransparent it is. the small lightly colored gill really showsthrough, and the pearl hook shank looks like the pearlyguts of a small fry. this is a subtle presentation, and great forfinicky fish.

if you like this sorta thing, please subscribe!leave your questions in the comment section below. now go catch some fish!

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